The recipe for raspberry tincture on vodka does not require any rare ingredients from you, they are all accessible and understandable. And this greatly simplifies the process of making fragrant liqueurs at home.
Basic recommendations
- For raspberry tinctures, choose only ripe and whole berries.
- If you do not have fresh raspberries, then the frozen one, which must first melt at room temperature, is quite suitable.
- Before use, the fruits must necessarily be sorted by removing the spoiled ones.
- For an alcoholic base, a good vodka or cognac is best suited. It is also allowed to use alcohol, diluted to 40-45 °.
On vodka
The tincture of raspberry on vodka has a pleasant sweet taste. The fortress of the ready drink is moderate.
Prepare the ingredients:
- vodka - 1 liter;
- raspberry - 3,3 kg;
- sugar - 250-260 g;
- water - 250-260 ml.
The cooking process.
- To prepare the filling from raspberry on vodka, the berries must be folded into a clean jar and pour them with vodka.
- The container is closed with a lid and transferred to a dark place.
Recommendation! A pantry room will be a suitable place for infusion, but only make sure that the bottle does not stand next to the heating pipes! The storage temperature should be at room temperature!
- After 3 days, drain the liquid into another container.
- In the saucepan, we connect water and sugar, put it on the fire and cook the syrup.
- When the sugar is completely dispersed, remove the saucepan from the plate and leave the syrup until completely cooled.
- Add crushed syrup to raspberry vodka and mix.
- Tincture is bottled, tightly sealed and sent to a cool place for 2-3 weeks.
- After this time, the drink is filtered and stored in a common refrigerator compartment or in a cellar.
On the cognac
It is very fragrant to get a raspberry brandy filling prepared at home.
Prepare ingredients:
- raspberry 750-800 g;
- cognac - 1 liter.
The cooking process.
- Raspberry rinse, drain excess liquid and put in a jar.
- Pour the whole cognac.
Tip! The total mass of raspberries can be more or less than the indicated value, this will depend on the size of the berries. But during cooking, make sure that the cognac for 3 cm overlaps the fruit.
- We close the jar with a cap nylon and transfer it to heat, where it should spend about 2 months.
- After this time, the liquid is poured into another container and additionally filtered.
- Next, we pour aromatic fillings on convenient bottles and store them in the refrigerator.
Without vodka
Raspberry tincture can be prepared without the alcoholic component. And it becomes drunk as a result of natural fermentation.
Prepare ingredients:
- raspberry - 2-2.2 kg;
- sugar - 800-900 g;
- water - 200 ml.
The cooking process.
- Prepare a three-liter jar.
- Fold the raspberries in layers and sprinkle each one with sugar.
- Add water.
Important! The number of ingredients must be adjusted independently and make sure that there is about 3 cm of free space left for fermentation in the jar!
- Using a wooden rolling pin, gently knead the berries.
- At the throat of the banks we install a hydraulic seal - a medical glove, on one of the fingers of which we make a hole.
- We put the jar in the sun, for example, on the windowsill.
- We follow the glove - at the beginning of the fermentation it should inflate, after the fall. And when the gas station will stop air with whistling - the pouring is almost ready.
- We filter the beverage and close the lid, then leave it in a cool place for another 2 days.
- Next, we pour the tincture on the bottles, tightly cork and store in the basement or refrigerator.
When and how to use
Tincture made of raspberries cooked at home is not only a festive table decoration, but also an excellent remedy for a cold. It contains unique useful properties that will help cure angina, eliminate sore throat, cough and increase the defenses of the body.
In addition, due to the properties of the berries, such a drink favorably affects the capillaries, preventing the development of atherosclerosis. He can become an excellent assistant in the fight against kidney disease, stomach and save from anemia.
Of course, you can not abuse the liquid, thinking that it is guaranteed to save from disease. Yet this is an alcoholic beverage, so it will only benefit with moderate use and will never match its qualities with fresh berries.