In the 90s of the last century, nutritionists from the United States began to state that weight patients more often began to handle repeated complaints about recommended diets. Men and women who successfully coped with obesity said that they no longer had the strength to count calories, tolerate hunger and spend agonizing hours in gyms. Tired of restrictions, people organized an entire anti-diathetic movement, which led to unexpected results.
It took quite a bit of time for some of them to realize: they really ate without special restrictions and still lost extra pounds. And all because these people have learned to correctly recognize the signals that the body was feeding. Their generalized experience and the recommendations resulting from it were called "intuitive nutrition".
What kind of experience should be adopted if you also suffer from problems caused by excess weight?
1. Adequately respond to hunger
First of all, learn to distinguish between a genuine hunger and a desire to regale. In case you are really hungry, do not ignore this sensation.
What do people usually do if they suck at a wrong time at a wrong time? Tell yourself that now is not before, will have to eat a little later. And as a result, sitting at the table very hungry, gorge on to the heap.
It's not difficult to avoid this if you snack, feeling hungry. Eat what you really want, and do not run for fast food just because "McDonald's" is located within walking distance!
2. Stop blaming yourself
If you really want to try a cake, buy a small piece and please yourself. Just do not suffer because of feelings of guilt, better try to fully enjoy the meal.
And do not buy a low-calorie flour product! Studies have shown that because of the declared "low" level of calories, people eventually eat huge portions, the total caloric content of which is usually higher than in a small slice of the usual cake.
3. Do not resort to food to get rid of unpleasant emotions
When you are distressed, tired or bored, the easiest way is to reach out to the fridge. But try to get rid of this habit. You can comfort yourself during adversity in another way: go in for yoga, go for a walk, read a good book.
Make a list of the things you like in advance, and take care of them, feeling the temptation to take food not because of hunger. Putting a rigid ban on food is not necessary, because in the first stage the goal is to break the formed behavioral pattern of "grief - food".First, work on replacing it with "disappointment - a pleasant lesson - eating", and then it will be much easier for you to get rid of the last item.
4. Do not abandon the new
Often you can hear negative feedback on HLS, because its recipes seem "monotonous".This may seem surprising, because the number of healthy dishes is estimated in the hundreds. But if you follow yourself, you will find the reason for this phenomenon.
For example, you take a friend's recipe for a great salad. A few days later she asks if you prepared this dish, and you honestly answer that you made a charlotte at the weekend. You can not even say that you really wanted to taste it - you just adhered to the usual pattern.
Or did you really try a new dish, but instead of an orange you put an apple at hand, or you used the usual seasonings, which are not in the recipe. Is it any wonder, if you then say: "In general, it turned out well, but nothing special, everything is as usual".In this case, the fear of change is your enemy!
5. Do not get up from the table immediately after the end of the meal
Slow down a bit to analyze your feelings. Compare well-being after healthy meals and those that are harmful to your health. It is possible that because of the "prohibition" of certain products, they have a great attraction for you. Therefore, you subconsciously start to consider dishes useful for a figure tasteless, exaggerating the dignity of flour and sweet products.
If you spend some time analyzing your sensations, and will also eat without being distracted by watching TV or reading, then you will fully try out every piece and will be able to re-discover the taste of many products.
6. Go in for sports that you like
Physical stress is necessary, but stop driving yourself to exhaustion in the fitness club and feverishly count how many calories you lose during a certain activity. Surely there is a certain kind of physical activity that you like. It does not matter if it's yoga, dancing, swimming or walking. The main thing is that you wait for training with impatience, and not with horror!
The only thing that the system of intuitive nutrition strictly prohibits, is overeating. In no case cease to control the amount of servings, because it is necessary that the stomach is used to a moderate amount of food. So forget about the word "diet", learn to listen to the body, and the result will surprise you soon!