Broth of dogrose: a reliable source of health and vitality

  1. "Health accumulator"
  2. Use of rosehip broth for medicinal purposes
  3. Vitamin decoction of rose hips: methods of preparation

Rosehip, belonging to the family of Rosaceae, has gone very far from ornamental garden partners in its useful qualities. For example, in medicines all its parts are used - fruits, roots, leaves and flowers.

And although the dried fruits of this prickly plant are a means recognized in folk medicine and used almost as often as people drink regular tea, the benefits and contraindications of the rosehip broth should be the subject of detailed consideration. This drink is not as harmless as it is commonly believed: there are a number of contraindications that need to be considered( gastritis, ulcers, thromboses, hypervitaminosis).

There are several types of dogrose, but the most popular herbalists are cinnamon dogrose( another name is Mayan).Gather the ripe rose hips from September to October.

Tip: In order to always have ready raw materials at hand, it is necessary to take care of this in advance and clean every berry. Fresh collected fruits should be removed from the peduncle, cut into halves and each of them thoroughly cleaned from hairs and seeds. Prepared berries in this way must be washed several times in running water to get rid of debris. Then discard the dogrose into a colander, let it drain. Only such purified raw materials are safe.

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Rosehip - an amazing "relative" of the rose,

You can use both fresh dogrose, and dried with the help of an oven( at 90-100 ° C) or special drying for fruit. You can dry and in natural conditions in a warm, well-ventilated room, but not under the sun! Also, the fruits can be frozen. Preliminarily it is better to grind them - so when brewing they will give the maximum of useful properties.

"Accumulator" of health

is suitable for preparation of a healing drink. The chemical composition of dry hips is truly unique. This plant has a whole biological "arsenal", designed to overcome the disease. Pectins and tannins, organic acids and mineral salts, vitamins and flavonoids are a small list of its active ingredients.

Vitamin C
  • helps fight infections and viruses, supports the natural level of immune defense;
Group B vitamins
  • normalization of hematopoiesis;
Vitamin P - Routine
  • improves the absorption of ascorbic acid, strengthens capillaries;
  • is converted to a highly digestible vitamin A;
  • regulation of acid-base balance in the body;
  • antioxidant properties;
  • rapid tissue repair during the treatment of burns, ulcers, eczema.

Broth of dogrose( of course, correctly prepared) maximally preserves the beneficial properties of this curative composition.

Tip: The leaves of the dog rose also have healing qualities: from them you can make tea. To do this, they should be crushed, pour boiling water and let it brew for 15-20 minutes.

Use of rose hip for medicinal purposes

Briar decoction helps:

  • normalization of the functioning of the liver, gallbladder;
  • curing digestive organs, setting up the production of enzymes;
  • lower blood pressure, strengthen the heart muscle;
  • activation of red blood cells, the prevention of anemia and atherosclerosis;
  • stimulation of the production of enzymes and hormones;
  • strengthen immunity( in particular, during the cold period of colds);
  • increase in general tone, rejuvenate the body( antioxidants);
  • prevention of vitamin deficiency( contains vitamins of group B, vitamins C, P and PP, K, carotene, iron, manganese, potassium);
  • reduces inflammation( antibacterial properties);
  • normalization of the functions of the genitourinary system;
  • activating mental activity, restoring vision;
  • weight reduction by reducing the level of harmful cholesterol, normalizing metabolism and eliminating toxins and poisons;
  • normalization of the stool( with diarrhea);
  • rehabilitation after illness, increase physical endurance.

Tip: for the prevention of catarrhal diseases take 3-4 times a day after eating a glass of fruit broth "wild rose"( instead of tea).

Broth of dogrose is also taken with pancreatitis - it removes inflammation and a painful condition, perfectly supports the diseased pancreas.

Caution: Contraindications!

The use of any medicinal products, including broth of dog rose, should be under the supervision of a doctor. Particular care should be taken if, in addition to the health problems that the dog rose helps to solve, there are also those that this drug can aggravate:

  • a violation of the circulatory system, arterial hypotension;
  • blood diseases: thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, endocarditis;
  • stomach diseases: dyspepsia, gastritis, ulcerous formations, increased acidity;
  • hypervitaminosis of vitamins C and P
  • sensitive enamel, propensity to tooth decay and untreated teeth;
  • pathological conditions of the liver;
  • susceptibility to allergies, intolerance to rosehip preparations;
  • bowel disease, constipation.

Vitamin decoction of rose hips: how to prepare

The benefits of using rosehips will be maximized if you learn how to brew it properly. Healing broth of wild rose - how to cook it to preserve vitamins, antioxidants and other nutrients?

"Classic" bracing is considered to be broth of wild rose prepared according to the following recipe:

100 g of well-cleaned and washed fruits( you can use prepared dry raw materials) should be put in a pan, pour 1 liter of boiling water from a teapot, bring to full boil. Turn off the fire and leave to languish under the lid for about 12 hours( preferably at night).

Caution: It is not necessary to steam the fruit with boiling water in a thermos to prepare a beverage from rose hips. Due to the fact that for many hours the temperature does not drop in the thermos, the valuable substances and compounds that contain the decoction break up and "perish".Negatively affects the metal coating of the thermos - there is oxidation. Externally and to taste the drink practically does not differ from cooked "by the rules", but in fact it is less useful.

