To the diseases of food insufficiency, also include various avitaminosis, as well as hypo- and subhypovitaminoses( such as polyneuritis, scurvy, osteoporosis, rickets and hemostalopia).The pathological state that develops in these cases is manifested by a decrease in the body's resistance to infections, a decrease in efficiency, a weakening of memory, and other symptoms.
According to the research conducted by the Institute of Nutrition, almost all of Russia's population suffers from vitamin C deficiency, 40-90% of the population lacks B vitamins and folic acid, and 40-60% lack beta-carotene. Even in the case of a balanced and varied diet, modern man suffers from a shortage of 20-30% of most vitamins. Particularly affected by hypovitaminosis, children, adolescents, elderly people, patients with chronic and oncological diseases, as well as people who lead an active lifestyle, experience prolonged physical and psychoemotional loads. Pregnant women who are breastfeeding mothers also belong to this category of persons.
The Institute of Nutrition conducted a study of preschool and school children in different regions of Russia. According to the results of this study, it was found that most of the children in this group had a deficiency of necessary vitamins: 80-90% lacking vitamin C, 40-80% of B vitamins and folic acid, more than 40% of vitamins A, E and carotene. According to the research of the Moscow Research Institute of Hygiene, in Moscow boarding schools among children with hypovitaminosis, there are significantly more students who are not performing well than among school children with a normal content of this vitamin in the body. In the hospitals of Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod and some other cities, children were examined. It revealed a vitamin C deficiency in 60-70%, vitamin B1 in 40-45%, B2 - 50-60%, E - in 40-60% of patients.
Such a deficient state as hypovitaminosis can often be found in young children. Its cause is the inadequate supply of certain substances from food, excessive losses or a small utilization of them in the body.
In the development of vitamin deficiencies, along with external( exogenous) factors leading to nutritional deficiencies and hypovitaminosis, internal( endogenous) factors also participate.
The lack of vitamin A leads to the emergence of various skin diseases, dullness and fragility of hair, a decrease in immunity to various infectious diseases, slowing the growth of bones, impaired vision. Lack of vitamin B1 leads to violations in the regulation of carbohydrate, protein, fat and mineral metabolism. Deficiency of vitamin B2 causes vision impairment and hair loss. Hypovitaminosis B6 disrupts sleep, leads to the development of irritability and depression. The lack of vitamin B9 causes brittle nails and hair loss. Deficiency of vitamin B12 leads to the formation of anemia. Vitamin B9 is extremely important for pregnant women, since it is responsible for the formation and growth of cells. Deficiency of vitamin C in other disorders increases the risk of cardiovascular and oncological diseases. The lack of vitamin D causes the development of rickets in children and increases the fragility of bones. The risk of cardiovascular diseases and inflammatory processes as well as rheumatism increases with a lack of vitamin E. Hypovitaminosis of vitamin K causes irregularities in the process of blood clotting, causing nasal bleeding. Deficiency of vitamin PP is manifested by anxiety and depression.
Materials used:
Shilov VN, Mits'yo VP"Healthy Nutrition"