Is it possible to do shugaring during menstruation?

Removing excess hair is one of the mandatory elements of self-care in our time. And for many, "sugar" hair removal is a habitual method. But what if it's time to do it, but the critical days have come? Is Shugaring feasible during the month, or is it worth the wait with the procedure?


  • 1 Can I do
  • 2 Effect of the procedure on critical days
  • 3 How to avoid problems
  • 4 Alternatives to

Can I do

In critical days, many girls do not feel better for the better: stomach aches, there are acute emotional manifestations. There are other signs, less noticeable at first glance. This is an increase in the sensitivity of pain and a decrease in blood coagulability. In this regard, shugaring can be accompanied by more unpleasant sensations than on other days. After all, the procedure is virtually the simultaneous pulling of a considerable amount of hair.

Nevertheless, there is no strict prohibition on holding a slouch during the period of a month. After all, menstruation is not a pathology, but one of the natural functions of the reproductive system. At some girls it is carried out without special changes in state of health. Shugaring for them will be no more painful than ever. And the problems associated with its holding in critical days, too, is not observed.

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So, whether it is possible to do shugaring during menstruation, is determined, rather, by the individual characteristics of the organism.

If the urgent need for "sugar" hair removal and menstruation does not still have to do its first 3 days. During this period allocation is abundant, the threshold of pain sensitivity is the lowest, and the general state of health is not at its best. Therefore, the likelihood of problems is greater.

See the video about the types of hair removal:

Consequences of the procedure on critical days of

If the girl decided not to postpone the procedure for a later period of the cycle, she should be prepared for possible consequences:

  • Sites subjected to epilation can remain slightly edematous for a long time. This is due to a decrease in the platelet count in this period.
  • Pain after shugaring can also be felt longer. The problem is caused by an increase in the sensitivity of the corresponding receptors.
  • Inflammation may occur on the skin. After all, it becomes more oily during this period because of hormonal changes, which is a provoking factor.
  • Probably appearance on bruised areas of bruises. The cause is a decrease in blood clotting and a more active tide to the tissues. This is especially characteristic of the bikini zone.
  • You can not exclude the appearance on the skin, free from unnecessary hair, hyperpigmentation. In the period of menstruation, the sensitivity of melanocytes increases. Against the backdrop of skin trauma during shugaring, there may be an excess of pigment on the surface of the skin.

How to avoid problems

If there is no possibility to postpone the "sugar" hair removal, it is best to take it from a cosmetologist, not at home. The professional will quickly cope with the task( for 15 - 30 minutes), minimizing all negative aspects.

Only you first need to find out whether the shugaring is done during the months in this salon. Not all cosmetologists agree to perform the procedure in patients with menstruation.

Prepare to manipulate and care for the skin after the shugaring should be especially careful:

  • Before the procedure, you need to do the peeling of the zones, on which the hair will be removed. It should be soft, so as not to injure the skin, and to remove from it the keratinized particles that contribute to inflammation.
  • should then be wiped with antiseptic. This is another measure against the appearance of inflammation on it. The best place is Miramistin or Chlorhexidine. In the salons there are also special disinfecting lotions.
  • Shugaring a bikini during the monthly involves a thorough hygiene of the genitals and the use of a swab, rather than gaskets. Lingerie before the procedure is also better to put on fresh, and not the one in which the woman came to the salon.
  • After finishing the manipulation of , the skin should be treated with talcum .This will help to calm her, to moderate the activity of sweat glands, which can provoke inflammation. If blood drops appear in the epilation area, they must first be treated with an antiseptic.
  • Half an hour after shugaring, can be applied to the skin with a moisturizer .Later, during hygiene procedures, do not use the gels that dry it, but choose pH-neutral. And after washing, apply a moisturizer every time.
  • On the day of epilation try not to overheat and do not play sports , so as not to provoke sweating. It can cause inflammation. You can not also visit the swimming pool and solarium for the next 12 hours.

In a good salon, all precautionary measures are taken when carrying out the shugaring. This is another argument in favor of the procedure for a professional. But the same conditions can be met at home.

Alternatives for

To remove unnecessary hair, it is not necessary to do shugaring. There are less complicated methods of depilation and depilation that can be used as temporary:

  • Shaving. The method requires the same precautions as shugaring, but does not cause pain.
  • Creams-depilatories. This method not only helps to remove excess hair without pain, but also does not risk cutting yourself.

Both methods give a short-lived effect, but in this case this is an advantage. When the hair grows to the required 3 - 4 mm, you can return to the usual shugaring. And the procedure does not coincide with the monthly.

There are more comfortable procedures: laser hair removal, ELOS and photoepilation.

But the effect from them will manifest in several sessions, so there is no point in hurrying to do everything on critical days. A wax and hair removal with an electric appliance are no less painful than "sugar" hair removal.

We recommend to read an article about epilation during menstruation. From it you will learn about the complexity of the procedure during critical days, useful recommendations, as well as about alternative options.

Before the problem of how to make shugaring during menstruation, it is necessary to answer the question: is there an urgent need for it right now. And if it exists, it is important not to be afraid of the procedure, to choose a good specialist and to take all measures for a successful conduction. Then shugaring will pass quickly and without negative consequences.

  • Mar 12, 2018
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