- What we know about plantain and its seeds
- Healing properties and contraindications
- Collection time - why it is so important
- Treatment of diseases
- The healing properties of husks
The healing properties of plantain have been known since time immemorial. It began to be used in ancient China in the treatment of a variety of diseases. For the preparation of potions, not only the leaves, but also the seeds of plantain were used. The latter have found wide application in folk and classical medicine.
Even the Persian doctor and philosopher Avicenna spoke about the healing properties of inflorescences with great praise. They are especially useful for women. Therefore, below we will talk about the benefits and harm of the seeds of plantain, we learn from which diseases they help and how to brew and take correctly.
What we know about plantain and its seeds
This uncommon plant at first sight can be found everywhere: along roadsides and in wastelands, along garden paths and on waste places. Already in June, above the leaves appear arrows-spikelets with nondescript flowers, which soon turn into boxes with seeds. Ripening, they scatter around or go on a trip on their feet, paws and wheels.
The healing properties of psyllium seeds are 99% determined by the chemical composition, and in this case it is very rich and useful:
- mucus;
- fatty and organic acids - oxalic, oleanolic, ascorbic;
- polysaccharides;
- vitamins A, C, PP and trace elements - calcium, selenium, potassium, manganese;
- bitterness( aucubine);
In addition to these components, seeds contain many other substances that do not have a pronounced biological activity. Of the above, I would like to note oleanolic acid, normalizing metabolic processes in the body, and mucus, from which the seeds of plantain are almost 50%.
Healing properties and contraindications
Soaping has a beneficial effect even on healthy people. They are able, like a sponge, to absorb harmful toxins and remove them from the body. This part of plants is effective in the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract: colitis and gastritis, ulcer disease, flatulence, constipation, food poisoning and dysentery.
Modern science has thoroughly studied the healing properties of plantain seeds and their effect on the human body. Especially I would like to note the following effects:
- wound-healing and restorative;
- is an anti-inflammatory;
- antimicrobial;
- is a diuretic;
- immunostimulating;
- is mucolytic and expectorant.
Very useful seeds for women. They help to lose weight, create a feeling of fullness and improve intestinal motility. Dry and powdered raw materials are used in cosmetology for the preparation of masks and compresses, applied to weathering and cracked skin of face and hands.
Caution. Phytochemical studies have proven that seeds prevent the development of atherosclerosis and help maintain blood sugar levels.
But the main advantage of this part of the plantain is assistance in the treatment of male and female infertility. Biologically active elements help normalize the hormonal background, eliminate inflammation, improve immunity and improve the composition of seminal fluid.
is mandatory. When starting therapy, it must be remembered that the seeds of plantain besides the medicinal properties also have contraindications. They are not desirable to be taken in the following cases:
- with peptic ulcer and gastritis with high acidity;
- for children up to 3 years;
- to people with individual intolerance to plant components;
- patients with a history of propensity to thrombosis.
Collection time - why it is so important
The time of preparation and the drying conditions of raw materials are of great importance for the effectiveness of the action. As they used to say in the old days - "any herb is useful if you collect it knowers."Torn in a certain time, it will protect it from illness and ills, will give health and strength.
When to collect the seeds of plantain? The event should be held at the time of complete ripening of the boxes, but before yellowing of the leaves. The herbalists of Ancient Russia, in order to properly prepare forage, waited for a clear, sunny and windless day.
Caution. It is forbidden to collect raw materials in ecologically polluted areas and in fields treated with pesticides or infected with pests.
Sifted seeds should be dried in a dark place in a draft. In hot days, it can be done in the fresh air, occasionally a heap of copulation. In rainy weather, you should use a special dryer.
With a good summer, the plantain seed can be collected several times in one area. The finished product is poured into paper bags and stored no longer than 2 years.
