Magic effect of coffee on the body helps fight fatigue, lethargy, absent-mindedness. He is not interested in it, because with an overdose the positive influence of the substance will be replaced by a negative one, which will affect the person's health. Some people prefer caffeine tablets instead of a drink.
What is caffeine sodium benzoate
These tablets are an exciting and psychostimulating agent, a methylxanthine derivative. The action of caffeine-benzoate is the inhibition of PDE( phosphodiesterase enzymes) in the heart, organs, nervous system and adipose tissue. When used in high doses, the substance can accumulate in the body in the form of cGMP, cAMP( adrenaline derivatives).The drug is synthetic, based on caffeine, extracted from coffee seeds and tea leaves.
Caffeine is produced in tablets of 100 mg, in a package of 6-10 pcs. A small dosage of the drug has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, but with an overdose - on the contrary, it depresses it. After taking caffeine, the person's breathing becomes more frequent, deeper, the vessels widen, the tone of the cerebral arteries rises. This drug has such effects on the human body:
- increases concentration of attention;
- activates fat burning, so it is suitable for weight loss;
- improves mood;
- increases mental excitability;
- stimulates the release of adrenaline into the blood;
- increases muscular activity in athletes, supports the potential of muscle membranes, and participates in the exchange of calcium.
Caffeine sodium benzoate: instruction for use
You can drink caffeine tablets, regardless of food intake during the day. It is not recommended to use them immediately before bedtime, because this will make it difficult to fall asleep. The manufacturer recommends the use of the following dosage options for the product:
- For cheerfulness, raising the working capacity, adults and adolescents will have 2-3 doses of 50-100 mg each. Children in these cases do not need a drug.
- To eliminate headaches for people over 12, you need to drink 50-100 mg of the drug 2 times a day for 3 days.
- To increase the pressure of children after 12 years and adults is recommended three times a day to drink 100 mg of caffeine in tablets.
For any reasons for taking the drug, you can not exceed a single dose of caffeine in 300 mg and a daily dose of 1000 mg. In cases of overdose, the following symptoms may appear in a person:
- nausea;
- dizziness;
- anxiety, tremor;
- heart palpitations;
- confusion.
How to take tablets to raise pressure
Assign caffeine tablets for minor and irregular deviations in blood pressure( BP) to normalize the index. The drug is a strong psychostimulating agent, so it should be taken strictly in the prescribed doses. The active substance can affect the vascular and cardiac receptors, which allows you to quickly raise blood pressure to the norm. To get this effect, you need to take 3 times a day for 50-100 mg of caffeine in tablets for several weeks.
To whom tablets with caffeine
are contraindicated Use the remedy carefully so as not to harm your body and instead of having a positive effect do not get negative. Caffeine is contraindicated in people who have:
- serious cardiovascular disease;
- paroxysmal tachycardia;
- allergy or intolerance to caffeine;
- sleep disorders;
- Anxiety Disorders;
- age is up to 12 years;
- increased blood pressure.
With this drug, you need to be careful of the elderly, prone to seizures, spasms or seizures, epilepsy and eye diseases. During pregnancy and breast-feeding, you can take the pill only as directed by your doctor. If you combine intake of oral contraceptives with caffeine, it will have less activity, accumulate in the blood, and be slowly excreted by the liver.
Effective caffeine for weight loss
According to people, the dosage used to stimulate the nervous system is not sufficient to start the fat burning process. Caffeine in diet pills is required in large quantities. Athletes with excess weight before training use 10-20 mg of substance for each kilogram of body weight. It is believed that only this way it will be possible to accelerate the metabolic processes and the work of the heart to the desired index. Drink the tablet 30 minutes before the session. Doctors also recommend starting to drink caffeine sodium benzoate for weight loss with 2 mg / kg and gradually increase the dosage.
Whether it is worth taking energy pills for
Many athletes are looking for additional sources of energy for conducting classes. For this, there is a special sports nutrition, which costs a lot of money, but you can find an option and easier - tablets of caffeine-benzoate. After it is taken, the person is activated and increased temperature, metabolic rate, sweating. This contributes to the growth of endurance, strength.
The action of this stimulant is directed to the nervous system, it mobilizes free fatty acids. All neurons after taking caffeine will send signals from the brain to the muscles. Some people think the drug is a drug, but it's not, coffee does not cause addiction. For a bodybuilder is considered the optimal dosage - 9 mg per 1 kg of body weight, but some athletes drink and 15-20 mg / kg.
Are tablets useful for concentration of attention
People engaged in active mental activity, sometimes notice that a tired brain is not able to correctly solve the tasks assigned to it. There is a need for additional stimulation of neurons, removal of fatigue, and sometimes headaches. For this, coffee is often used, but the drink may be of poor quality. In addition, it has been proven that soluble varieties in large quantities have a negative effect on the intestine, stomach.
The output will be caffeinated tablets that do not increase IQ and do not make a person smarter, but help focus, activate mental activity. This method gives a short-term effect. Get involved in taking pills with caffeine should not, with an overdose in addition to side effects a person can become irritable.
Where to buy and how much are caffeinated tablets
Today, caffeine is sold by pharmacies. You can buy it without a prescription, the cost is from 30 to 60 rubles. You can order the drug online, with delivery to the house for an additional fee. Also selling tablets are online sports nutrition stores, offering them as an additional stimulant for intensive training. These products are produced by well-known brands, they are produced in packs of 90 tablets, and they cost from 400 rubles. Differences in the operation of the special there, the difference is only in quantity.
Video: tablets caffeine sodium benzoate
Alena, 35 years old : I have to get up very early to get to work on time and without "doping" I can not do. I do not like the taste of the coffee solution, so I decided on caffeine tablets. They help me to cheer up in the morning, contain as much cheerfulness as 3-4 cups of drink. And the price for them is much lower.
Andrey, 25 years old : There are times when blood pressure begins to drop sharply, health problems arise. The doctor suggested that you can drink caffeine-benzoate. At first the name was very embarrassing, then I realized that it was ordinary coffee, but in a different form. Always wear a couple of pills with me so that I can drink them.
Igor, 28 years old : I regularly play sports, without it I immediately start to feel sluggish, but sometimes it's hard to find strength after a hard working day. Before going out to the gym, I drink 3-4 tablets of caffeine and, on arrival, I already feel much more energetic, have enough energy for a full-time occupation.