What warns swollen feet and the threat of ignoring the problem

swelling of the feet At the thought of how vulnerable, sensitive and vulnerable to all kinds of vagaries( including "flooding" with edema), a strange, seemingly analogy with children's play comes to mind.

At a time when the Pokémon was still not there, the children played in the "Wave": they got up in a circle, they took each other's hands and, with their hands, "wave", with enthusiasm broadcast in chorus: the sea worries once, the sea worries two. ..

In words: the sea is worried three, the sea figure on the spot freeze!- should have stiffened in some intricate or ridiculous pose. What was the essence of the game? Who moved, giggled or sighed noisily, dropped out of the game - the rest continued to entertain.

The veins also "ride the wave" - ​​a pulse wave from the heart that, spreading through their soft, supple walls, rolling and slightly stretching one section - uh!- rolls on. And the pleasure from the wave( from the massage supporting the tone) is combined with the benefits for the veins( nutrition not only for the whole organism, but also for their own tissues).

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But the man imposed a completely different game on the veins, according to his rules - "Wave", where players simply have to freeze.

Disregarding their nature, dictating to them their rhythms of life( determining the frequency and strength of heartbeats), he does not think at all how long there should be a pause after the score of "three"?Do we need this phase of the game for the veins? And the whole game at all? children play in the "Wave"
Vienna only remains "worry" - they have nowhere to go.

But after all, say in the "Wave": three - then it is known to lose some of the players? Nevertheless, the word is pronounced. And in the end, those who are obediently frozen - varicose veins - are losing. After falling into a stupor, they can no longer relax - and remain in a "petrified" pose.

Their fate was decided by the mistress, who said: three. Or the master. People who imposed on them their rules of life.

Contents of

  • "Otecke Wave": where does it come from?
  • Such different edema, such different causes
  • Varicose similar to tsunami
  • Thousand penultimate warning about varicose
  • Diagnosis: varicosity? No, so far - edema of
  • Complications and consequences - it's all about reason
  • Case for "emergency care"
  • What to do to get puffiness off your feet at home
  • What will help the doctor
  • Better at all and do not know. ..

"Otec Wave": where is she from?

But here's the question: is this the owner, this owner of veins? And is this a real hostess? The answer to this question is given by. .. an edematous "wave" created artificially.

Why the "wave" again? Because its level fluctuates - during the night it falls, in the afternoon it rises again.

There are many reasons for its occurrence:

  • has taken the child to the nettles at the dacha - the legs have swelled, "burn" and are itching;
  • knows where from the carpet flew earth fleas - bitten places swell;
  • has overeaten the person salty - and again swelling, more often - on legs or foots in the field of foot;
  • allergic urticaria, resulting in swelling.

Those who fell during the night swelling on their feet in the day again steadily increase, and so repeats as long as there is a reason for their existence.

In addition to domestic, for the development of swelling of the lower limbs, there are other reasons - metabolic disorders: elephant legs

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  • with diabetes( "diabetic foot");
  • for kidney diseases with chronic water retention in the body;
  • dense edema - elephantiasis - with lymphatic stasis and others.

Although the nature of these edema of the legs and the other, they are also artificial - arise for reasons-habits, "acquired" by the owner of the body.

Such different edema, such different causes of

Depending on the percentage of protein in it, edematous fluid is called:

  • or by transudate ( protein not more than 2%);
  • or by exudate ( protein from 3 to 8%);
  • or mucus ( a suspension in water of colloids with a high content of chondroitin and hyaluronic acid), which creates a swollen swelling.

Unlike anasarca - an edema that has spread under the skin, dropsy is a fluid that accumulates in a closed cavity. Depending on which cavity "flooded", distinguish:

  • hydrothorax;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • hydrocele;
  • and other localizations.
The general edema( within one part of the body) differs from the local in its vastness of spread, and the fulminant( within a few seconds with a snake bite) is faster than acute( about an hour after its onset) or chronic( several days or several weeks).

Depending on the mechanics of edema development, there are also:

  • hydrodynamic;
  • is lymphatic;
  • with oncotic;
  • by osmotic;
  • is membranous.

For example, with nephrotic syndrome( nephropathy in pregnancy), a general hypoproteinemic( "small protein" due to massive proteinuria) edema related to osmotic develops, it "is located" mainly on the legs.

Swelling of the first degree( on the shins) can be as a consequence of gestosis( after 20 weeks of pregnancy), and inherent in the normal course of pregnancy( due to the pressure of the uterus on the lower vena cava and the transmission of ureters).

Development of edema during pregnancy

Development of edema during pregnancy

Another type of puffiness( physiological, called constitutional) is characteristic of women of low growth, having an excess of body weight.

