Owners of fluffy beauties should know what the duration of bearing in cats, how it should flow, to monitor the condition of the future mother and baby. Some breeds have peculiarities in the birth of offspring: it is British, Fold, Scottish and others. How should the process occur?
Pregnancy period in cats
A normally occurring pregnancy has its own time limit. How long does a cat bore kittens? Births occur from 65 to 70 days of pregnancy, depending on the number of babies, the age of the future mother and the features of the course of pregnancy. Sexual maturation occurs at the age of 6-9 months, when the first estrus is observed and the physiologically animal is ready to bear, give birth. At this age, the pet is still very small to endure normal offspring, so the owner needs to be sure that an unplanned pregnancy does not happen.
Early births are dangerous because offspring can be born defective, weak. It is better if the owners are waiting for the second, third heat, when the body is already more adult and strong. If this process is regular, lasts about a week, then pet owners can be calm: the animal's health is good. The optimal time when the pet is to give birth is at the age of 1.5-2 years. Forcibly ptomitsu mating is inappropriate, if the male she did not like, then the process is in vain.
To be sure that the pet is ready for delivery, it is necessary to conduct a survey with a veterinarian. Try to do a maximum of tests and make sure that the animal is completely healthy to bear offspring. Do fur treatment from fleas( collar, special drops), conduct treatment or preventive measures against worms, various infections.
How to determine the duration of pregnancy in cats
How many a cat has kittens, have already found out - a little more than two months. But how to determine that the pet in an interesting position? Signs of the appearance of future offspring during how many cats the pregnant women walk at different stages:
- habitual behavior begins to change, the animal can get nervous when it is picked up or ironed;
- the first week of the character in that the activity of the animal is reduced, she likes to rest more, ceases to be playful;
- toxemia in an animal - this is not a joke, in the morning, a future mother can vomit, there is vomiting in the morning. This process lasts several days, then comes the time of increased nutrition and sleep with a long duration;
- three weeks after conception, the change in volume begins, the color of the nipples is saturated pink;
- clearly shows that your pet is in position at the end of the second month( 6th week);
- at week 7, putting his hand to the tummy, you can feel the wiggling of the cubs;
- a day or two before the birth of the pythomist is very nervous, starts to fuss, to look for a place where she will give birth to kittens.
How long is the pregnancy in cats
? The human pregnancy is divided into trimesters, where each period is characterized by its own developmental features of the baby. In these animals, the whole cycle is divided into 5 stages:
- The process lasts 25 days. The formation of embryos of kittens is only beginning, by the size of the twentieth day they are no more than a small nutlet. Experienced veterinarian for 20 days can already confirm the interesting situation of the pitoma. Mama herself becomes affectionate, tries to be close to the person all the time. Nipples begin to intensively grow pink and increase.
- Begins from the 30-31 days of knitting. The future mother eats more and rest, embryos develop intensively. The first two stages are very important, the diet should be full of vitamins and nutrients.
- Comes in the sixth week, when the situation is already noticeable due to a sagging stomach. The fetus is already fully formed and the uterus descends. Pregnant becomes very calm.
- Very difficult period from 40 to 50 days. Toddlers overgrown with wool, the work of all internal systems is started. The cat is characterized by a decrease in appetite.
- The last stage, when already through the belly it is felt that the fluffy babies are moving, and the expectant mother becomes nervous, fussy, looking for a place where she will give birth.
Duration of pregnancy in cats of different breeds
Peculiarities of bearing can depend on the breed:
- The females of the British breed bore kittens 65 days, this period is very calm.
- Births at the Scottish pet come on average from 58 to 71 days. The longer the coat of an animal of Scottish or British breed, the more an interesting situation continues( 70 days).Scottish Fold should be good, eat a lot. If the pet eats feed - choose the option for animals in the position or for babies.
- The Siamese breed is characterized by a large number of offspring, so your help may be needed during childbirth and subsequent feeding to protect the life of mom and children. Females of this breed bore kittens from 55 to 65 days.
- Sphinxes are born weak, but intensive feeding of babies will correct a situation.
Pregnancy of a cat by the number of kittens
How many cats do kittens wear, depending on their number? If the baby is more than two, the birth occurs on 55-60 days. If you are planning the birth of one baby, then the nursing of the pet takes longer. Most of all, this applies to the Siamese breed, because they are prolific and give at a time from 7 to 13 children. The load of such a number of offspring and affects the body of your pet.