Treatment of diseases
Plantain seeds have found wide application in the treatment and prevention of many ailments. They are used in gastroenterology and otolaryngology, with cancer susceptibility and inflammatory processes in the body. Healing infusions and decoctions are indispensable in gynecological practice and with hormonal failures.
Treatment of female and male infertility
As mentioned above, the seeds quite successfully help in the fight against infertility. This psyllium property is recognized as official medicine and is used with the following reproductive system problems:
- profuse and painful menstruation;
- inflammation of the uterine appendages;
- adhesions and obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
- endometriosis;
- disorders of the postmenopausal period;
- no ovulation.
These diseases concern only women, but no less useful are the copulation for the stronger sex.
Men's problems
Men can use psyllium seeds to treat prostate inflammation and impotence, with a decrease in the quality of seminal fluid and insufficient libido. In addition, alternative medicine strongly recommends that a strong person drink semi-infusions and decoctions on the basis of copulations with poor spermatogenesis, which develops against a background of prolonged use of antibiotics. The drink will restore the concentration of spermatozoa and increase their mobility.
Warning. Seeds of plantain are recognized as an excellent preventive against sexual impotence and prostatitis.
A medicinal plant, or rather, its copulation, will also be useful for hormonal failures in the male body, expressed by an elevated level of estrogens and leading to infertility.
Plantain for conception
The benefits of plantain seeds in infertility are known since ancient times. With their help in Russia they treated the obstruction of the appendages and fallopian tubes in women, the inflammatory processes of the reproductive organs, and hormonal insufficiency( hyperandrogenism).
Take inoculum in the form of infusions or in dry form, with plenty of liquid. They also help lactating mothers, quickly tightening the cracks on the nipples. Correctly prepared medicinal drink gives a positive result after 5-6 months.
Plantain seeds are used to combat infertility as an independent therapy or as part of a comprehensive treatment. The second option, of course, is preferable. But, whatever method is used, preliminary consultation of the doctor is necessary.
Women's Health
Infusion in the menstrual cycle, profuse menstrual periods, accompanied by pain, deterioration of well-being and depression can be cured from seeds. Normalizing the hormonal background, the drink restores women's health, returns vivacity and good mood.
Tip. It is very useful to take plantain seeds during menopause and menopause. They will help to preserve beauty and youth for many years.
Recipes for the preparation of medicinal potions
There are a large number of recipes for the treatment of infertility. All of them have approximately the same effect on the body, so consider the most effective:
- Seeds are poured with boiling water and heated on a quiet fire for 5 minutes, then defended for half an hour and used for the intended purpose.
- Powdered raw materials are mixed with boiling water, shaken well and left for 25-30 minutes.
A ready drink for conception from the seeds of plantain should be thick and viscous, like a jelly. Cook it every day anew, and take 3 times a day for 1/3 cup, regardless of food intake.
Caution. This drink is also recommended for men to treat infertility. The agent improves the quality of seminal fluid and improves the motility of spermatozoa.
To obtain the results it is necessary to undergo a full therapeutic course lasting 4-6 months. After 2 weeks of treatment, it is recommended to repeat the treatment. For greater effect, it is advisable to combine the healing drink with sedentary baths from the leaves of the plantain.
Any therapy based on medicinal herbs and aimed at combating infertility should be selected strictly individually. During treatment it is desirable to regularly take tests for hormones, go through ultrasound and monitor the periodicity of the menstrual cycle and ovulation.
Help with constipation
The use of a medicinal plant is not limited to combating infertility. Seeds of plantain are excellent for constipation, but before using it is desirable to find out the cause of the pathological condition, so as not to cause even more harm by self-medication.
With difficulty defecation, prepare a decoction of 1 tsp.seeds and a glass of water by one of the above methods. It is better to drink a drink before going to bed. It must be thick and warm. The course of treatment is 10-11 days.
Plantain in pregnancy
During pregnancy, women often suffer from various ailments. This constipation, flatulence, indigestion in the stomach and nausea, persistent colds and many other problems. In pregnant women, immunity often decreases and resistance to infections decreases.
