Grown on a personal plot of land, a tasty, fragrant and large strawberry brings a lot of pleasant emotions to the gardener. But to gather a rich harvest of this berry is not easy. Only, knowing the secrets of her planting and caring for her, it is possible to grow a delicious strawberry. New bushes of this berry root in late summer or fall. How to plant strawberries in August? Consider the description of the sequence of agrotechnical work before planting seedlings of this culture and ways of planting berry bushes.
How to choose and buy strawberries for planting
To get healthy strawberry bushes that will grow well without diseases and give a big harvest of sweet berries, it is necessary to plant quality seedlings. How to choose the right material for planting? Specialists recommend buying one-year-old seedlings with a closed root system( in cups).They should have fancoid roots of at least 5 cm in length and no more than 3 well-developed leaves.
A good crop yields elite strawberry varieties. It will be great if you acquire and plant such seedlings on the plot. Even for the cultivation of this culture, gardeners use freego seedlings, which are carefully selected from the berry bushes on the bed, then dig out in late autumn and stored in bags at a slight negative temperature.
Where is the best place to buy seedlings of strawberries? If you buy it in the markets from private traders, then it is likely that the purchased plant will be infected with diseases and pests. It is best to take a healthy seedlings, obtained from sterile plants grown according to a special method "from a test tube."Such seedlings are sold by large producers. In their specialized nurseries, seedlings of strawberries are realized, beginning from the end of July to the beginning of August.
The earlier in the summer you plant the bushes of this plant, the more likely that they will be laying flower buds, and next year will be the first harvest. When choosing seedlings, inspect the seedlings well. If you see pale, shriveled leaves on plants, or there are some dots on them, it is better not to buy such material. These signs indicate a poor quality of seedlings, infection with diseases / pests. Buy seedlings of strawberry with the following features:
- Leaves of seedlings are leathery / with pubescence, they have a rich healthy shiny, green color.
- The seedling's horn has a thickness of at least 0.7 cm.
- The root length of the open seedlings is more than 7 cm.
- The seedlings have no damage to the roots or leaves.
- The core of the bush is strong, elastic, has a rich green color.
- In saplings in cups or cassettes, the roots must envelop the entire volume of the container in which they are located.
- The peat pot must be with roots that have been pierced through and peeked out.
Soil preparation
Plant strawberries best at the end of the summer season in August. It is desirable to do this on sunny places and on the south-western slopes with a gradient of 2-3 degrees. Use for the cultivation of this plant areas in the lowlands or a closed type is not desirable. The acidity of the soil for planting seedlings of strawberries should not be more than 5.5-6.5.A good harvest of bushes of berries will be given if they are planted on chernozem podzolized soils or on dark gray forest soil, which has an average or light composition.
Not bad fruit will be fruit and on soddy-podzolic, sandy loamy soils. It is not advisable to plant strawberries where groundwater is close to the surface. Before planting seedlings in a certain area, it is necessary to first examine it for pests, and if they are found, destroy the insects with special means. The ground for planting strawberries is first cleared of weeds. Then 2 weeks before planting the seedlings prepare the soil for planting seedlings. On the territory of the site, 2-3 buckets of organic per 1 sq. M.m.
After which crops to plant: predecessors of strawberry
When choosing a site for planting strawberries, consider which plant grew on it earlier. Do not use the land to grow this delicious berries, if it has recently grown plants from the family of Compositae, lutoculums or tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes, sunflower. So after that you can plant strawberries? And is it possible to plant this plant after the onion? The harvest of berries will be good if the seedlings are planted in the soil where they previously grew:
- peas;
- beans;
- radish;
- garlic;
- parsley;
- radish;
- mustard;
- dill;
- salad;
- oats;
- onion.
At what distance to root the berry: the planting scheme with photos
When planting seedlings, do not put them too deep into the ground, otherwise the center point or heart of the bush will be below the soil level, which will lead to the death of the plant. Allow small planting strawberries, too, can not. This is fraught with the drying of the heart and the death of the bush. Seedlings are well rooted and will grow if you plant it so that the center point of the seedling slightly protrudes above the surface of the soil.
- When planting seedlings in a hole, you need to make a mound in it and put a plant on it.
- Roots can not be bent, they should smoothly descend the hillock. If they are too long, cut them a little.
- After planting seedlings, the plant should be watered abundantly and applied to each seedling l of a solution of HB 101-93, diluting 93 drops of this substance in 1 liter of water.
- Then the young bushes are mulched with compost( 5-6 cm) or straw, hay, sawdust( 10 cm) and covered with special material to create a greenhouse effect for better rooting of seedlings.
In the future, regular weeding of bushes is carried out and the mustache is removed. If there is dry weather after the transplanting, it is necessary to water the culture so that the land on the site is wet. In this period there is a laying of flower buds, on which the harvest of berries depends next year. There are several schemes for planting strawberries:
- Single-line. This is planting seedlings in one row. The distance between the bushes of plants should be 15-20 cm, and between rows - 60-70 cm.
