Pro-Visio is an ophthalmic food vitamin supplement for improving vision.
It contains natural ingredients that help to remove fatigue and irritation of the mucosa.
The drug strengthens the eye capillaries and makes it possible to better navigate in the dark. Allowed for use by patients with diabetes mellitus.
This nutritional supplement helps to reduce the likelihood of age-related changes in the eyes and maintain their function under adverse effects. Pro-vision is not a medicinal product and does not replace medicinal preparations.
- 1. Instructions for use
- 2. Side effects and contraindications to
- 3. Storage terms and conditions
- 4. Price
- 5. Analogues
- 6. Feedback about Pro-Visio
- 7. Summing up
- 8Video
Instructions for Use
It is recommended that you read the instructions before using the biologically active additive.
Pharmacological action
General pharmacological action - providing a strengthening effect, which is provided by substances in the composition:
Name | Action |
Retinoids( lutein and zeaxanthin) | Perform the function of a filter that absorbs part of the sun's rays, minimize their effect on the retina and fill it with nutrients |
elements Selenium | Promotes elasticity of tissues and cells, eliminates free radicals( molecules that disrupt the activity of cells, which leads to the earhealth) |
Vitamin E | Stimulates blood flow in the vessels of the eyeball and positively affects the cell membranes |
Blueberry Berry Extract | Helps the retina to adapt to darkness and improves visual acuity in twilight illumination. This component suppresses the inflammatory process, has an antioxidant and antisclerotic effect. It strengthens the walls of small vessels, which helps to avoid hemorrhage( especially for patients with diabetes). |
The drug is not addictive and is freely sold in pharmacies, as it is a vitamin supplement to maintain vision and prevent ophthalmic diseases.
Indications for use
Pro-Vision is prescribed as a prophylactic or adjuvant in the following cases:
- loss of visual acuity;
- deformation of eye structures in old age:
- retinopathy( affection of the reticular membrane, not accompanied by an inflammatory process);
- prolonged eye strain( working with a computer);
- regular contact with an intense light source;
- preoperative and postoperative period with cataract removal.
The drug can be actively used for the prevention of various eye diseases and with a sharp decrease in vision. It is recommended to consult a doctor before use and not to engage in self-medication. Strong individual intolerance to the components is possible.
Method of use
The drug is intended for internal use. It should be taken 1 time per day with meals for 30 days. For adults and children over 12 years of age, the dosage is 1 tablet a day, for children from 3 to 12 years - ½ tablets.
The drug should not be swallowed, it should be put under the tongue and dissolve. Exceeding the recommended dosage can trigger an intestinal disorder.
Form release, composition
Pro-vision is produced in the form of tablets weighing 700 mg. In the full package there are 3 blisters. They contain 10 tablets each.
1 tablet contains the following components:
- 30 mg of vitamin E. The component protects the cell membranes from the effects of negative factors. Improves blood circulation.
- 20 mg of natural blueberry extract .It stops the capillary flow, narrows small vessels, which positively affects the health of diabetics. Bilberry is the active ingredient for regeneration of the retina.
- 6 mg lutein, 0.3 mg zeaxanthin .Protect the retina from the surrounding effect, nourish it.
- 50 μg of selenium .Antioxidant, positively affects the elasticity of tissues.
- Apple acid, talc, cellulose and magnesium .
Interaction with other medications
No negative complications were detected.
Side effects and contraindications
Incorrect use of Pro-visiono can cause side effects of a different nature:
- allergic reactions - rash, itching of the skin, urticaria, bronchospasm and breathing difficulties, Quincke's edema;Edema of the lower extremities.
Side effects can also be accompanied by symptoms of food poisoning( diarrhea, vomiting).
These symptoms are extremely rare and disappear after discontinuation of the drug.
If available, rinse the stomach with any available methods and consult a doctor.
Pro-vision is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance of components in the formulation.
The drug is not prescribed for children under 3 years of age. It is not recommended to take a biologically active supplement without first consulting an ophthalmologist.
During pregnancy
Use of pro-vision in the period of bearing a child is contraindicated. Also, the drug is not recommended for drinking and breastfeeding.
Conditions and shelf life
Pro-Vision is produced in Slovakia, most often the package consists of 30 tablets of 700 mg. It is recommended to store in a warm, dry place, protected from sunlight. The temperature should not exceed 25 degrees. Shelf life - 2 years.
Pro-Visio can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription. The average price of such a drug in Russia is 550-700 rubles , in Ukraine - from 150 to 250 UAH .If the drug is not available in the nearest pharmaceutical institution, you can always order it on specialized sites( the price will remain the same).
Eye health will be helped not only by vitamins, but also by special eye exercises:
- Tibetan gymnastics
- Exercises for Avetisov
- Technique of preservation of vision when working on a computer
There are a number of medications identical in composition and indications to Pro-Visio.
- Okuvait Lutein Forte. Assigned to maintain the function of the visual analyzer. The composition includes vitamins, minerals, carotenoids. The average cost is 163-240 UAH .
- Ophthalmics. Used for the prevention of eye fatigue syndrome. Recommended for drivers, welders, accountants, laboratory technicians. The average cost of the drug is 85-175 UAH .
- Viscosis. Contains zinc, selenium, antioxidants. It is prescribed to improve the visual performance, perception of color recognition. The average cost is 130-300 UAH .
Most similar to Pro-Visio Aiker: is also used for eye irritation, fatigue and mucosal disorders. The aiker has more side effects and an increased likelihood of allergies. Side effects of overdose - skin diseases, diarrhea, nausea, drowsiness and change in complexion. A positive moment is cheapness( cost is 3 times less).
Before you start using a drug similar to Pro-Visio, you need to get a consultation from your doctor.
Reviews about the product Pro-Visio
The review of independent opinions about Pro-visiono showed that most people are positive about the action of the drug and note the obvious curative effect.
The tool helped to eliminate eye distraction and remove the shroud. The drug removed fatigue, removed redness and irritation of the mucosa from regular eye strain.
Some people were recommended by ophthalmologists. It is noted that at first the vitamin complex was not serious and did not believe in the result. But taking the drug dispelled this error.
Almost immediately after the start of the course, positive dynamics was determined - better distinctness, difference in hues and colors, absence of reddening of the pupils. Also, all people note the low price and effectiveness of the Pro-Vision while doing so.
But there are also neutral opinions. Some took the drug for 3 weeks, and the therapeutic effect did not come( vision remained the same).They recommend drinking Pro-visiono only for the purpose of prevention, not treatment( "if you hope to restore your eyesight from 60 to 100% - this is an impossible dream").In general, reviews about the drug are positive, no negative opinions were found.
Summing up
Summing up, we can confidently state such facts.
- Pro-Visio is an effective and proven drug that improves vision, perception of colors, shades. It helps welders, drivers of vehicles, people who work at a computer or with a microscope. The drug will relieve fatigue from the eyes and increase productivity.
- The average cost of the drug in Russia is 550-700 rubles , in Ukraine - from 150 to 250 UAH .
- Pro-Visio has many analogs, the cost of which is within 85-300 UAH .
The drug Pro-visiono deserves the attention of consumers. It has proved itself well in the pharmaceutical market - as evidenced by the numerous positive reviews left on independent resources on the Internet.
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