Rules for the consumption of starch and fruit

How to eat starchy products

Foods containing starch, many - cereals, bread, pasta, many vegetables: potatoes, sweet potatoes, sunflower( unripe).In cabbage, spinach, asparagus, peas, radish, the starch content is insignificant.

The golden rule of literate use of starch products is to mix a maximum of two starch-containing components. Cereals are not desirable to mix at all, since the time required for their digestion is different, and this is harmful to the stomach.

Starchy foods are recommended to eat in the afternoon in combination with juicy plant and unprocessed ingredients. For example, boiled pasta can be eaten with a salad of radishes, onions and any other greens. Vitamins in fresh herbs will help to digest a solid dinner.

Starch is safe for use when it is in "dry" form. For example, crumbly porridge. However, after chewing, the porridge must enter the stomach in a liquid form. In other cases, a plentiful drink is recommended, otherwise the sticky properties of starch may be harmful to the intestine.

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Rules for the consumption of fruit

Fruit, perhaps, is the most delicious and useful food for a person. They may well be a great aperitif, especially for people with poor appetite.

The most important thing is not to mix them with sugar. Even sour fruit is better to eat without sugar, because it causes fermentation and slows the digestion of cellulose. Do not mix acidic fruits or berries with sweet fruits.

The most suitable time for full-fledged ingestion of vitamins and nutrients in the body is taking fruit in the morning on an empty stomach or on an empty stomach before eating. Fruits very quickly pass the stomach and enter the small intestine, where the absorption of the nutrients contained in them occurs.

As for citrus, they do not allow mixing sugar and honey with them. Ironically, but everyone's favorite tea with lemon is absolutely useless drink because of sugar. Harm from him there is no, but also good. It's just delicious:) .

Otherwise, there are no restrictions on the use of fruit.

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