A beautiful scarlet berry is loved by both children and adults. And only truck farmers know that a whole basket of sweet and fragrant fruits from one bush is the result of not only sufficient lighting and observance of irrigation rules, but also competent feeding. The choice of fertilizers for planting and fertilizing strawberries is a responsible business. Consultants in flower shops do not always know all the secrets of fertilizers for each individual plant. Therefore, it is better to study independently the recommendations of experienced summer residents about the cultivation of delicious berries.
Types of fertilizers for strawberry
To achieve the desired yield, fertilizers are used for planting strawberries of two types: organic and mineral.
In the list of natural( organic) fertilizers are:
- The most accessible substance is manure. To saturate the soil nutrient for plants, humus uses a litter with a drop from the stall of livestock. Apply manure only in a dried form, since fresh, most likely, teeming with weeds, which are unlikely to become good neighbors of strawberries.
- Humus - a brown mass from the decomposed manure. It is more useful than the product that forms it. The richest composition and high concentration of nutrients in the right amount will fill the needs of the green nurseries of the garden. manure humus
- Chicken manure is another gift of nature for high yield. It shows a high content of nitrogen, so when preparing the mixture for feeding, the litter is diluted in water. Gardeners have deduced an optimum proportion: on one part of a chicken manure - 20 parts of water.
- Dairy products. Thanks to the watering of milk whey, the soil becomes weakly acidic, this is an excellent medium for growing berries. In addition, the milk is saturated with microelements and amino acids, which are so necessary for growing shrubs. Sour-milk products are usually used in a mixture with humus, manure or ash. chicken litter sour-milk products
Finished mineral fertilizers are always present on the shelves of shops for summer residents. In their composition in various combinations and ratios are included such valuable minerals as nitrogen, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus.
- Nitrogen will give strawberries an excellent presentation: a bright color and a large size of berries. Taste quality nitrogen also noticeably improves. But it is important to observe the measure: the excess of this valuable fertilizer will lead to a change in the taste of the berries not for the better, and they will become insufficiently sweet. Sources of nitrogen are urea or ammonium nitrate. Urea can be dissolved in an amount of 1 tablespoon in 10 liters of water. Strawberries are saturated with nitrogen when watering with an aqueous solution( 0.5 liters per bush).
- Potassium helps the berry stay fresh for a long time, as well as delicious and sweet. A clear sign of the shortage of this substance is the burnt leaves. To save strawberry bushes, we get something from this list: potassium sulfate, wood ash, potassium nitrate, potassium chloride.
Fertilizing strawberries in the initial planting
Before the first fertilization, it is necessary to properly prepare the soil:
- Cleaning of the soil from weeds.
- The upper soil layer is digested with humus.
- Finely ground the ground and level the surface.
- Fertilization step: we fill the organic mixture in the formed wells.
- Option number 1: one bucket of ordinary soil, compost and nutrient dung alternately fall asleep in the mixer to mix the fertilizers, add a couple of glasses of ash.
- Option number 2: for 1 cup of ash measure 30 grams of superphosphate and humus substances.
- Option number 3: with a bucket of compost mix 35-45 grams of superphosphate, 20 g of potassium chloride and a little more - 25 grams of urea. 1 compost bucket 35-45 grams
20 grams 25 grams
All listed ingredients are easy to find in the garden goods stores.
An additional event during planting, aimed at the safety of strawberry bush, is a fertilizer for protection against eating by insects. Snails and slugs also like to eat fragrant strawberries from the garden. To harvest has reached your table, it is recommended to sprinkle the beds with coarse-grained sand at the last stage of planting.
Knowing what to fertilize when planting a strawberry is not enough.
Feeding of strawberries from spring to autumn
The first fertilizing of strawberries after planting is spring.
As soon as the last snow melts and the plus temperature stabilizes, the summer season begins. Strawberry bushes after winter hibernation need to intensify the development of leaves and young shoots. The best assistant in this is nitrogen.
Options for dressing for garden strawberries for spring:
- dissolve cow dung in water - 1:10;
- sour milk mixture diluted with water - 1: 3;Chicken dung in the water
- - 1:15;
- half a cup of ash, 15 drops of iodine and a teaspoon of boric acid are mixed in a five-liter container of water;
- infusion of nettle dioecious: bucket with leaves of the plant is filled with warm water and infused for up to 5 days;nettles water
- fill the bucket with the remaining crusts of bread, leaving a third of the water tank. Keep the mixture in a sufficiently heated place from a week to 10 days. The fermented liquid is thinned three times with water.
Depending on the size of the bushes, we pour from 0.5 to 1 liter of the prepared liquid top dressing for each.
Summer fertilizing is performed after harvesting the first harvest, in July. Just at this time, new roots and flower buds are starting to form, which will "wake up" next season. Now strawberries are in great need of potassium and other nutrients.
Determine what to fertilize the ground with the second fertilizing of the berries:
- ash dissolves in water - 100 grams per 10 l;100 grams of ash 10 liters of water
- takes biohumus - about one glass, it is insisted one day in 10 liters of water, then re-diluted in half with water;
- in 5 liters of water dissolve 1 tablespoon of potassium nitrate.
Now it's enough for half a liter of any liquid fertilizer. After a lapse of two weeks, the procedure of summer feeding is repeated. You can apply and dry fertilizing: scatter the ash under each of the bushes.
This time the dose of additional feeding is even less, from 250 ml to 0.5 l:
- 100 grams of ash plus 1 tbsp.l.superphosphate are bred in cow manure and water in a ratio of 1:10;
- half a cup of ash dissolves in the mullein and water - in proportions of 1 to 10;
- 5 liters of water + a mixture of half a glass of ash, 15 g of potassium sulfate and 1 tbsp.l.nitroammophoski.
What else you need to know about fertilizing strawberries
Not every country site has a fertile black soil in abundance. If at first the soil for planting strawberries is famous for its miraculous properties, then in 3 years in the same area the supply of nutrients is greatly depleted.
The lack of nutrients for strawberry bushes can be determined by reducing the size of berries. Even if initially strawberries were not large-bodied, but suddenly started to noticeably diminish - it's time to reconsider the feeding regime.
Of all the variety of nutrient fertilizers - purchased or manufactured independently - it is difficult to choose a universal additive. Each variety of common strawberry or repair requires an individual approach. Taking into account the characteristics of the soil and the availability of valuable humus for plants.
Keep track of the scarlet berries in the garden, protect them from pests and water on time or rain water, do not forget to feed them with fertilizers in time. And then regular rich harvests of ripe strawberry strawberry will not keep you waiting.
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