Genyantritis( or inflammation of the paranasal sinuses) is a rather serious and insidious disease. Having begun once, it can appear again and torment a person for many years. No one is immune to this problem: it is possible to diagnose sinusitis in children, schoolchildren, adults and elderly people. To avoid painful inflammation and further complications, it is necessary to prevent the genyantritis - and for those who have already had the disease at least once, and for those who simply have a predisposition to it.
- 1 Features of the course of the disease
- 2 First signs and symptoms
- 3 General preventive measures
- 3.1 Prevention in children
- 3.2 Prevention in adults
- 4 Video
Features of the course of the disease
Inflammation is called inflammationmaxillary adnexal( maxillary) sinuses, traditionally the disease develops against the background of acute respiratory infections and ARVI - in the sinuses through the nasal cavity or blood penetrate the bacteriumand( viruses), and the affected immune system is not able to withstand enemy agents.
Having read the article it will become clear what is the danger of sinusitis in neglected form and how it can be cured.
The sinusitis begins with the mucus forming in the maxillary sinuses. The outlets of the sinus are closed, the fluid accumulates and eventually turns into pus. The inflammatory process is developing.
The main danger of the disease is that the maxillary sinuses are located very close to the brain, which means, at the slightest complication, the infection is able to penetrate directly into the brain. The most serious complications after sinusitis are meningitis( inflammation of the meninges), meningoencephalitis and even a rhinogenic brain abscess. The disease can also provoke angina, pharyngitis, inflammation of the optic nerve and other ailments.
First signs and symptoms of
The first signs of maxillary sinusitis in adults largely depend on the form of the disease - acute or chronic. Acute sinusitis occurs against the background of dental inflammations, rhinitis and all kinds of colds, it is usually diagnosed in schoolchildren and young people. Chronic sinusitis can occur for years with periodic exacerbations and fades, most often found in adults and elderly people.
. The main symptoms of acute sinusitis are:
- Elevated temperature( up to 38 degrees), chills and general weakness.
- Discharge from the nose - first liquid and transparent, then thick, yellow-green in color.
- Pain in the area of the maxillary sinuses, is especially amplified at an inclination and a tension of facial muscles( a smile, laughter).Later, pain can be localized in different areas of the head.
- Pain and pain in the eyes, sharp deterioration of vision, sometimes - photophobia.
- Runny nose, nasal congestion, decreased susceptibility to odors.
In chronic sinusitis, dry night cough is often added, which is not amenable to traditional treatment. The reason is pus, which flows out of the maxillary sinuses on the back side of the pharynx.
After reading the article you can understand whether Amoxicillin helps with genyantritis or does not help.
General preventive measures
Prophylaxis of sinusitis is the only way that will help prevent the development of the disease or stop it at an early stage, thereby preventing serious complications.
When is it necessary to prevent sinusitis? Measures to prevent this disease should be taken with a cold to prevent inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, as well as in the cold autumn-winter-spring period. Prevention is especially important for people who have already suffered acute sinusitis at least once in their life.
What are the most effective drops in the nose with genyantritis used most often, is indicated in this article.
Today, there are many preventive measures to combat sinusitis and for small children, and for adults. It is also important to follow the general prevention, which will help to maintain health and prevent the development of acute and chronic sinusitis in the whole family. For this, you need:
- To dress in the weather, always wear a hat in the cold months, cover your ears and forehead, do not overcool.
- Strengthen immunity - hardening, physical activity, in the off-season - the mandatory intake of multivitamin complexes.
- In time to treat diseases of the nasopharynx and oral cavity: various infections, tonsillitis, tonsillitis and caries.
- Follow the microclimate in the apartment and humidify the air( you can use store humidifiers or ordinary vases with water and 2-3 drops of essential oil).In the dried air, the mucous membrane also dries, as a result of which the full work of the nose and paranasal sinuses is disrupted and a threat of sinusitis occurs.
From this article you can understand what the temperature for sinusitis should be and can be, specified in the article.
