Gynecologists urge women to know which excreta should be normal and what to consider as a pathology. This will help with the slightest change in health status in time to see a doctor, identify the disease and undergo treatment. Timely begun, it will be the most effective. And if there are monthly and black discharge along with them, is this normal? It is necessary to understand each case, because the causes of the phenomenon are many, treatment is not always necessary.
- 1 normal allocation
- 2 Reasons black discharge
- 2.1 Depending on the age
- 2.2 during pregnancy
- 2.3 Inflammation and infection
- 2.4 after surgery
- 2.5 Pathology of the uterus and cervix
- 2.6 Endometriosis
- 2.7 Onbackground of taking hormonal drugs
- 2.8 Oncological pathology
- 2.9 After delivery
- 2.10 In the absence of sexual life
- 2.11 For infectious diseases
- 3 What to do if
is detected Normal allocation of
During a woman's menstrual cycle, women change their character. In brief, this can be presented as follows:
- Menstruation, during which a woman from the uterine cavity gets blood, particles of the endometrium and some other elements. Normally, they should last from 3 to 5 - 7 days, and with each day their intensity decreases.
- Once menstruation is over, the discharge becomes mucous. The closer to ovulation, the more liquid and abundant they become, and somewhere in the middle of the cycle they acquire a consistency similar to that of a chicken egg.
- After this, the discharge begins to become slightly unclear, viscous. These they remain until the next monthly, the beginning of which indicates the appearance of blood.
With a particular condition or disease, the secretions change their character. An experienced doctor can only guess from them what pathology lurks behind this.
We recommend reading the article on the discharge before the month. From it you will learn about the causes of brown, black, light and bloody discharge before menstruation, and also about what is the norm, and what is the pathology.
In most cases, black discharge is nothing more than a small amount of blood with an admixture of vaginal secretion. The fact is that red blood cells and all elements are exposed to enzymes and bacteria of the genital tract, resulting in thickening and folding of the elements, which gives a darker shade.
Causes of black secretions
Black discharge after menstruation, during and on the eve of them does not always indicate a pathology. Such a character can normally be in some age periods of a woman, and also after certain manipulations and operations.
Depending on the age of
It is known that the period of the onset of menstrual function and its extinction in girls and women is accompanied by all sorts of changes, and sometimes by uncharacteristic secretions. And if within two years of menarche or perimenopausal time there are black discharge, for example, instead of menstruation or on the eve of them, in most cases, this does not hide anything serious.
When pregnancy
Most often you have to face black secretions in the background of pregnancy. In the following situations, this is possible:
Reasons for | Why it happens |
Ectopic pregnancy | About that fertilization has occurred, pregnancy has come, sometimes a woman does not even guess. But at one point, perhaps even in the supposed days of menstruation, black spotting starts. Their intensity can be different, like color - from bright, scarlet and bloody. Against this background, there are pains in the lower abdomen, perhaps with a predominant character on the right or left. Pregnancy test at this time can be negative, the most reliable to learn about the occurred conception can be, having submitted a blood test for HCG.Also some information can be added by performing ultrasound of pelvic organs. Sometimes a woman is in a misunderstanding of why the menstrual bleeds are black. In fact, this is not menstruation, but a dangerous symptom. However, even with the slightest suspicion of ectopic pregnancy, you should seek medical help, since the condition can threaten the life of a woman. |
Bleeding implantation | The point is that the fertilization of an egg and its introduction into the wall of the uterus may not coincide with the expected ones by the normative terms. As a result, a part of the endometrium may be rejected, until the fetal egg reaches the cavity. As a result, there is a small daub, which sometimes a woman can take for a sparse menstruation for .Then she believes that these menstruation started with black secretions, and in 20-30 days she already learns about pregnancy. |
Threat of a miscarriage | When a threat of miscarriage at any time in a woman, the only symptom may be black discharge, very scarce. Pain in the lower abdomen and other signs of this pathological process may not be present. Very often symptoms of a threat occur on days when a woman usually had menstruation, for example, at the end of the month, etc. This is due to the changing hormonal background at this time. |
Inspection of a gynecologist or sexual contact | In pregnancy, immediately after a gynecologist or sexual contact, especially if there is ectopia or erosion on the cervix. The fact is that the hormonal background at this time contributes to the high vulnerability of tissues, and in conditions of rich blood supply you can get a small smear. To be afraid of it it is not necessary, but it is better to inform the doctor and not to provoke the similar in the further. |
Inflammation and infection
Against the backdrop of inflammation in the small pelvis, which almost always affects the uterine cavity, appendages and mucous membrane of the vagina, there may be a violation of the menstrual cycle. As a result, a woman may have acyclic secretions, often they are of a smearing nature and have a dark color.