Broth of wild rose - a wonderful healing drink, rich in vitamin C and antioxidants

Let's give another recipe for the broth of the dog-rose, which is easy to prepare:

It takes 40 g of rose hips and raspberries. Raw materials should be poured in 0.5 liters of hot water, boil and cool. Before use, this broth should be filtered. It is recommended to use it in the cold period, when the risk of viral and catarrhal diseases is high, or for the prevention of avitaminosis.

Advice: for children, you can sweeten the drink a little, but do not get carried away with sugar.

Roseberry broth with raspberries is a delicious and healthy means for maintaining health in the off-season.

Rosehip decoction from anemia

It takes 100 grams of whole dried fruit and 1 liter of boiling water. Bring to a boil and leave on low heat for 10 minutes. Decoction to filter and cool. Drink with honey and lemon juice( 200 ml of decoction take 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice).

To prepare a drink that helps fight anemia, you need a decoction of dogrose, honey and lemon

. Tip: To avoid tooth problems after taking the decoction, rinse your mouth with water( organic acids in the dog rose can destroy sensitive tooth enamel).

For the shapely figure

Broth of dogrose - an excellent tool for weight loss. It has effective and mild laxative properties, cleans tissues from edema and promotes the removal of excess fluid, normalizes water-fat metabolism.

Caloric content of rosehip broth is low, and useful qualities are significant:

Rosehip( 100 g) Fresh fruits Dried fruits Decoction
Energy value 109 kcal 284 kCal 49.9 kCal
Proteins 1,6 g 3,4g 0,3 g
Fats 0,7 g 1,4 g -
Carbohydrates 22,4 g 48,3 g 12,1 g

How to prepare the broth of the dogrose, which helps to cleanse and lose weight?


For 2 tbsp.crushed fruit will need 0.5 liters of clean water. Rosehip pour water and put on a water bath, bring to the boiling point and leave for 15 minutes. Then turn off the heat and cover. After 2-3 hours the magic drink is ready. It should be drunk daily instead of water 1 hour before meals( a day you can drink up to one liter of decoction).The course lasts three weeks. Do not add sugar! As a result of such a cleansing course, the body will get rid of harmful toxins, gently cleanse the intestines, excess fluid will leave.

Decoction of dog rose beneficial for the restoration of normal metabolic processes, which leads to a gradual weight loss

It should be remembered that the use of this drink in combination with diet and rhythmic physical activity will help to strengthen health and achieve the desired result - ease, harmony, weight loss.

For the health of the future mother

Broth of dogrose during pregnancy will help to fill the natural balance of vitamins, which was broken due to a new condition for the woman's body. This is important, because the future mother is at risk of infectious diseases because of the weakening of immune defenses. In addition, such a drink will help to overcome nausea and heartburn, which is not so successfully cope with lemon or currant. Successfully used decoction of rose hips as a preventative against swelling.


The daily portion of the decoction is prepared from 20 g of fruit and 0.5 l of water. Rye rosehip should be crushed, pour hot water and warm on low heat for 15 minutes. Cool, drain and take 2-3 times a day before meals.

Tip: It is useful for a pregnant woman to add other berries and fruits to the decoction of the dog rose: black currant, cranberries, strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, sea buckthorn. With this drink, the leaves of nettle, mint are combined.

Recall that any drugs, including plant origin, should be taken by a future mother with the knowledge of the doctor in charge.

For the health of infants and older children

Broth of dogrose during breastfeeding will help mother to fill the deficiency of vitamins, adjust the internal organs and glands, help to form the immune protection of the baby. Preparing such a decoction follows the "classical" recipe given in this article. Sweeteners to add is not recommended

Broth of dogrose will help mum to correct the imbalance of vitamins and minerals, will support its forces

For infants boiled broth will be useful from 6 months. At this age, you can accustom the baby to new types of food and drink, as the systems of his body gradually ripen, the development of enzymes is being established. Begin with small doses, gradually bringing up to 50 ml( in the absence of a negative reaction to the decoction).

For older children and toddlers, the broth of rose hips can also be prepared by the following recipe:

A thermos bottle with a glass bulb or a glass jar with a lid is required for cooking. Take the components in a ratio of 1 tbsp.crushed rose hips for 250 ml of hot water( t = 60 ° C - no more!).Infuse the broth in a thermos 12 hours( for example, cook overnight).This method is the most gentle, because, according to some researchers and doctors, at 60 ° C begins the destruction of vitamin C.

How to drink a "child" version of the broth of rose hips? It is recommended to add a little honey to it - so the drink will not only taste nicer, but the assimilation of vitamin C will be more complete.

Broth of dogrose will cure a cold and support the immunity of the smallest

So, if you do not abuse the vitamin drink, you can get a boost of energy, support yourself during the colds, ease the course of some ailments. A properly prepared decoction broth contains many valuable substances, in addition, not only whole dried fruits are sold in pharmacies, but also the minced raw material already prepared in filter bags for express brewing( you just need to follow the instructions on the package).

On the preparation of broth from the fruit of the "wild rose" tells the author of the following video:

  • Mar 12, 2018
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