Honey and sea buckthorn treats famously!

A small orange berry with sour taste has long been known for its medicinal qualities. Sea buckthorn is popularly called "miracle berry", "orange queen", "a storehouse of vitamins".It is used for the treatment and prevention of many ailments and is considered the champion of vitaminized composition. Especially popular in folk medicine is seabuckthorn with honey. This therapeutic duo is not only a delicious treat, but also a dangerous combination for serious ailments.

Useful properties of sea buckthorn

Orange miracle berry boasts a truly rich chemical composition: iron, vitamins K, C, E and B, organic and fatty acids, carotenes, pectins, soluble sugar, calcium, magnesium, manganese. Vitamins are rich not only in the fruits of sea-buckthorn, but also in the bark of bushes and branches. Berry has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, heals the liver, heart and skin diseases, is used as a healing and antiseptic. It is used in the fight against oncological and gynecological ailments, as well as to maintain the health of the hair and the strength of nails. Decoction from the leaves of the plant has found wide application in cosmetology as a rejuvenating agent. His recipe you will find in the article: Decoctions of herbs for skin care.

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The recipe for seabuckthorn with honey re-combines the curative effect of the two healing components, acting as a truly "explosive" remedy - a thunderstorm of diseases and ailments.

Sea buckthorn is a thunderstorm for many ailments

Sea buckthorn: honey effect

Seabuckthorn fruits are used in alternative medicine in a variety of ways: fresh, frozen, as a jam, syrup and butter. Coupled with honey, sea buckthorn solves many health problems:

  • heals the runny nose, relieves cough and relieves pain in the throat;
  • supports the body of a woman during pregnancy, treats constipation;
  • cures gynecological and urolithiasis;
  • saturates the body with vitamins and strengthens the immune system;
  • heals diseases of the heart, liver and skin;
  • removes toxins, toxins, radiation;
  • restores the body weakened by a prolonged illness;
  • rejuvenates the skin of the face.

Recipe for sea buckthorn with honey, the use of which is invaluable, is used in the form of juice, decoction, tea and a mixture.

Warning! Sea buckthorn contains a large number of organic acids, so its use is prohibited in acute gastritis and peptic ulcer.

Seabuckthorn with honey: cooking recipes

Sea buckthorn juice with honey

Ingredients: 3 glasses of sea-buckthorn juice, 2 tbsp.spoons of honey, a decoction of mint leaves( half a cup), boiled water( 1 glass).Juice must be filtered, pour into a glass container, add all ingredients there and mix well. Drink the drink in the fridge and drink it a day.

Vitamin cocktail restores the strength of

The drug is used for kidney and kidney disease, helps to eliminate toxins from the body.

Healing cocktail

Let's consider how to make a delicious, restoring strength cocktail from a sea-buckthorn with honey. To create it you will need the following ingredients: 3 tbsp.spoonful of sea buckthorn berries, 2 teaspoons of honey, juice of half a lemon. Peel the berries, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Infusion strain and mix with honey and lemon juice. Apply with severe fatigue, cold, flu, beriberi.

Sea-buckthorn berries + honey

It is recommended for people living in areas with unfavorable ecological conditions to drink a drink from the leaves of sea-buckthorn and honey to boldly "look into the eyes" of radiation. To do this: a handful of sea buckthorn and dried mint leaves pour boiling water( 5 liters) and let the broth steep for 6 hours. After the specified time, decoct the broth and add in it half a cup of honey. Drink the drink instead of water.

Sea buckthorn oil with honey

What else is useful for sea-buckthorn with honey?

  • A glass of warm water with a spoonful of sea buckthorn oil and honey helps with any symptoms of a cold.
  • Mixture of miracle-berries oil and bee product cures gynecological ailments. To do this: dab a cotton swab into the mixture and enter into the body for 15-20 minutes. The course of treatment is 5-15 days.

  • Mixed in equal doses, the products become a cleansing and toning facial mask. It rejuvenates the skin, making it supple and elastic, and also smoothes wrinkles. Suitable for all skin types.

Vitamin composition of

Vitamin composition, where sea buckthorn berries and honey are involved, and nuts will help to protect against viral and cold diseases in the course of the year. For its preparation you will need walnuts( 10 pieces), flower honey( 1 glass), sea-buckthorn berries( 2 cups).Berries are wiped through a sieve or blender, and then filtered. In the resulting juice add crushed nuts and liquid honey. Healing means will not only save you from the cold, but will also please with its bright taste at breakfast or lunch.

How to make "honey" from sea buckthorn

A sea buckthorn syrup is popularly known as sea-buckthorn "honey" due to its similar consistency and color. For its creation take 1 kg of pulp berries( without seeds and peel) and 2 kg of sugar.
Sea buckthorn "honey" is not inferior to the bee product

Technology of preparation:

  • Ripe fruit of sea-buckthorn should be thoroughly rinsed and dried.
  • Pass them through a meat grinder and treat with a sieve to remove the seeds and mash. In the end, you should get a puree mass, approximately 1 kg.
  • Puree mix with 2 kg of sugar until the latter dissolves completely and leave for 3-4 hours.
  • Put the sea-buckthorn mass in an enameled container, put it on a stove and cook for 5-8 minutes. Remove any foam that forms. Pour the syrup into cans.

Sea buckthorn "honey" impresses with its delicious taste and luxurious yellow-orange color. They are enjoying a cup of tea and are used in cooking. He copes with such ailments, as beriberi, fatigue, cold, cough, flu, weakening of immunity.

Delicious dessert for the winter.

. From orange berries and bee products, prepare an excellent fortifying remedy for the winter.

Washed and dried sea buckthorn berries are put in layers in sterile cans, alternating alternately with honey. Products are taken in equal proportions. The last layer represents honey, on top of which put paper impregnated with alcohol, and cover with a boiled lid. Keep the mixture in a dark and cool place, and use it after 30 days from the date of preparation.

Useful not only berries of sea-buckthorn, but also its leaves, branches and bark


Attention! Sea buckthorn with all its unique medicinal properties has a number of contraindications.

Seabuckthorn is not recommended:

  • to people prone to allergic reactions( as well as honey);
  • with inflammation of the duodenum and gastrointestinal tract;
  • for abnormalities in the pancreas;
  • for pancreatitis, gastritis and cholecystitis;
  • for liver disease( moderate doses are possible).

The use of sea buckthorn with honey is proved by years and people. This powerful tandem crushes many diseases and prolongs youth. The main thing is not to go beyond optimal doses, since the benefit and harm of any medicinal product must be correlated with each other.

  • Mar 12, 2018
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