Malfunction of the menstrual cycle can occur at any age. And the monthly delay in a virgin is not as rare as in women who have an active sex life. What can provoke the problem?
- 1 What to count as a delay
- 2 Causes of cycle failures
- 2.1 Stress and physical activity
- 2.2 Climate change
- 2.3 Weight
- 2.4 Chronic or inherited diseases
- 2.5 External and social factors
- 2.6 Drug administration
- 3 Diagnosis of problem
- 4 Treatment of a menstrual cycle failure
- 5 Prevention
What is considered a delay
Gynecologists have divided the problem into two types depending on what kind of violationix is present - the duration or frequency. After the analysis of these indicators, these deviations are distinguished:
- If from the first months( and they come in 11 to 15 years) and after establishing a regular cycle, menstruation disappeared for 6 months or more, it's amenorrhea. With this problem patients are treated in 0,6 - 1,2% of cases. Basically, the diagnosis is made for girls who have reached or are over 16 years old. It is worth noting that since the first menses and in the coming year, fluctuations in the interval and duration are quite acceptable. After all, the cycle is just getting better, so do not panic.
- If the interval between monthly is more than 35 days, then this is called oligomenorrhea.
In the event that the failure occurred once, and in the next everything was normalized - this is also not a cause for alarm. The optimal period between menstruation is from 23 to 35 days. Gynecologists do not consider the problem of deviation in 10 days.
However, regular disturbances, especially in adolescence, can not be ignored provided the cycle is established. If the situation is left to chance, later it can lead to a sad and very terrible diagnosis for a woman - infertility.
Causes of cycle failures
Since girls are very impressionable natures, their nervous system is active and reacts to many external factors. Under this influence hormonal failures occur, which causes problems with menstruation. It is necessary to know the main reasons for delaying the monthly for the virgins, so as not to panic without the need or in time to seek help from a doctor.
Stresses and physical activities
Conflicts or misunderstandings by classmates, classmates, teachers or parents are often the main factors for overexcitement of the nervous system. At the age of 14 to 22 accounts for the first love with often painful parting, difficult exams and the first outings to work. All this will necessarily affect the menstrual cycle.
Climate change
Long-distance flights or just a holiday at sea can also contribute to a violation of regularity. At the same time, the reason may be not even the change of climate itself, but a long stay in the sun or the use of alcoholic beverages.
Causes of too much weight can become both food addiction, sedentary lifestyle, and problems with the thyroid gland. Scientists have long proven that fat tissue takes an active part in the hormonal process. The layer accumulates estrogen, which provokes a delay. Therefore, the plump girls failures will occur much more often.
However, it is worth noting that also those who are too thin, those who have abruptly lost weight or who have been on a hunger diet for a long time, may also have delays. Acute weight loss is perceived by the body as a strong stress factor. He as if gives the command "It is impossible to take a pregnancy!", Independently postponing the process of egg release and ovulation until more favorable times.
Chronic or hereditary diseases
The general condition of the body, and hormonal background including, affect:
- cardiovascular disease;
- endocrine pathology;
- disorders of the central nervous system
- other.
There may also be hereditary problems. That is, if the mother had rare diseases that provoked delays, then with a high degree of probability, they will also have a daughter.
Another trouble that can happen to a girl who does not have sex life is inflammation of the appendages and ovaries. They provoke pain and delay in menstruation. The inflammation is usually caused by prolonged exposure in the cold, frozen feet, sitting on concrete, and swimming in cold water. It is possible and such a disease as scleropolyakistosis of the ovaries, which often occurs against the background of hormonal failures.
External and social factors
With the development of industrial complexes in large cities, the ecological state of air and water has deteriorated very badly. This is also a provoking factor for disruptions in the body.
If a girl is brought up in an unfavorable family, she must live with parents who lead an immoral lifestyle, all this will bring health problems. The basis of them - psychological stress, nerves.
Taking medications
Antidepressants, diuretics, anabolic, anti-tuberculosis and many other medications are capable of provoking a change in the hormonal background and, as a result, problems with the menstrual cycle. Under the influence of some of them, the girl does not even come to "critical days" for up to one year.
Look at the video about the violation of the cycle:
Diagnosis of the problem
It's only possible to answer the question why the virgin has a delay in menstruation, only after the appointment of a gynecologist. Typically, doctors suggest the following scheme:
- Patient interview. A gynecologist will try to find out what could have been a "push" by a malfunction. Also, he will find out when the first and last menstrual period was, how much the girl has a normal regime of day and rest, what is the load in an educational institution or at work, is there any bad habits.
- Inspection of the gynecological chair. Not the most pleasant procedure for a virgin, but it allows the doctor to feel the organ, evaluate its size, position, and also reveal the signs of the disease. Laboratory and clinical methods of research. During the examination, the doctor will take a swab for analysis, will additionally ask you to pass urine and blood to identify both common diseases and hormonal background. And yet often the main cause will help to identify ultrasound.
Treatment of a menstrual cycle failure
If the menstrual cycle "dances", failures constantly occur, the monthly ones come either too abundant, painful, or scarce, after revealing the cause, doctors can recommend the following:
- If the causes of the problem were external factors( exercise, acclimatization, changing living conditions), then often correction is not required. As soon as the girl returns to the usual life rhythm, menstruation normalizes on her own.
- If the causes are stress, conflict, sharp weight loss( especially against the background of psychological problems), the doctor will recommend a course of vitamin to maintain well-being and in some cases a visit to a psychologist. It's not for nothing that they say that most of the problems with the body go from the head.
- If the problem lies in the disease, then after getting rid of it, menstruation will be fine. Also, with the withdrawal of drugs that provoke a delay, the cycle will be restored.
Some girls try to apply all kinds of advice and recommendations to cause menstruation. However, it is worth remembering that not all of them are as harmless as they seem at first glance. For example, it can trigger not menstruation, but bleeding, allergies, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and even greater malfunction in the body.
To ensure that young girls do not have problems with the menstrual cycle, you should:
- Follow the diet. Do not overeat, eat in fast foods, get involved in sweet, smoked. After all, gaining weight is easy, but it's difficult to lose. However, it is also undesirable to lose weight in a short period of time. In addition, for any young body in the diet must be present vitamins.
- Give adequate physical activity to the body. Of course, you should move, do sports or dance, but do not do it "before losing your pulse."
- In case of difficult life situations it is necessary to seek help from a psychologist or talk with your mother.
- If the menstruation is too long( more than 7 days), abundantly( more than 2 to 3 pads are used per day), severe pain occurs, then do not postpone the visit to the doctor.
We recommend that you read an article on the violation of the menstrual cycle. From it you will learn about the reasons for the deviation from the norm, the diseases that cause a malfunction, and also the treatment of menstrual irregularities.
When girls are wondering if a virgin can have a delay in menstruation, then one can definitely say yes, like any woman. However, not always a small cycle shift should be taken for failure. If the situation repeats from month to month, from the moment of the first months passed more than a year, and there are no obvious external factors-provocateurs, it is better to consult a doctor for examination and timely treatment. After all, any disease is easier to win at the very beginning of development. Ignoring can lead in the future to the most terrible - the inability to have children.