Symptom of sand in the eyes

The sensation of "sand in the eyes" is familiar to almost any person.

The reasons for its appearance can be quite different, but often the appearance of this symptom leads patients to receive an ophthalmologist.

Usually, "sand in the eyes" is not the only symptom, that is, it can manifest itself in the group of any additional "eye" symptoms( pain in the eyes, burning, lacrimation, redness).

It is caused by itching and a constant sensation of sand in the eyes in that the quality of the tear film, which covers the entire surface of the eyeball, is also subject to severe damage. They are acting as a moisturizer, necessary for a more comfortable contact of eyelids and the eyeball during movement.

    • 1. Causes of
    • 2. Diseases in which "sand in the eyes" appears
    • 3. Diagnosis
    • 4. Treatment of
    • 5. Symptoms of
    • 6. Prevention of
    • 7. Forecast of

This film completely provides protection fromdrying, because in its composition there are substances with which help the cornea feeds. In addition, this film provides complete protection against various pathological effects of microorganisms that fall precisely on the surface of the eyes.

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Reasons for

Currently, the feeling of sand in the eyes is a very popular pathological phenomenon. Often it is due to a gradual change in the appearance of tear film.

During blinking this natural lubricant is able to enrich the eye tissues with the necessary nutrients, as well as protect them from the penetration of infections and bacteria.

As a result of heavy loads of the visual system or taking any medications, the preset composition of this tear film is able to modify and thereby disrupt the nutrient and lubrication processes of the eyeball.

In some cases, exactly the same action results in the necessity of wearing contact lenses or staying for a long time in a room with the presence of an air conditioner, which completely dries up all the surrounding air.

The sensation of sand in the eyes can also become a sign of some age-related changes in the patient's visual system.

Because at a certain age the human body begins to experience a strong deficit of nutrients, which contribute to the gradual wetting of the eyeball in the required amount. This phenomenon is especially noticeable in women with menopause.

Another significant cause of the manifestation of this syndrome may be the gradual development of the inflammatory process of all tissues located just in the anterior part of the eye. Diseases in this area are also blepharitis and conjunctivitis. However, in some cases, inflammation is provoked by viral and bacterial causes, various allergic phenomena.

Often the causes of sand in the eyes lie in the side effects of many medicines.

For example, such as:

  • antihistamines,
  • medication to lower pressure,
  • contraceptives.

Diseases in which "sand in the eyes" appears

The main diseases that accompany the sensation of sand in the eyes are the following:

  • blepharitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • allergy;
  • dry eye syndrome;
  • adenovirus infection;
  • Sjogren's disease.


It is only a qualified physician who can determine the true cause of this syndrome, as well as prescribe the correct method of treatment.

At the beginning, the ophthalmologist must conduct an eye examination, and then assigns hardware or laboratory studies to accurately identify the cause of the appearance of "sand in the eyes."

Treatment of

As with other diseases, treatment depends entirely on the cause of the onset.

In case you spend a lot of time at the computer or the cause of discomfort is a strong visual load, then special visual gymnastics and constant small breaks will be the best method of treatment.

In addition, fans of the computer monitor will greatly help the board blink more often when working. This behavior can provide the eyeball with the necessary amount of lubricant, and also protect it from undesired drying.

Owners of soft contact lenses must strictly observe the instructions for eye care and eye hygiene. It is also necessary to wean them to rub their eyes with their hands when wearing such devices just for vision correction.

In the case when the cause of dry eyes was infection or another disease, then before finding out what to do, you need to undergo a thorough examination, as well as determine the exact form of the causative agent of this infection. Immediately after the diagnosis is established, it is possible to start the treatment, because sight is the most valuable thing for a person to neglect.

In the modern world, a wide range of medicines is available on the shelves of all pharmacies and special stores, for treating sand in the eyes, from usual moistening drops, to antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drugs. That is why having learned the cause of the disease, it is not difficult to eliminate it.

There are a large number of vitamin complexes that can not only help cure the disease, but also very reliably protect the eyes from serious problems. Spend not a lot of time on the prevention of the disease, it is much better than to treat the sand in the eyes or completely restore lost vision.

For example, eye vitamins containing lutein( for example, Lutein complex), could very well prove themselves as a means to strengthen the tissues of the eyeball, as well as protect the visual apparatus from any bad influence of the surrounding world.

It should be remembered that the visual acuity and the correct functioning of the visual system directly depends on you, and also your desire to take care of yourself.

Symptoms of

If you suddenly had a feeling that sand is poured into your eyes, then this is already quite a clear sign that you have a dry eye disease. You can also see their redness, unpleasant and painful sensations.

Sometimes this leads to the most serious problems in the mornings, when it is very difficult to open eyes with dried mucous membranes. Such a feeling of discomfort, usually, intensifies toward evening. In this case, an urgent visit to an ophthalmologist will be much better.


As a prevention of the syndrome, you must:

  • blink as often as possible;
  • carefully observe the rules of personal eye hygiene( do not touch them with dirty hands);
  • perform special relaxing exercises
  • correctly use lenses;
  • constantly raise immune forces, intake of vitamin preparations;
  • often take breaks in case of prolonged exertion on the eyes;
  • to eat foods with a fairly high content of vitamins A and B2.

It's important to remember! Constant concern for one's vision is necessary for an excellent perception of the whole world around us.

Also, if you have some uncomfortable feelings in your eyes, do not ignore them - it is best to contact an ophthalmologist as soon as possible who can find out the true reasons for this phenomenon and can help cure the ailment.


The prognosis of the disease is not terrible if you follow all the rules of hygiene and immediately begin treatment when symptoms of the disease appear. In recent years, various means have been used quite widely to moisten the entire mucous membrane of the eye.

They are able to alleviate symptoms, and can also be applied every day. It should be remembered that all pharmacy artificial tears should be free of preservatives.

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