Nutrition in adolescence

The time has come when your precious child passed into adolescence. You with fear waited for the time when he first falls in love, he will start to rebel, and you and your child will stop to find a common language. Indeed, the child has matured, has become more experienced, but in some matters he still needs your friendly advice, understanding and warm support. Children of this age, like no one else can fall under the negative influence of their peers or adults, which is why it is so important not to let the child roll off the right road.

Proper nutrition of a teenager is the task of parents

Boys and girls have grown up, they are trying to look and behave in an adult way, they want to be independent of their parents. About how our teenage children eat, we often do not even think about, we are so worried about the endless problems in the life of the daughter( son) and the misunderstanding in your relationships with the child. However, the children's body continues to grow strongly, and, accordingly, large reserves of energy are required. To ensure that development does not deviate from the norm, a special set of useful products is needed. That's why it is the parents' task to apply parental wisdom, as it were, gradually, to control what your beloved child eats, and in time to prevent the moment when eating like the surrounding peers can turn into ordinary snacks by sandwiches. Remember that ill-considered food is a direct way to such formidable ailments as: stroke, fragility of bones, diabetes and even cancer.

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Straight Talk

Spend hearty conversations with your child. Explain to the teenager that, since he is already old enough, then he has his own opinion and is able to understand that it is impossible to imitate even the most respected friends. And, if Vanya, for example, receives money from his parents for fast food, chips and crackers, this does not mean that this food is useful for the body. If 12-year-old girlfriend Nastya adheres to some newfangled diet, not the fact that she is doing right, and you need to do the same. It is necessary to teach the daughter( son) to say categorically "no" to interceptions in food and diets, except those that were prescribed by the doctor!

What threatens overeating?

Now the "society of clean plates" is not in fashion, and one of the reasons for obesity in adults is overeating in childhood, often under the pressure of parents. Do not force the child against his desire to eat the whole portion. It is not so important how much the daughter( son) eats, better watch that the teenager took food in due time, and take care of a variety and usefulness of its ration.

To be a good example for your child

If you prefer to be on a diet all the time, show discontent with a teenager about your weight, and your body is systematically limited in normal nutrition, do not be surprised that your child will also behave as soon as it is, especially if it isgirl.

The most important substances

The adolescent period is the time when the body is formed, and since the teenager gets used to food additives faster than the adult, the harm to the child's organism caused by various emulsifiers and preservatives will be more tangible. Equally adversely affect the growing organism and early diets. Because of those that are considered fashionable, even absolutely healthy, not overweight people lose their heads. The body of a teenager, under the condition of normal development and with optimal metabolism, can not be limited in nutrition, since all the useful substances in the "right" products are vital to him.

Calcium is important for calcium

Calcium is very relevant during the formation of bones. During the day the organism of a teenager should receive up to 1300 mg of calcium. The following products are rich in calcium: low-fat cottage cheese, yogurts, hard cheese and milk, orange juice, enriched with calcium.

Why iron

is needed For normal mental development, the body needs iron. It is the supplier of oxygen to all cells of the body. Products with a high content of iron can be both animal and vegetable: beef, pork and poultry meat, eggs, oysters, shellfish;asparagus, vegetables, green peas and spinach. And nuts, beans, iron-enriched rice, pasta and bread are also useful for different varieties.

Water Balance

The body of a teenager should receive at least 30 mg of fluid per day per kilogram of body weight per day. Of course, this does not include sweet soda, which, as it has already been proved, is almost the most harmful to health due to its composition( artificial colors, caffeine, high sugar content).The best drinks for a teenager are drinking or mineral water, juice, milk.

Food intake and their ratio

For breakfast, a teenager must receive 25% of the daily intake of food, for lunch - 40%, lunch is only 15%, and dinner - 20%.And what should I give to a teenager in every meal? What are the characteristics of adolescent nutrition?

What should be breakfast

It is advisable to teach the daughter( son) to eat in the morning. For breakfast, a teenager can be offered the following meals: stew or fish, salad of vegetables or fruits, casserole, dairy, a sandwich with butter and cheese. From drinks - tea or cocoa. Coffee teenager is contraindicated.

What to feed the child for lunch

For lunch, it is desirable for the teenager to offer the first hot dish, usually soup or borsch, the second hot is a meat or fish dish with garnish in the form of vegetables or cereals, as well as fresh fruits for the season. The most useful cereals for this age are wheat, buckwheat and oats. Porridge should be given to the child no more than once a day. However, once a day he still must eat porridge on a mandatory basis, as cereals and cereals are complex carbohydrates, which bring the body the lion's share of energy.

What do we have for a mid-morning snack?

This meal is very significant in the diet of a teenager. It is thanks to a mid-morning snack that a teenager will not need fast snacks harmful to the body food. Snack can consist of milk and bread( buns), but fast carbohydrates, for example, sweet or flour should be abstained, because with their regular use appears overweight.

Do we need dinner?

For dinner it is better to cook something light, for example, an omelette, casserole, porridge, from drinks - milk with honey. In this case, the stomach of a teenager will not be overloaded.

Adolescent stages

Adolescents are considered to be the age range from 10 to 18 years. This pretty decent time interval can be divided into several stages of growing up. All of them require certain food.

Age 10-13 years is the time of accelerated growth of bones and muscles. It is advisable at this stage to include daily meat and dairy products in the children's diet.

Age of 14-16 years. At this stage, endocrine glands are actively forming, which is why teenagers of this age often suffer from acne. Explain to your daughter( son) why now it is especially important not to get involved with foods that are high in fat. Give up fried, cook, simmer, bake or cook for a couple. Vegetable fats, unlike animals, should not be excluded from the ration of the child. Offer a teenager nuts, season dishes with vegetable oils, and then the daughter( son) will not have problems with nails and hair.

Age of 16-18 years old - at this stage of growing up the child can be fond of diets, raw food or vegetarian, as he considers himself already quite adult and able to make important decisions on his own, in particular, about his nutrition. Convince the teenager that all these experiments can only harm his health. Even now his body continues to form, so you need to eat fully.

In addition to all of the above, a healthy diet teenager requires daily consumption of vegetable fiber, namely vegetables, fruits, roots. They include antioxidants, with the help of which the body is cleaned and the digestive system works properly. That the child normally developed, supply it with vitamins. In the season, vegetables and fruits can become sources of these nutrients, in the cold period - shop multivitamins, which include iron and vitamin D, responsible for normal development.

As you can see, it is not so difficult to organize a full meal for a teenager. By and large, it almost does not differ from a healthy diet of adults, formed people. However, if you teach a teenager to eat right and eat properly, in the future he will not have health problems. Agree that the game is worth the candle: all the efforts you have spent and time to train your daughter( son) to the correct food system will not be wasted in vain and in the future will pay off with interest.

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