The "minus 60" system of Ekaterina Mirimanova

The dream of most women - this is all you want, and not plump. Close to her execution came Catherine Mirimanova, who invented the famous system of losing weight "minus 60".The system received this name thanks to the result of the author, who was able to get rid of 60 extra pounds.

Fundamentals of power system Mirimanova

Call this system a diet is very difficult, because there is for it you can do whatever you want, but according to certain rules.

So, before 12 o'clock in the day you can eat everything you want. But only at one time. That is, for breakfast you can eat the first, and the second and third( if you want), dessert, compote, etc.

The dinner rules are a little bit tougher, for example, you can not eat fried, smoked, sugar, and combine meat and fish products with pasta and potatoes. With meat or fish you can eat only rice or buckwheat, vegetables.

When preparing the first dish, you can not add potatoes with meat to it, you have to choose one thing. In the lunch( before 14 o'clock) you can afford a tablespoon of sour cream or mayonnaise, but only if you did not use the passivation for cooking. Bread is also desirable to exclude, it is better to eat a couple of creeps or, at worst, a piece of rye bread.

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For the dinner 7 options are developed. The main of the allowed products are vegetables( except potatoes, aubergines, legumes, corn, etc.) and fruits( apples, pineapple, watermelon, prunes, citrus fruits).In different versions, they either combine with each other, or each of them is combined with dairy products( with a fat content of up to 5%), cereals( rice or buckwheat).

As for meat and fish, they can be, but they are used as an independent dish. You can add the maximum egg. Another option for dinner is dairy products( with fat content up to 5%), cheese any( not more than 50 grams) and 3-4 pcs.rye croutons( they are crisps).By the way, dinner is necessary until 6 pm( a softer option - no later than 3 hours before bedtime).

To feed on the system should be so that all meals are equivalent in saturation. You can have a snack during the day with permitted fruits, but excessive infatuation slows down the process of losing weight, because the fruits contain sugar and other carbohydrates( even in harmless apples).

What can I drink? Do not force yourself to drink 2 liters of water. Drink exactly as much as you want. From alcohol only dry red wine is allowed.

The "minus 60" system is not just a diet!

The Mirimanova system is not limited to strict compliance with the rules of nutrition. To successfully lose weight and, then, to maintain the result is no less important physical exertion, proper skin care and a positive psychological attitude.

For best effect together with the system it is necessary to give the body regular physical activity. They do not have to be very intense, just try to move, physically work whenever possible. For example, climb several floors up the stairs, not the elevator. Or walk from work to home on foot.

And the most pleasant thing is skin care. It's no secret that many skin thinners come to an ugly state. Especially for those who want to lose extra pounds as quickly as possible. To avoid this, it is necessary, firstly, not to force the process of losing weight, and, secondly, to properly care for the skin. Coffee scrub and mummy, according to the author, will give the body beauty and elasticity.

And, finally, the psychological spirit is extremely important. You must believe in success and look at life with optimism. And all will turn out!

Healthy Food Practices
  • Mar 12, 2018
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