Adherence to fashion to walk throughout the day in shoes with high heels, the tendency to "struggle" with excessive weight, which leads to its replenishment, then to a sharp "discharge", is also the cause of "female" edema.

And do I have to talk once more about the mummification-drying effect on the walls of the veins of cigarettes, alcohol and coffee, among which consumers have more women than men?

Swelling in children when the nephrotic syndrome occurs for no apparent reason( and therefore is called idiopathic), according to the immunological theory, is a consequence of autoimmune and allergic diseases, which is confirmed by the positive effect of immunosuppressive therapy.

Why swell legs

Other causes of developmental disorders in children are:

  • protein starvation with massive protein losses due to its lack of digestion by the walls of the intestines with celiac disease, enteritis, colitis;
  • is an unhealthy urinary system;
  • hepatitis and cirrhosis.

Special attention should be paid to swelling of the limbs in children, appearing in the evening while being in the vertical position during the day - they can be one of the signs of heart disease and the onset of heart failure.

Even more worrisome is the concomitant such edema symptoms:

  • shortness of breath;
  • cyanosis local or diffuse;
  • dizziness;
  • rapid or chronic fatigue;
  • enlargement of the liver in combination with abnormalities in blood, urine and with changes visible in instrumental studies.

And yet, why swell the legs:

Varicose is similar to the tsunami

Varicose Edema But sometimes( and quite often) the body has an excuse to create not just a "swelling wave", but something grandiose, present "tsunami."
This is the name of a wave of height with a multi-storey house, completely indistinguishable in the open ocean, but on the shore flooding everything for many hundreds of meters.

Like the tsunami caused by underwater earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, leg swelling in varicose veins is a consequence of cardiac and vascular accidents, which are prepared as slowly, deeply and thoroughly as the creation of this huge wave.

Varicosis itself is "born" along with its future carrier in an almost ready form, because it is an innate weakness of the venous wall, unable to resist the process of stretching for a long time.

The factors that contribute to its stretching are:

  • need to raise blood bars cut off from the total blood flow by venous valves, from the bottom( from the legs) upwards( towards the heart);
  • excessively dense( "fatty") blood;
  • excessively high body weight;
  • insufficient activity of the muscular system of the lower limbs, which in an active state promotes the movement of blood through the veins( or, on the contrary, an extremely high load on the muscles in sports and in the performance of heavy physical labor);
  • violation of the trophism of its wall( due to arterial hypertension, development of bacteremia, toxemia and other causes).

As a result of the "co-creation" of all these factors, there is a gradual stretching of the venous wall, which, passing the threshold of its elasticity and overgrowing, forms a herniated varicose enlargement - "rosary."The task of veins is to transfer the free liquid collected by the capillaries from the intercellular space back to the vascular bed.

But the veins are varicose veins that have lost their tonus and their "pump function" can not cope with this task - and the edematous fluid remains in the tissues.

Significant slowing of blood flow in varicose veins( aggravated by the formation of thrombi in them due to damage to their endothelium) not only leads to a slowdown in blood flow throughout the entire venous system - blood circulation also stops in the arterial system. So stagnation at the level of the veins starts first venous, and then heart failure.

Stages of varicose veins

Thousand penultimate warning about varicose

In turn, swelling of the legs exacerbates the development of varicose veins, because it leads to compression of the veins from the outside. Together with excessively high pressure from the inside of the vessel, edemas lead to a disruption in the supply of the venous wall and to its atrophy, followed by an even greater stretching.

A swelling fluid, released into the free space between the vessels( in the tissue) and flooded it, due to the physical law( the liquid fills the cavity, rising from the bottom up), its largest accumulations creates in the lower half of the body, therefore, in the tissues of the legs edema is maximal. Healthy and swollen leg

Our readers recommend!
For the treatment and prevention of varicose veins and hemorrhoids, our readers use the method first voiced by Malysheva. Having carefully studied it, we decided to offer it to your attention. The opinion of doctors. .. »

Edema is only part of the overall picture of water-salt and protein balance disturbance, which hinders the production and circulation of all biological fluids in general.

Gradually, movement in the great circle - the circle of blood circulation( or rather, in both its circles - in both large and small), stops, leading to the stopping of metabolism and energy in all tissues of the body, and then - and to his death from oxygen starvationand poisoning with own waste.

Therefore, the real owners of their veins, considering the "swollen wave" as a thousand last but one warning of varicose veins, will turn to a phlebologist-doctor. But most people - not masters - will say to themselves: then. ..

Diagnosis: varicose veins? No, while - edema

Reply to the question given in the title, will allow self-diagnosis: pressing your finger on the underlying skin under the skin in a suspicious place will leave a convincing dimple with a long, non-aligned bottom.

