Grills - a new trend in the decoration of teeth or a way to get the disease?

In the 80-ies of the XX century in the fashion included accessories for teeth - grills( grillz).Their inventor is considered to be Eddie Plane. He was the first who decided to install a patch on the front teeth. Material for such accessories were: silver, platinum and gold.

The grills have always been very popular with rap musicians. Only here the way of fitting the products under the teeth was quite awful. For this, a baseball bat was used. A few years later, dentists made the installation of jewelry more civilized.

Initially, the decoration was called - grills( in translation from English "lattice").But after 2005 the name of the accessory changed a little. The reason for this was the song of the hippie Nellie, in which he called them grillz. In Russia, such decorations are called differently: grills, grills, grills. ..

In 2013, such dental accessories are again in vogue. And many world stars tried them on themselves. They are: Riana, Beyonce, Madonna and many others.

On the streets of Russia and the CIS to meet people with grills is difficult. Even the most inveterate women of fashion and mods are not ready to lay out a "round sum" for the decoration. Despite this, in St. Petersburg, the dental clinic Medent opened, which offers professional and high-quality manufacturing of dental accessories.

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Used materials

A person who wants to buy grills, can choose the alloy and shape, as well as various design additions. Each accessory is made individually. Silicone coating inside the decoration provides a stable fixation and reliable protection of the enamel from injury to the metal part. Grills are of the following types:

  1. Stamped - do not repeat tooth contours. Because of this, periodontal trauma occurs. These products can be bent with your fingers under the shape of your teeth. The probability of a successful outcome of the procedure is 50 × 50.They are attached to the back teeth with the help of special clamps. Stamped grills are made from a cheap material that oxidizes and displaces PH in the mouth. This process negatively affects the health of tooth enamel.
  2. Chromium-nickel - this material is standard, as it is this alloy that is used most often for individual manufacturing of dental ornaments. Fastening occurs due to a special insert, which is integrated into the inner part of the lining. If such an ornament is worn rarely, it will not do any harm.
  3. Silver - the material is not oxidized in the mouth. It has a bactericidal property that helps keep fresh breath and cleanliness in the mouth while wearing. This jewelry is considered a jewelry. The advantage is that the accessory can be polished if it has faded. Also, silver can be melted to create a grill with a different design, or to apply gold plating.
  4. Gold - belong to the top accessories. Fully made of gold.

Manufacturing technology

Making grills is not difficult. It is enough to follow a certain sequence of actions:

  1. Remove the impression of the upper or lower teeth of the .First of all, a cast of teeth is made, on which a person wishes to install ornaments. For this purpose, the components of the mixture for the mold are connected in a special container. After the finished mixture is applied to the teeth. Then it is given to grab it for 2.5 minutes. At this stage of manufacturing, the buyer needs to determine the material and form for the products, as well as the additional design.
  2. Fill mold with special putty. The material that is filled in the casts is green or blue. The dental technician creates an individual model of teeth. Shpaklevku poured into the mold.
  3. Fill the form .Before you cover the shape with precious metal, you need to add a wax strip to it. Wax is removed when the mold is sent to the casting machine. After that, the metal takes the form of a mold.
  4. Remove the mold from the casting machine and separate the linings from it. When the form passed through the machine, it is already a pure metal( gold, silver or chrome nickel).Basically, because of the burning, the shape becomes quite rough. But grills look great only if they sit well in the mouth and do not deliver any discomfort.
  5. Polishing .Before polishing the grills, excess metal is removed in those places where there will be precious stones or other additions. After that, each tooth is smoothed out. This is done until the product is well seated in the mouth.

The process of making dental jewelry takes place in dental clinics that provide such services, or in special salons.

In these cases, jewelry is made from gold, silver or chrome nickel. A cheaper option can be ordered from the online store.

However, it should be taken into account that ready-made grills do not repeat the unique shape of the teeth, which is why there is a high probability of discomfort during wearing jewelry.

From what the value of

is formed Buying grills in the online store, you need to make sure of the quality and safety of the product. For each decoration, the seller must provide the appropriate certificate. It is also important to choose the right decoration size.

It should be taken into account that the form and design of accessories are standard and of the same type. And the cost of stamped jewelry varies from $ 10 to $ 300.

Grills made in specialized institutions, surpass cheap analogs in all respects:

  • firstly, all the decorations are made individually;
  • secondly, there is no doubt about the quality of the product;
  • third, the design of the accessory is made in accordance with the wishes of the patient.

The only drawback in this case is the cost of dental jewelry. Since it is much higher than the cost of goods from the Internet. The price depends on the material from which the grills are made, the shape of the product, and also the additions in the form of diamonds.
Approximate cost of decoration is shown below.

Price for one tooth, in rubles:

  • impression making, correction and model making - 1500;
  • manufacturing of usual ornaments from silver alloy( without addition in the form of drawings and engraving) - 4500;
  • manufacture of a regular product from a chromium-nickel alloy( without addition in the form of drawings and engraving) - 4300;
  • making of an accessory of high complexity from a silver alloy( with additions in the form of engraving, notches of diamond cut, notch and so on) - 5250;
  • gold plating on a silver alloy plate - 1875;
  • making a grill of yellow, white or red gold( with additions in the form of precious stones).The cost is calculated individually.

Do not forget that wearing gryllzov can adversely affect the health of the oral cavity. In the first place, people suffering from allergies are prone to negative exposure.

Therefore, if discomfort occurs when wearing an accessory, you should immediately consult a specialist. One way or another, fashion changes, and health problems do not go away with it.

  • Mar 11, 2018
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