Four modern methods and folk remedies for gum augmentation

In what cases is it necessary to build up the gums and what does the mouth of the person that needs it look like, it is better to illustrate it by living example.

In the 1970s, the television series, "Noisy Fernandel", was the loudest success, where the main character was "a man with a horse's smile."

Unusual, just horse-like long teeth with almost bare gums, gave his face an indescribable comic-degenerative expression, combined with funny grimaces and gestures of the hero very amusing audience.

Content of

Not every neckline is deep to the face

  • Why is operation
  • Regeneration methods
    • Carrying out osteoplasty
    • Method of replanting
    • Sinus lifting
    • Non-surgical technique
    • Features and objectives of operation for prosthetics
  • Price of issue
  • About the possibility of complications and consequences of
  • Are they applicablefolk methods of treatment?
  • On the prevention of atrophic processes
  • Not every neckline is deep to the face

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    But what creates an image of a television clown, a normal person or sexuality, or aesthetic enjoyment of his appearance is not

    A horse smile is not to everyone's face. ..

    adds. And the deeper( lower) "decollete" around the tooth necks, the more repulsive the impression is made by the mouth.

    Fortunately, the previously unrealizable build-up of gums in the present time has become quite real. As well as the fight against complications due to their atrophy, after all, gingivitis - their recession( because of the short frenum of the lip, the small depth of the mouth, the wrong bite) is unsafe for the health of the body, because it is fraught with many dangerous consequences.

    To which, apart from the ineradicable unpleasant odor emanating from the mouth( due to periodontal disease and its consequences), the unnatural mobility of the teeth, weakly holding in their holes, and the associated impossibility of thoroughly chewing food are related.

    Over time, the teeth from the small holes that are dropped are elementary. But even after this gum atrophy continues, preventing the possibility of prosthetics.

    All this leads to the development of diseases of the digestive tract with disorders of metabolic processes in the body, to the decline of its vital activity, early aging and premature death.

    Why is the operation

    In addition to the need to restore the aesthetics of the appearance of the oral cavity, the operation for gum augmentation is carried out to normalize the vital functions of the body, with the goal of eliminating disorders in the digestive and metabolic system, and also for prevention to prevent the manifestations of the above-mentioned disorders.

    The first group of indications is aesthetic plastic, eliminating the abnormality of the contour of the gum resulting from:

    • of its mechanical trauma;
    • the actions of the formed pathological habits.

    The second refers to the therapeutic indications for gum regeneration in the case of:

    • development of periodontitis or periodontitis;
    • need for implantation or prosthetics of teeth;
    • need for correction of occlusion.

    Gum enlargement may also be necessary in such cases:

    • preventing the development of radical caries;
    • delivering teeth from excessive sensitivity to temperatures, both low and high, for the root enamel is not adapted to them, nor to contact with saliva and food.

    Under gum augmentation regardless of the cause of their atrophy( pathological anatomy of the jaw structure and genetic predisposition to periodontal diseases, loss of one or more teeth due to adentia, poor quality of oral cavity care, influence of age and bad habits) means soft tissue plastic withrestoration of both the form and structure of the gingival tissue.

    Regeneration methods

    To restore the volume of tissues begin with the buildup of the jaw bone mass, making it one of four methods:

    • by the implantation of the bone block;
    • regeneration in the literal sense of the word;
    • using surgical osteoplasty;
    • using sinus-lifting( used for implantation).

    Carrying out osteoplasty

    In order to fill the deficiency of mass and volume in osteoplasty, it is possible to use both an autograft( plastic with own tooth or palatine tissues) and artificial biological( donor) material, which plays the role of a catalyst - a stimulator of bone tissue growth.

    The second modification is preferable, because it allows to produce the plastic one-time( without the sampling stage of the own tissue), and also to avoid the formation of postoperative scars on the mucosa at the site of tissue removal and the need to treat the inflammation foci that have arisen here.

    The operation is performed in a two-step method:

    • injection anesthesia;
    • fixing the barrier membrane with bone crumb with screws with gum suturing.

    Method of replanting

    When a bone block is inserted, the jaw volume is enlarged by inserting into it a block of own bone taken from the hard palate, the chin or mandibular area, or the bone as donor( including animal origin) and artificially created.

    For the fastest engraftment of the block and germination of vessels in the patient's bone bed, holes are made, the block is fixed with screws, and all the free space between it and the bed is filled with bone chips. The wound is sutured, a complete restoration of the structure of the area occurs within 4 months.

    Sinus lifting

    The indications for this operation are the anatomical or age-specific features of the structure of the dentoalveolar system, and the essence is the pushing to the top of the bottom of the nasal and maxillary sinuses of the upper jaw through the thin canal in the gum and jaw created by the osteotome, with the insertion of artificial bone into the formed space.