- Two-line. This is a landing with ribbons consisting of 2 rows of bushes. The distance between the tapes is 60-70 cm, in rows - 30 cm, with the bushes - 15-20 cm.
- Natural agrotechnics. In this scheme, the seedlings are planted every 50 cm in a row on beds 50 cm wide. The distance between the rows is 50 cm.
. Than to fertilize the soil before planting
. 2 weeks prior to planting of the seedlings, it is desirable to add 40 grams to the soil( per 1 m2)double superphosphate, up to 20 g of potassium fertilizers( wood ash or potassium sulfate).In the holes for planting the seedlings, it is desirable to add organic. To do this, dig a hole of 25x25x25 for each seedling and fill it with a mixture consisting of 1 bucket of land from the plot, 1 bucket of compost, 1 bucket of overmanned horse manure, 2 glasses of ash.
Planting a garden strawberry with a mustache in the open ground
One way to obtain seedlings of strawberries is to root the mustache from a specially prepared mother bush of this culture. On such shoots, rosettes and their root system are formed:
- Two weeks before the transplant, separate the young seedling obtained from the rooting of the mustache with a pair of scissors from the adult plant. From now on, he will switch to his own food.
- When the rosettes of the strawberry are ripe, transplant them to a permanent place. And when to plant a strawberry mustache? It is better to start this process in the period from the end of July to the end of August. Do it on a cloudy day or in the evening, so that the root system of the plant is well adapted to a new place.
- The site for strawberry planting is divided into rows with a distance between them of 1 m. Plant strawberries at a distance of 20-30 cm between the bushes.
- The depth of the strawberry seedling pit should be 15 cm.
- The socket core after planting should be at the soil level. It is important not to deepen it and leave it above the ground so that the bush does not die.
How to properly plant a black film
To obtain a large crop of strawberries, truck farmers use the method of planting a plant for black film or agrofibre. These devices cover the entire site. In the film, holes are made for planting berry bushes. The black material on the ground does not let sunlight pass, and weeds and other undesirable plants on this site do not grow under it. To implement this method of landing:
- Acquire agrofiber or black film, the area equal to the size of the future plantation of strawberry.
- Next mulch material lay on the ground, laying its corners in the holes around the perimeter and falling asleep with soil.
- Then start the process of planting seedlings. They should be planted in staggered order with a distance between bushes 25-30 cm.
- On the film, pre-mark the places under the holes and make small perpendicular incisions in them.
- Then through each hole dig holes with your hands and plant the seedlings.
- The hole in the film should not be large to prevent the growth of weeds.
What fertilizer to use or how to feed in autumn
Planted in August, the plants need to be fertilized. This is done by different substances. It is useful to treat strawberries with a solution consisting of 30 g of urea and 10 liters of water. Foliar top dressing is made with boron, manganese, molybdenum, zinc. Processed bushes will bring more harvest in summer, and the quality of berries will be higher than on plants not fertilized with these substances. To make the mixture for top dressing, prepare the following components:
- molybdenum - 2 g;
- manganese - 50 g;
- boric acid - 15 g;
- water - 15 liters.
Autumn care for strawberries includes preparing the plant for the winter. They cover the bushes of this crop with straw, peat, compost, fallen leaves or corn stalks. These natural substances not only keep plants in winter from cold, but also fertilize the soil. As mulch bush is used even special materials - spunbond, lutrasil. The sheltered strawberry will be protected from frosts and next year will yield a good harvest. Further agro-works with strawberries begin in April.
Is it possible to plant next to different varieties of strawberry
In some reviews of gardeners there is a deep belief that it is impossible to plant different kinds of strawberries together. So they perepylylyayutsya among themselves, and then on their bushes the quality of the berries becomes worse. But experts argue that the reason for the deterioration of the crop in such cases is not that there is a re-pollination, but because the plant is degenerating.
If you go a little deeper into botany, you can remember that when pollinating crops there is a double fertilization. As a result of this process, seeds are obtained that have genetic information from the pollinator plant. However, with strawberries, the situation is different, because its fruit is not quite what the term "botany" means.
The juicy red berry on the bush of this culture is an overgrown flower that is part of the mother plant and carries only its genetic attributes. Therefore, the culture, pollen pollinated flowers of strawberries, does not affect the quality of berries. Hence, it is not forbidden to plant different varieties nearby. But when reproducing a plant mustache, it is important not to confuse what kind of strawberry the daughter socket belongs to.
Video: technology of planting on the covering material
Experienced gardeners prefer to use black film, spunbond, agrobiolo for growing strawberries. The technology of planting seedlings of this plant on the covering material allows to obtain a good harvest and prevents the appearance of weeds. On the peculiarities of planting seedlings of strawberries on agrovolokno, spunbond you will learn from 3 video below, where different ways of rooting seedlings are shown.