Prophylaxis in children
Preschool and school children usually have acute sinusitis as a complication after a cold. The main risk factors are cold in the cold season, wet feet, poor nutrition and an undersized cold.
How is the massage of the maxillary sinuses with genyantritis, you can understand reading the article.
Chronic inflammation of the tonsils, congenital curvature of the nasal septum, enlarged adenoids can provoke the disease.
In this regard, the following measures to prevent sinusitis in children:
- Teach children to wash their hands more often, after walking on the street - without fail.
- Rinse the baby with a nozzle with plain water, during the outbreaks of ARI and SARS, daily rinsing with a solution of sea salt will help.
- Observe the basic rules of hygiene: the child should have his own nym plate, spoon-fork, comb, toothbrush.
- P regularly visit an ENT specialist to notice the inflammation of the tonsils, adenoids and others in time.
- Properly wear the baby: in cold months clothes should be multi-layered, shoes dry and comfortable( not tight!).Without fail -
cap and scarf. - Carry out a full treatment for your child's cold: follow all the pediatrician's recommendations, buy special children's medicines, use sprays and drops with antibacterial supplements. Do not agree immediately to pricking of the nose, babies are prescribed only in the most urgent cases!
How does the procedure of the cuckoo with genyantritis, you can understand reading this article.
Do your baby an anti-catarrhal massage: to do this, you need to rub points in the eyebrows, near the tips of the nose, under the eyes. Preschoolers can do such a massage before walking and before bed, after returning from the kindergarten. Older children can massage themselves.
- Be sure to practice daily walks for 2-3 hours: it not only heals the children's body, but also trains the upper respiratory tract.
- Do with inhalation baby: cover with a plaid or a large towel and breathe over a saucepan with hot water. For inhalations, ready-made or personally made collections of chamomile, calendula, thyme are ideal.
- Form children's habit of healthy eating. In summer, in the heat, you need to drink more pure water, fruits and fruit and vegetable purees( according to the age of the baby!).
Prevention in adults
In adults, the common cause of acute and chronic sinusitis is not only a common cold or flu. The disease can be caused by untreated teeth, unhealthy lifestyle( smoking and alcohol), work in hot and dry air, as well as reduced immunity and a transferred nose puncture.
From this article you can understand what medicines to treat sinusitis in adults.
To prevent the development of sinusitis in adults, the following preventive measures will help:
- Do not start a cold and always treat a runny nose to the end.
- Monitor your teeth and go to the dentist regularly - once every six months at least.
- Be sure to do preventive vaccinations against influenza.
- In the off-season and periods of outbreaks of ARI / ARVI, rinse your nose with soap daily and make salt baths for the nose.
- Fully eat, do not smoke and limit alcohol consumption: bad habits cause irritation and swelling of the maxillary sinuses.
- In the cold season, breathe regularly with hot water in pairs: you can do this simply over a kettle or a pot of boiling water.
- In order not to provoke sinusitis in the rhinitis, you can use honey diluted with water in equal proportions: 3-5 drops in each nostril. Important: Before honey therapy, you need to make sure that you are not allergic to the sweet product.
- After a puncture of the nose, inhalation of inhaled steams of boiled potatoes or soda solution( 4 teaspoons per liter of water) will perfectly help.
One nuance: water for soda inhalation should be warm, not hot, otherwise soda will lose all the medicinal properties.
- Use onions and garlic for inhalations - you need to grind them in a blender, lay them on a saucer and periodically inhale the vapors. Essential oils and phytoncides will settle on the nasal mucosa and maxillary sinuses, killing dangerous bacteria.
What local antibiotics for sinusitis are the most effective, you can understand from the article.
Video will tell you how to forget about sinusitis with this preventive method:
Prophylaxis of sinusitis is a very responsible process, the health of both you and your children depends on it. Official and traditional medicine have accumulated many different ways to combat this disease, and for the best result it is necessary to use a whole range of measures: healthy eating, playing sports, hardening and special medical procedures.