Typically, in parallel with this woman is worried about the pulling pains in the lower abdomen, there may be unpleasant sensations when urinating, as well as other symptoms of inflammation.
After surgical interventions
If a woman has recently undergone some kind of surgery, the likelihood of such episodes also increases. Black discharge before monthly in this case is due to all these procedures.
Also after performing abdominal and laparoscopic operations, especially with the opening of the uterine cavity.
Look at the video about the discharge in a woman:
In case of pathology of the uterine cavity and neck
Inflammation of the inner layer of the uterus, which results in the formation of polyps, as well as hyperplastic processes against the background of hormonal disorders can lead to black or chocolate smearing discharge in the middle of the cycle, on the evemonthly and after them. In such situations, the ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs is very helpful in diagnosing.
Also, if a girl has an intrauterine device, such secretions may appear periodically. They do not show any serious problems and pass right after the removal of the IUD.
Erosion or even ectopia, cervical polyps or cervical canal with microtraumatism, for example, during intercourse, can also give a similar daub in a few days.
One of the most vivid and reliable symptoms of endometriosis is chocolate daub along with pain or even without it. It can appear on any day of the cycle, but still more often black spots appear at the end of the month or the day before, and after sexual intercourse. The more pronounced the process, the longer and longer the daub. With the localization of foci on the cervix, in the cavity( adenomyosis), black discharge is most characteristic.
Against the background of taking hormonal drugs
If a girl takes oral contraceptives for a long time, the monthly ones are very often very meager. Often these menstrual-like discharge become extremely dark, lasting 1 to 3 days. And then black discharge in place of menstruation is a constant phenomenon when taking tablets.
Oncological pathology
In case of appearance of dark spotting discharge, especially irregular and after sexual contacts, first of all it is necessary to exclude malignant oncological pathology. That's why when they appear, you should immediately consult a doctor, as often these diseases do not have other symptoms.
After the birth of
In the absence of sexual life
If a woman does not have sex, you can exclude pregnancy and related discharges, as well as the likelihood of infections. Still other problems can appear regardless of intimate relationships.
In case of infectious diseases
If a woman on the eve of a menstrual period or during them suddenly becomes ill and this is accompanied by a high fever, a chill, the virus and microbial toxins can change blood properties so quickly that it cools down. As a result, it can slow down its release from the uterine cavity, especially when bent or other anatomical features. Clinically, this is manifested by the fact that there are monthly discharges of black color, dense and prolonged.
We recommend reading the article on discharge after monthly. From it you will learn about the causes of pink and brown discharge after the end of menstruation, as well as mucus black or white.
What to do if
is detected If a woman constantly notices that she has black spotting associated with the cycle or not, it's best to see a doctor for a checkup. Only an expert can, after examining and performing a series of diagnostic manipulations with certainty, exclude serious and dangerous health conditions. The doctor will be able to prescribe the most effective and appropriate treatment in a particular situation.
Black discharge during menstruation, the day before or after them may appear due to functional disorders, but also in the development of cancer pathology and other serious diseases. If this is an episodic smear, for example, against a background of stress or when taking emergency contraception, you can independently observe your condition. But with repeated episodes it is better to seek medical help immediately.