The development of such a disease as hemorrhoids for today is a problem that has to be faced by quite a large number of people.
At the same time, a person does not feel very comfortable, but not everyone is able to seek medical help. After all, to talk about such a delicate matter you do not want anyone.
It is for this reason that hemorrhoids are most often treated at home. In turn, such ways to get rid of the disease can only aggravate the course of the disease and cause a lot of complications.
Patients often ask about, and whether it is possible to warm hemorrhoids? We will try to answer this question in this article.
Contents of
- Is it worth it to use heat for treatment?
- Negative effect on the body
- How to properly treat the disease?
- But the use of cold is welcome
- How and when is heat
- still used? Brief summary of
Is it worth using heat for treatment?
For those who first encounter hemorrhoids, it is difficult to choose the right method of treatment. Most patients are confident that it is necessary to use heat to get rid of the disease.
In turn, doctors convincingly insist that heating is strictly prohibited for the treatment of hemorrhoids.
With this disease a person greatly increases the diameter of the vessels, and therefore their walls may lose their tone. All these symptoms are supplemented by small blockages of veins. If you apply heat to such manifestations of the disease, the vessels will expand even more.
Such a method of treatment will only harm the patient. In addition, the course of the disease may worsen, which will greatly affect the duration of treatment.
Negative effect on the body
Faced with the disease it is very important to understand why is not recommended to heat hemorrhoids.
If the organism is exposed to too high a temperature, the blood circulation will be more intense, and the blood will be much faster to reach the already inflamed hemorrhoids.
This effect causes bleeding in the rectum and an increase in the symptoms of the disease.
How it is necessary to treat the disease correctly?
Of course, in order to cope with the symptoms of hemorrhoids, you need to use very different means.
Among which most often used painkillers and anti-inflammatory rectal suppositories.
It is also very important to take drugs that will have a beneficial effect on the condition of pelvic vessels.
And here is the use of cold -
is welcome Besides this, really treating hemorrhoids with cold. Usually the use of this method is the safest and most often used in the practice of many physicians, praktologov.
To cool the inflamed nodes, you can independently prepare candles from ice. The use of such a candle can be carried out 3 to 4 times for the whole day( all depends on the severity of the ailment).
When the cold starts to act, the vessels instantly narrow, the inflammation gradually decreases, and the bleeding eventually stops and does not disturb the patient at all. In addition, using candles made from ice, you can significantly strengthen and tone the pelvic vessels.
As cold many proctologists advise to apply in order to prevent the development of hemorrhoids. It will avoid venous stasis and severe inflammation.
For this, you only need to wash the anus with cool water daily. Thus, the entire organism will be hardened and the walls of the vessels will be strengthened.
How and when the heat is used
Despite the fact that qualified specialists categorically oppose the treatment of hemorrhoids with heat, advocates of folk methods hold the view that only using this method of treatment it is possible to get rid of such an unpleasant disease.
There is a known case when the patient managed to get rid of unpleasant manifestations of the disease, using only special heating procedures.
Heat treatment can be carried out in such ways:
- Method No. 1. Warmer .Filling the heating pad with warm water it is necessary to sit on it for 10-15 minutes.
- Method # 2. Heated brick .If you do not have a heater at hand, you can use the most common brick, which must be preheated in the oven. So that the heat does not evaporate very quickly, the brick will need to be wrapped in a blanket. Heat helps reduce pain, itching, and also relieve inflammation.
There is no need to hope that frequent trips to a sauna or a sauna will make it possible to change the situation for the better.
Such options, also in modern medicine are considered unacceptable. After all, most often they cause severe bleeding and complications, which in turn are very difficult to treat.
A brief summary of
Hemorrhoids are a very common disease that can occur at absolutely any age. In order to avoid possible negative consequences of the disease, it is necessary to correctly approach its treatment.
In this case, do not forget about healthy eating and the proper daily routine. These factors play a rather large role, both in the treatment and prevention of the disease.
To use heat, as one of the methods of therapy is not recommended, because it can only aggravate the course of the disease. For more effective treatment, you must first turn to a qualified specialist.
Only a doctor will be able to prescribe effective medicines and give the right advice regarding the treatment of hemorrhoids!