Nuts - a very useful, indispensable dish in the diet of proper nutrition. They contain a huge amount of vitamins, they are also rich in protein, so that for vegetarians they serve as a substitute for meat.
- How to clean nuts:
- Wicker
- Cedar
- Hazelnut
- Peanut
- How to remove the film from nuts
Nobody likes to eat nuts, but nobody likes to clean them. Therefore, most people buy already peeled walnut, making a big mistake, because the content of useful substances in them is much lower, besides they are not protected by the influence of external harmful factors and deteriorate much faster. In order to clear the nuts, there are many ways, knowing which, to cope with a stubborn shell is quite simple.
How to peel nuts in a solid shell
The most popular and affordable for sale and at a price is considered a walnut, which has a dense in the structure of the shell. It seems that cleaning him is a great test. But this is not so. In order to clean the walnut and keep the core intact, it is necessary to take the following:
- Place the peeled nuts in the basin with hot water and leave for a few hours. After the nuts are sufficiently strewed, their shells will be easier to clean, and the membranes connecting the core will become very soft.
- At the bottom of the nut, where the two halves are joined, there is a small hole. It should be placed knife, which is gently scrolled clockwise. As a result, you have 2 equal halves in your hand.
- Use the same knife to scrape off the softened membranes that hold the core. And all, you get a beautiful and smooth nucleolus.
However, everything is not as simple as it seems. Clear in this way you can only nuts, which are more or less soft and thin shell. If you get a nut from a wild tree, then you can split it only with a hammer, and in that case you will not be able to have a beautiful and smooth core. When purchasing, you can distinguish a wild walnut by its oblong form and small size.
Pine nuts
To clean pine nuts, use conventional garlic. You can also try the temperature drop method, when the nuts are first heated in a thick frying pan, and then poured into the water with ice. From such a temperature jump, the shell will immediately crack, and it will not be difficult to clean the nuts.
In this case, the main thing is not to overdo it with a frying pan. If you overdo the nuts on it, they either burn, or lose their useful properties.
Also cleaned quite easily, either with pliers, or using a bag and hammer. A handful of hazelnuts is placed in a rag-bag, on which it is necessary to gently tap with a hammer, after which intensively shake the bag and select the cleaned kernels from the shell.
Inshell peanuts are perfectly cleaned by hand, without requiring any special tools.
Some people try to scrape and clean nuts with a door jamb, chair legs and many other strange objects. But these methods are fraught with broken furniture and crumbled shells interspersed with cores. In this case, it will be more expedient to purchase a special device for cleaning nuts, which is sold at a hardware store.
How to peel nuts in
film To clean this kind of nuts, you do not need a lot of wisdom. All you need is water: hot and cold.
To clean the almonds from a brown film, place the nuts in a container of boiling water. Wait until the water becomes room temperature, then take out and clean the nuts in turn. The skin will be removed very easily, it is only necessary to press two fingers.
Remove the skin from raw peanuts is also not difficult. The walnut is simply poured cold water for a few minutes. Skin becomes softer and easy to remove, just scraping.
As you can see, peeling nuts is not difficult at all, enough to arm yourself with some secrets, and fresh nuts will always be present on your table.