Medicinal herbs help get rid of most pathological conditions without harm to health, so plantain seeds will be very handy. Taking drugs on their basis will not hurt either the mother or the baby. But, despite the safety of the remedy, it is necessary to consult a doctor to identify possible contraindications.
Weight reduction
Plantain seeds are often used for weight loss. Infusion from the stems prevents fat deposition, normalizes the level of cholesterol in the blood, reduces appetite and improves metabolism. These properties of the plant allow the use of seeds when dieting and in the complex treatment of obesity.
For the preparation of medicinal infusion, the raw material is poured with boiling water and left under the lid until it swells. Then mix well and filter. Viscous drink is consumed before meals, not more than 50 mg per reception. Swollen seeds can also be used for food.
Tip. Dry apples are added to soups and cereals, sprinkle them with ready-made meals, or mixed with juice, milk, vitamin cocktail. A pleasant, sweet taste allows you to use seeds as a dessert.
Diseases of the digestive tract
Various pathologies of the stomach and intestines are always accompanied by inflammation and irritation of the mucosa. And in this case the seeds of plantain come to the rescue. Healing infusions and decoctions on their basis eliminate pain and flatulence, destroy staphylococcal wand, heal wounds and injuries.
This part of the plant is particularly valuable for the treatment of the following ailments:
- peptic ulcer;
- gastritis with low acidity;
- colitis and enterocolitis;
- food poisoning, dysentery.
With increased secretion of gastric juice, the use of copulation with caution, although treatment with their help is possible in this case.
Seeds of plantain have found wide application in cosmetology. Various masks for face and hands, compresses and lapping, hair rinses, foot baths - this is not a complete list of recipes, the main ingredient of which is a medicinal plant.
The healing properties of
husks The psyllium seed husk deserves a separate conversation. It consists of a mass of nutrients, among which are fatty acids, alkaloids, fiber, vitamins and amino acids. These components have a pronounced therapeutic effect on the body.
With the help of husks, the following pathological conditions are treated:
- constipation;
- hemorrhoids;
- cystitis and urethritis;
- diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- dermatitis and skin rashes;
- increased blood pressure;
- pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.
The seed shell with soaking swells and turns into a thick, viscous mass that improves intestinal motility, eliminates mucosal irritation and reduces inflammation.
Warning. The ability of the husks to purify the body of poisons and toxins significantly reduces the risk of developing cancer.
The seed shell has found application in cooking and cosmetology. It is used as a thickener and cleanser. A property of causing satiety allowed to include the husk of psyllium seeds in diet for weight loss. The dry product is taken in between meals, with plenty of liquid. Such a remedy is very useful in the period of fasting, because it contains a lot of nutrients that the body needs during the diet.
During the treatment period it is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. It will relieve of flatulence and constipation, will help to purify the body more effectively.
Seed shell helps not only to reduce weight, but also prevents the development and growth of gallstones. This is of great importance for people with obesity, as switching to a low-carbohydrate diet increases the risk of calcification.
Helps the husk and in the fight against atherosclerosis. Studies have shown that its addition to the diet reduces the level of bad cholesterol by 8%.
How to take husks
The shell of psyllium seeds is sold in a pharmacy, already shredded and packaged in separate boxes. It is usually consumed in dry form or made from it a decoction. To make a drink 1 tbsp.l.the means are pressed on low heat in half a liter of water for at least 30 minutes. Use ½ cup twice a day. The therapeutic course is a month.
Not everyone knows, but such an affordable and effective tool as the plantain seed, can help with many diseases. And most importantly - phytoproduct is really effective in the treatment of male and female infertility, especially in combination with traditional medicine methods. Such seemingly useless part of the plant has a powerful healing effect, improves the appearance and well-being.
Warning. The article is for informational purposes only. Consultation of a specialist is necessary.