How to help a child learn a pot?

Contents of
  • The first question is when should a child learn a pot?
  • The second question is the choice of the
  • toilet pot. And the third, the main question is how to help the child master the pot?

I think you should not talk about the relevance of this issue for all parents without exception. Let's move right to the point.

The first question is when should a child learn a pot?

The answer is unambiguous - after a year, but up to two. At least, nowhere is there any convincing evidence that any child himself sat down on the pot before his first birthday. Allowing your baby's skin to breathe without diapers is necessary from the first days and as often as possible, but to sit down barely learned to sit crumbs on a huge pot, at least, is not very clever.

The second question is the choice of the toilet pot

Yes, it was the toilet pot, not the toy. It is enough to buy the most ordinary pot, without any additional entertainment devices. The main thing is that the child himself had the opportunity to sit on it, it is comfortable to stay and relax. On the favorite by many parents, the stool for the baby, as a rule, hangs the legs. Would you personally be comfortable with this situation?

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And the third, the main question - how to help the child to master the pot?

First we remove the diaper at home entirely, use it only on the street, on a visit and at night. Here we will be helped by panties and soft cloths. Such kits need 6-7.It's easier to avoid puddles and stains on furniture. If in the summer, then you can do just panties or even naked. Wash constantly is not necessary at all - just 2-3 times rinse. By the way, there is almost no irritation in such cases, which can not be said about using diapers.

Naturally, first there will be misses. But very soon you will joyfully notice that your child himself sits on the pot, and even later nods to the question: "Do not you want to go to the toilet?".

For successfully accomplished action, of course, it is worth praising, kissing. Slightly scold for failure also does not hurt, only after the little man has already learned to use the pot, but sometimes just forgets about it. Screaming, and, moreover, raising a hand categorically impossible. It's enough to gently hint that your child did something wrong and mom( dad) now clean up.

That's all. The main thing is not to worry and not to rape the baby, but just to periodically remind that he is already an adult and walking in a diaper or in wet panties is not at all to the face.

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  • Feb 28, 2018
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