The tincture of the healer cures osteochondrosis, simultaneously curing alcoholism and pediculosis!

Chemeritsa is a perennial, herbaceous plant of the lily family. It has short, thick roots and a rounded stem, about 1 meter high. Its leaves are large, round, flowers - yellow-green or white, collected in paniculate inflorescences. The plant blooms all summer.

On the territory of Russia there is a white, black and chieftain Lobel. All these species have a pronounced drug effect and are used in folk medicine. A special love is enjoyed by the tincture of the Hegirae on alcohol. Consider its useful properties and instructions for cooking.

Chemical composition of

Attention! All constituent plants are poisonous. For medicinal purposes only the roots are suitable. Incorrect use of them can cause severe poisoning.

Chemeritsa grows on the coasts of rivers and springs, on forest edges. Dig it out usually in spring and autumn. It is most poisonous in the spring, so collection should be done only by experienced herbalists.

The roots of the Chegorie can boast an impressive collection of nutrients. These are:

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  • alkaloids( up to 2.5%), improving blood circulation, lowering blood pressure;
  • amino alcohols, normalizing the work of the heart;
  • tannins( ash and resins), which have anti-inflammatory, cleansing action;
  • minerals - potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium.

Warning! Chemerichna tincture is used only externally, because of the high toxicity.

Root preparation

The excavated roots of the plant are cleaned of soil and dried in partial shade, not allowing them to be exposed to direct sunlight. For tinctures and broths they are ground to a powdery state. Dried raw materials should be stored in a tissue bag in a draft for no more than three years.

Warning! When working with the roots of the hedgehog, cover the face and breathing channels with a gauze cloth - poisonous dust can cause prolonged sneezing and nosebleeds.

For therapeutic purposes, only the roots of the plant are used.

Tincture of chegery for humans is used as:

  • antiparasitic;
  • is an anesthetic;
  • annoying;
  • antifungal agent.

How to prepare a medicinal tincture

Like the pharmacy

Pharmacy from the roots of a chamois can be easily prepared at home. Crushed raw materials pour alcohol, a strength of 70%( in proportions 1:10).Liquid infuse for 10 days in a dark and cool place. When it acquires a reddish-brown color, it can be safely used.

Home Tincture

Mix 40% alcohol or flavored vodka without any impurities with the roots of the plant, powdered. The liquid should be infused for 2 weeks. The obtained tincture of the hellebore has only external application - it is used for rubbing the diseased areas. It can also be mixed with Vaseline, in a ratio of 1: 4, and let the mixture be blended.

Use of

An alcohol based on chiropractic has a pronounced antiparasitic effect. Therefore, it is used for scabies, pediculosis( lice).Affected areas should be treated twice a day tincture or vaseline mixture.

Usher infusion effectively louses lice( pediculosis)

The plaque tincture improves the tone of skeletal muscles, dilates the blood vessels, excites the nervous system, has a mocha and choleretic, sedative effect. Its pain and irritant properties are directed to the treatment of neuralgia, radiculitis, osteochondrosis, arthritis, rheumatism, gout and some ailments of the musculoskeletal system. It effectively relieves pain in the muscles, relieves seborrhea, eczema, dandruff.

Means to treat and food poisoning( in this case, inside, but not more than 1 gram).This is due to its ability to induce vomiting, along with which harmful toxins are removed from the body.

At the same time, the tincture of chieftains is used not only for people, but for animals. Veterinarians with her help restore chewing gum cattle, treat tymponium( bloating), atony predzheludkov( rupture), provoke vomiting during poisoning.

Warning! When treating a cynical tincture of an animal, it is important to consider the dosage, otherwise it may die.

Tincture of cheating is also used from lice, fleas and ticks. It is diluted with water and the hair of the affected animal is sprayed.

Treatment of alcoholism

Despite the fact that it can be poisoned by ingestion, folk healers often use it as an antidiarrheal drug.1-2 drops, mixed with water, cause vomiting, and in a few minutes they remove alcohol intoxication.

Warning! Alcohol tincture - an excellent tool for the treatment of alcoholism. The method is rather risky and does not enjoy the confidence of official medicine.

Tincture treats alcoholism and removes hangover syndrome

To prepare an antialcoholic medication, mix the chopped roots of the horseradish( 10 g) with vodka( 100 g).Keep the container tightly, place it for 10 days in a cool place where sunlight does not reach, and periodically shake the liquid.

The finished tincture of chic is used according to the following scheme: on the first day, 1 drop is added to the patient, 1 for the food, 2 for the food, 3 for the third, and so on. Soon an alcoholic will feel dizzy, severe attacks of nausea and vomiting. Gradually, he will have a dislike for alcohol, caused by the fear of once again being in the grip of poor health. The method is rather unusual, but it works in 8 cases out of 10.

Attention! Do not overdose, as the chie is very poisonous.


Tops the list of contraindications overdose, which can cause the strongest intoxication of the body. Tincture of a chamois, the application of which is appropriate for both humans and animals, should be used inside strictly within the indicated doses. Exceeding the norm even by 1 gram can be detrimental to health. In folk medicine, there have even been instances in which excessive use of the drug has led to a fatal outcome.

In case of exceeding the dose( in the treatment of alcoholism, food poisoning), immediately wash the stomach and take activated charcoal. Excellent rescue tools are white clay, diluted with water and laxative tablets, which will purify the body of toxins.

Overdose of the product may lead to death

External application of the tincture is prohibited:

  • for inflammation and skin lesions;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • for cardiovascular disease;
  • for severe liver disease;
  • for individual intolerance of the agent.

Tincture of chamois, the use of which is recommended exclusively external, if properly handled, relieve you of many health problems.

  • Mar 11, 2018
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