Honey is a fountain of substances useful to the body of any person. It contains a lot of carbohydrates, enzymes, amino acids, proteins, vitamins and their predecessors, in a word, this product is able to provide substantial support to the immunity weakened by this or that disease. Therefore, now there are many different recipes, but according to most of them, the main product of beekeeping or the drug on its basis is on an empty stomach or some time before eating, that is, the maximum benefit of fasting honey is observed.
Why on an empty stomach?
Just one spoonful of honey in the morning on an empty stomach helps to awaken the body and for a long time to provide it with most of the necessary connections. This product of beekeeping activates the vital forces of the body and charges a person with vivacity for the whole day.
Regular use of honey in the morning will help to provide significant resistance to all kinds of stress, relieve the chronic fatigue syndrome, and also have a beneficial effect on the condition of organs affected by chronic ailments.
Nevertheless, the use of honey on an empty stomach is observed not only good, but also harm. Since it contains a large amount of sugars, it strongly adheres to the teeth, thereby destroying their enamel and causing caries. In addition, the excessive intake of this sweet drug may not be the best way to affect the condition of the figure, since the caloricity of honey is about the same as that of sugar. Do not forget about the individual intolerance of certain products, so before you take the treatment, it is worth checking whether the reception of bee products causes the development of allergic reactions. For the same reason, with great caution, one should treat their use by children under 2 years of age.
Warning! Taking honey on an empty stomach in the morning can be unsafe for people with high acidity of gastric juice.
Indications for the use of honey in the morning
- For ischemic heart disease it is recommended to take a daily dose of honey 3-5 times a day, that is 90 g( it is best to choose steppe or forest).This treatment should be continued for about 2 months, but not longer, while the diet should exclude all sweets.
- Honey on an empty stomach can also be used to treat all kinds of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, including pharyngitis, bronchial asthma, rhinitis, bronchitis, etc. In such cases it is necessary to use three times a day on a teaspoon of honey of light varieties, while it is recommended to hold it for several minutes in the mouth.
- For improvement of vision it is necessary before a dream, but it is obligatory up to cleaning of a teeth, rassasyvat 1 tbsp.l.lime honey.
- Honey in the morning on an empty stomach can help to cope with the problem of constipation. To do this, take one teaspoon with butter, and immediately drink a glass of warm water.
- For the treatment of liver diseases on an empty stomach take 50 g of bee products mixed with 1 tbsp.l.powdered oak bark. Positive changes with such therapy are usually observed in a month. By the way, the oak bark is a natural remedy not only for the treatment of the liver, but also for many other ailments. You can learn more about this curative natural gift from the article: Oak bark and its use in folk medicine.
- To eliminate neurasthenia, it is recommended to use morning and night flower honey for 30 grams, and in the middle of the day - 50 g. Positive dynamics is observed after 2 weeks of continuous treatment, but it should be continued for at least 1 month.
- There has been no debate for a long time about the usefulness of fasting medications for heart disease. To significantly strengthen the entire cardiovascular system, it is sufficient to periodically take a drink made from ½ cup decoction of pomegranate pelts and 1 tbsp.l.product of beekeeping.
Attention! The use of honey or funds on its basis can not be the only method of treatment. Regular reception of products of beekeeping only promotes strengthening of an organism and acceleration of convalescence.
Water with honey for weight loss and health improvement
Numerous studies have shown that as quickly as possible the components of the bee sweetness are absorbed if it is first dissolved in a glass of warm water. With the help of a glass of such a drink you can reliably protect yourself from all sorts of colds, and if you take it not only in the mornings, but at night, then strengthen and significantly improve the quality of your sleep.
Important: when dissolving honey in hot liquids, it loses most of its healing properties.
There are several indications for the intake of medicinal water. It:
- With ulcerative gastritis, fasting honey should be consumed 1.5 hours before meals or 3 hours after eating. In such cases it is advisable to dissolve 35 g of bee products in a glass of boiled water, the temperature of which depends on the level of acidity of the gastric juice. So, with low acidity, cold water with honey is used on an empty stomach, and at high temperature, respectively, it is warm. Also, with a high level of acidity, it is recommended to take porridge or cottage cheese, in which honey was previously added.
- With frequent epileptic seizures, it is possible to take an empty stomach in the morning on 1 st.l.honey, and in the evening - water with it.
- Warm water with honey( 2 tablespoons) on an empty stomach helps to relieve inflammation, including the heart muscle.
- Water with honey on an empty stomach also helps to fight with extra pounds. For this purpose, you can take half an hour before eating a glass of water with a teaspoon of bee treats dissolved in it and two teaspoons of vinegar.
Advice: for cleansing the body of toxins and accelerating the metabolism, warm water with fasting honey is best suited, in which additional juice of half a lemon and 30 g of aloe are added.