Eye clinics in Ufa: diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases

Diagnosis of eye diseases in Ufa

Today, one of the problems of the society are diseases and eye infections that, according to statistics, lead to blindness in 10% of people seeking help, as well as temporary disability in more than 70% of such people.

And the figures shown only deteriorate over time.

Therefore, it is always necessary to pay attention to any manifestation or appearance of eye disease, up to contacting the eye clinic for the purpose of diagnosis.

    • 1. Diagnosis of eye diseases in Ufa
    • 2. Eye clinics in Ufa
    • 3. Laser coagulation of the retina

And if diagnosing for infection, it is better to dwell on a procedure that usually includes:

  • allergicanalysis for the detection of hypersensitivity to various drugs and their constituents;
  • delivery of a smear to study the bacterial flora in order to identify microbes that caused inflammation;
  • is the same assay for detecting a viral infection, if present;
  • fungal test to detect the presence of mycosis-causing fungi;
  • instagram viewer
  • checking the patient for demodectic eyelids;
  • chlamydial analysis.

If the disease is a serious eye disease( cataract, glaucoma, retinal detachment), the diagnosis includes:

  • visual acuity( using a computer and subjective method);
  • analysis of the condition of the eyeball, especially its anterior segment;
  • definition of eye pressure;
  • computerized cathtopography( used to study the cornea with astigmatism or keratoconus);
  • fluorescent digital angiography( used for selective treatment of retinal lesions);
  • electrophysiological studies;
  • laboratory tests for preoperative preparation.

Eye clinics in Ufa

In the eye clinics of our country with eye diseases are struggling with modern equipment and qualified doctors. And the number of such clinics is growing. At the same time, the competition generated by the great demand for the services of eye clinics leads to the fact that high-quality ophthalmologic services are available to different segments of the population, beginning with people with average incomes.

The eye clinics working in Ufa did not become an exception.

Ophthalmology in Ufa is represented by the following clinics:

1. Muldashev Eye Clinic ( the official name is FGU "All-Russia Center for Eye and Plastic Surgery of the Federal Agency for Healthcare") - the clinic founded in 1992 is considered one of the best medical institutions of Bashkortostan. The main specialization of the clinic is the treatment of diseases such as glaucoma, eye subatrophy, senile macular degeneration of the retina, atrophy and optic neuritis, progressive myopia.

The clinic is located in Ufa, ul. R. Sorge, 67/1.Telephone for writing and consultation 8( 347) 293-42-07

2. Eye clinic Eurooptik - the clinic specializes in laser correction of eye diseases( mainly nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism), seamless cataract surgery, and pediatric ophthalmology. At the same time, the clinic conducts comprehensive ophthalmological examinations, as well as vision correction.

The clinic is located in Ufa, ul. K. Marx, 51/2.Telephone for recording and consultation 8( 347) 274-07-50.

3. Kazakbaeva Eye Surgery Clinic is one of the leading clinics in Bashkortostan, specializing in excimer laser vision correction, laser treatment of eye fundus pathologies, cataract surgery and pediatric ophthalmology.

In addition to Ufa, a similar clinic exists in Magnitogorsk.

The clinic is located in Ufa, ul. Dostoevsky, 49. Telephone for recording and consultations 8( 347) 273-63-72.

4. Optimum center for laser vision recovery - in this center, patients are offered laser correction of vision, knee-free cataract surgery and vitreoretinal surgery, as well as preventive laser retinal coagulation and visual diagnostics. In the optics center of the center you can pick up any glasses or lenses necessary for the patient.

The center is located in Ufa, ul.50 years of the USSR, 8. Telephone for recording and consultations 8( 347) 277-60-60.

The editors recommend ophthalmology clinics in Moscow. Can not choose a clinic in Ufa? Overview of some of the best clinics in the country.

The article( here) causes conjunctivitis.

Description of the clinic doctor Visus!http: //moezrenie.com/kliniki/ doktor-vizus.html

5. The Ufa Scientific Research Institute of Eye Diseases is not only a clinic, but also a research institution, the achievements and work of which allow to effectively treat:

  • vision pathology( astigmatism, hyperopia and myopia);
  • age-related macular degeneration;
  • congenital cataract;
  • chronic dacryocystitis and dacryocystitis in newborns;
  • inflammatory and neoplastic diseases of the eye;
  • eye lesions in diabetics;
  • perform operations to remove cataracts, treat cornea and retinal detachments.

The Institute is located in Ufa, ul. Pushkin, 90. Telephone for recording and consultations 8( 347) 272-37-75.

Laser coagulation of the retina

One of the main directions in the work of Ufa clinics is laser coagulation.

In this case, this treatment is used, primarily, for various tearing of the retina and degenerative processes in this part of the eye.

The advantage of laser coagulation is that the operation is not accompanied by a surgical intervention and does not require a rehabilitation period, nor is it necessary to pre-prepare for the operation. In this case, the time for the operation is not so much - about 20 minutes.

In this operation, the retina is connected to the vessels of the eye with the help of agronomic laser beams, thus preventing the development of ruptures.

For high accuracy of conducted manipulations during the operation, a special lens is used, which is superimposed on the eye and provides concentration of rays in one place, as well as a stereomicroscope.

Contraindications for the use of laser coagulation include:

  • a small transparency of the optical part of the eye;
  • retinal rhinitis;
  • low visual acuity;
  • changes the fundus.

The probability of occurrence of the need for re-operation is very small.

In this case, through the harmlessness of this operation, it can be performed in pregnant and diabetics.

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