    In another( closed) version of the sinus-lifting implant is installed simultaneously with the extension of the gum, the movement of the bottom of both sinuses is made through the implant bed, the free space is filled with bone chips of own or foreign origin.

    In the course of the operation for the regeneration of the jaw bone, as a material for replanting, either synthetic bone granules, or animal bones, or a block of the patient's own bone can be used.

    As the same holding them in place of the membrane, preventing the washing of the attached material, use self-absorbing flaps, or synthetic, extracted in the second stage of the operation.

    Non-surgical technique

    The non-surgical method of regeneration with the introduction of collagen into the gum segment is applicable only in the early stages of the recession, when the contour of the mucosa is lowered to a height of less than 3 mm, without exposing the roots of the teeth.

    Features and objectives of the operation for prosthetics

    The implantation increase is dictated by the need to match the height of the gum to the length of the implant implant, and in case of inconsistency of these parameters, the maxillary sinus can be ruptured with infection.

    The essence of the surgical process is the replanting of the seized block of bone tissue into a problematic area with its fixation by titanium screws and the imposition of a membrane that limits the washing away of bone crust. The last stage of plastic surgery is suturing the gums tightly. At the end of the engrafting phase, the screws are removed, the time for implant implantation comes.

    Price of the issue

    If the average price of gingivoplasty with collagen is 8 thousand rubles, then the gingival enlargement before the implantation of teeth will cost 5-6 times more - in addition to the cost of implants, the cost of the service will be:

    • when bone block is inserted - 16;
    • to osteoplasty - 25;
    • sine lifting - 15;
    • regeneration - 30 thousand rubles.

    On the possibility of complications and consequences of

    The category of postoperative problems include:

    • membrane eruption along the seam line, resulting in wound suppuration;
    • complete rejection of the bone block or its sequestration, requiring re-plastication.

    Recurrence of the operation requires the detachment of the block during implantation, or a significant( up to 50%) loss of its initial volume during the engraftment process.

    Are popular therapies applicable?

    Gum tissue grafts can not be achieved in the necessary volume by folk methods, but as an auxiliary method after the operation they will be very helpful, as well as to prevent further or repeated atrophy due to chronic trauma and the impact of pathological habits formed in the course of life.

    For the success of self-treatment, the toothbrush needs to be replaced with a softer and more selective medication, including:

    • ointment for the treatment of gums;
    • special toothpaste( for the treatment of periodontal disease);
    • therapeutic vegetable oil( olive or sea buckthorn);
    • decoctions of medicinal raw materials( herbs of nettle, sage, chamomile and oak bark).

    Adherence to the rules of biomechanics movements during tooth cleaning allows, freeing them from plaque, to avoid injuring soft tissues, leading to inflammation of the gums with their subsequent atrophy.

    The formulation of an antiparadontose toothpaste also helps to remove irritation and inflammatory tension in the gums, like rinsing the mouth during the day with decoctions of medicinal plants, or an easy evening massage of the gum tissue after cleaning the teeth with a cotton swab impregnated with healing oil.

    Gum massage, produced by a finger dipped in soda paste - a thick slurry of soda powder mixed with water - is as useful as a natural massage with foods high in fiber and natural fibers( whole meat instead of minced meat, raw vegetables instead of stewed).

    Application of soda allows to achieve:

    • recovery in the oral cavity of a natural( alkaline) medium;
    • extermination in the oral cavity of putrefactive flora;
    • intensification of blood circulation in the gums with the normalization of biochemical processes in tissues, resulting in replenishment of their natural mass and volume.

    About the prevention of atrophic processes

    The main measures to prevent atrophy are the natural nature of nutrition with an abundance of viscous-fibrous food, creating the effect of an "elastic spring", with the need to apply a significant effort to chew it.

    Vitamin and mineral composition of the consumed food is also important, because the lack of vitamins D, B9, C is a lack of substances vital for the health of the body.

    No less important is the overcoming of bad habits, leading to a disorder of biochemical processes in the tissues of the oral cavity.

    Conducting a healthy life with a minimum of stress, measures to strengthen immunity, as well as regular examination at the dentist with the subsequent implementation of his recommendations on oral hygiene can prevent the onset of a recession of the gingival tissue and the development of other pathological processes in it.

    After the same operation for six months, one should not make sharp head movements, including coughing, sneezing. It is forbidden to dive, fly by air, exercise, use in hygienic procedures for hot and too cold water. You should also be aware of the choice of food, so as not to negate the results achieved.

    • Mar 11, 2018
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