But the best diagnosis is to provide a phlebologist, who will definitely prescribe:

  • a general blood test;
  • biochemical blood test;
  • of the general analysis of urine;
  • assays for hormone levels;
  • ECG and other necessary studies.

Complications and consequences - it's all about the cause of

Depending on the reason that swollen legs, it can cause the rise of deficiency phenomena of various systems: The veins got out on their feet

  • cardiovascular;
  • venous( up to thrombosis of veins and the occurrence of trophic ulcers);
  • of the kidney;
  • lymphatic( leading to the development of elephantiasis).

Swelling of the feet during pregnancy requires the exception of diagnosis: gestosis.

Case for "emergency care"

But there are times when acute edema requires immediate calling for "emergency care."

This must be done:

  • with bites and stings of poisonous( and suspiciously poisonous) animals;
  • with an evident allergic reaction;
  • with a combination of edema with a heart rhythm disorder or loss of consciousness;
  • with foam secretions from the mouth( sign of acute heart failure).The

remove swelling down at home

securely get rid of small and non-edema can be independently, using traditional medicines diuretic group( Furosemide, Lasix, Veroshpiron).

Remove Foot edema can be verified using the methods and recipes of traditional medicine:

  1. In 2 parts heated castor oil 1 part turpentine poured and triturated obtained composition legs;making a small massage, warm your feet with cotton socks.
  2. Rub your feet with a mixture of from: 1 egg yolk, 1 tsp.turpentine and 1 tbsp.l.apple cider vinegar.
  3. 10 g of astragalus, steaming 1 tbsp.boiling water, slowly cooling and straining broth , take 2-3 tbsp.l.2-3 times / day 2 weeks, then take a break for 3 days and repeat the course;take a general course for 4-6 months.
  4. Massage with ice frozen frozen herbs ( yarrow, sage, eucalyptus, peppermint).
  5. In a cold bath with added sea salt , the legs are lowered and, by making light tweaks, massage the puffy areas from the bottom to the top. Contrast foot baths
  6. Contrast baths with salt and herbs: keep your feet in hot( 5 min.), Then in cold( 10 sec.) Water.
  7. Foot massage : knead feet by rolling on the floor of a small rubber ball.
  8. Since 19 hours, trying to consume less liquid, drink decoction of herbs to remove excess fluid from the body of .
  9. With edemas of feet drinks are drunk from berries and elder bark .
  10. For varicose nodules, leaves the elderberry leaves in the steamed .
  11. Recipe for diuretic collection .Mix horsetail field, birch buds, sporich( 2-3 parts of l., Each component);1 tsp.mixture to brew in 1 tbsp.boiling water, warm 15 minutes.on the "water bath";to insist 30 minutes, then strain. To consume 1 tbsp.l.3 times a day after meals. Drink 3 days with a break for 1 day course in 3 weeks. Keep the broth in a cool place.
It is necessary to remember! With varicose veins, hot baths are strictly prohibited!

Than the doctor

will help In case of constant persistent edema of legs and absence of effect from independent application of diuretics or traditional medicine( or worsening of the condition), you should consult a phlebologist-doctor. Flebodia 600

Depending on the cause of occurrence of swelling may be assigned as a diuretics and combinations thereof with means:

  • spasmolytic ( papaverine, no-shpoy, Baralginum);
  • venotoniki for legs: a balsam-intensive( Schungite) in the form of tablets( Detraleks, Phlebodia 600 Venarus) as a cream( Faberlik);
  • combining the anti-inflammatory, analgesic and disaggregating effects of ( Aspirin).

It is pointless to list possible treatment options - specific medications should be prescribed by a doctor.

It is strictly forbidden to create independent combinations of patients from prescription medications!

It's better not to know. ..

feet on the wall To say in "Wave" "three" means to "stop" veins. But you can not do this - you can completely cancel the "Wave"!

Asking myself the question: why do I need this?- you can start to stop doing, without thinking, based on someone and once created traditions and stereotypes, harmful things to health.

This means follows:

  • stop constantly walking on high "stiletto heels" and wear the squeezing feet and toes of the shoes "boats";
  • overload your body with excess food;
  • give free rein to the legs - to dance and walk, and the intestines - not to be cluttered with waste;
  • after sitting an hour at the computer, do not be too lazy to get up and be like;
  • and at night, putting the body in bed and stretching out his legs, with pleasure to move fingers and feet( and in the afternoon if possible, lie down with the raised "foot half" of the body).

All this patient with swelling of the legs and alleged problems with the veins will hear and at the reception of a phlebologist. But in addition, the doctor will also prescribe the necessary research and in the future - treatment, and neglect his help, right, do not!

After all, becoming real masters of your veins means becoming real masters of your life.

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  • Mar 12, 2018
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