Duration of menses is an important indicator of the well-being of women's health in general and the reproductive system in particular. Learn from this article how much should go monthly, so as not to miss the onset of a serious illness.
Contents of
- How many days should the monthly be normal?
- How many first months do girls have?
- Video: All about the first monthly
- How many months are there after the termination of pregnancy?
- How many months are there after cesarean delivery?
- How many months after birth?
- How many months are there after the miscarriage?
- How many months after a stiff pregnancy?
- How many months after the spiral?
- Video: How many monthly periods last?
Critical days - not very pleasant, but the physiologic condition of the woman, the timeliness of which indicates that the reproductive system and the whole body is functioning smoothly , like clockwork.
But if monthly go more or less than the due date, or come with some delays, so the signal should not be ignored - it
symptom apparent "failure» , which need to be addressed.How many days should the month be normal?
Each woman's body has its own individual features of , so the duration of menstruation is also individual for each of us. it affects a number of factors:
- heredity
- the reproductive system structure
- image
- life hormones
considered normal menstruation, which lasts from 3 to 5 days .If you go for longer periods, it may indicate a hemorrhage caused by various diseases, hormonal imbalance , inflammatory processes.
Scanty menstruation , which lasts less than 3 days should also be cause for concern. Experts say the presence of a disease such as oligomenorrhea, if the discharge during critical days last from several hours to two days. This dangerous disease can lead to infertility , if it is not diagnosed in time.
In any case, if menses are not in accordance with the normal time limit must apply to the gynecologist , which will establish the cause of failure in the body.
How many first months do girls have?
The beginning of the first monthly is an important event for every girl that most expect with a certain fear and even shame. To be ashamed of the natural phenomenon is not worth it, because this is a new stage in life, which speaks of the beginning of the formation of a girl as a woman.
Typically, the first menstruation begins at the age of from 11 to 14 years of , but modern cases of gynecology are known when the critical days started with at an earlier age of , and in a much older one.
The duration of the first menses is also individual - as a rule, the amount of precipitation is poor, which is observed for 3-4 days .But this does not mean that the first months can not go any longer - the norm is the allocation of not exceeding 5 days.
Video: All about the first monthly
How many months are there after the termination of pregnancy?
The abortion of does great damage not only to but also to the physical state of : in particular, it can adversely affect the reproductive system and the ability to have children in the future.
Therefore, the onset of monthly after the abortion of is extremely important, because their appearance indicates that the body has recovered and the female organs of the are operating normally.
How soon will the monthly follow-up after an abortion affect type of abortion that was made:
- medical abortion - is considered less traumatic than other interruptions and the monthly ones should begin through 28-38 days
- vacuum abortion - alsorefers to a more sparing type of abortion for women's health, menstruation resumes in a month
- surgical abortion is the most dangerous and traumatic type of abortion,and its carrying out, there can be various complications. As a rule, menstruation begins after 30-40 days after this type of abortion
Regardless of how an abortion of was performed, the discharges appearing earlier than a month may be a bleeding thatoccurs as a complication after the procedure.
Also on the complications will indicate a rise in temperature, pain in the lower abdomen and general deterioration.
Do not be confused with the monthly scant allocation of , which appeared immediately after the abortion procedure. They are a consequence of the intervention and, as a rule, do not exceed 5 days .If such discharges continue to go for more than a week, then you need to see a doctor.
The onset of a month after the termination of pregnancy monthly does not differ in the abundance and duration of the menstruation, which were observed in women before. If the intensity and duration of menstrual flow changes, then it is necessary to consult a specialist, because it can be a sign of a change in the hormonal background of after abortive intervention.
How many months are there after cesarean delivery?
Regardless of the type of delivery - natural or by cesarean section - the monthly ones come when the female hormone is not the prolactin producing milk, but the estrogen becomes the dominant hormone in the woman's body. Thus, the main role in the resumption of menstruation is whether the woman feeds the baby with a breast or an artificial mixture.
If breastfeeding does not work out, then the monthly will not keep you waiting - after 2-3 months of there will come the first postpartum menstruation. Even if you are breastfeeding, you should not think that the monthly will not occur until you stop feeding. Once the number of feedings or their volume is reduced by , which means that prolactin levels will drop, critical days may begin which can normally be from 3 to 7 days.
Many women consider menstruation and discharge after caesarean section. In fact, such allocations are not monthly, they are so-called lochia .After giving birth, regardless of whether they were natural or by cesarean section, the uterus begins to clear , so during the 4-7 weeks of the woman observes bloody discharge - lochia - with time changing color and intensity.
How many months are there after delivery?
After the birth of , the menstrual cycle of does not resume immediately. This requires several months, for which the organs of the reproductive system are restored, and the uterus undergoes the involution process of .In addition, breastfeeding menstruation may not occur for a fairly long period, while the level of prolactin is high.
The first months after birth can be short and irregular( again, do not confuse them with lochia ).When the cycle recovers, the menstruation will go from 3 to 7 days , and the soreness of the sensations that was observed before delivery can disappear. This is because the uterus acquires a more physiological form.
How many months are there after the miscarriage?
Miscarriage is characterized by the fact that during and after bleeding begins, which is explained by rejection of the fetal egg, and then the endometrium. The duration of bleeding after scraping should not exceed 5-7 days of and do not differ in significant abundance.
After 28-30 days of after miscarriage, as a rule, the first menstruation occurs. Do not be afraid if the duration of critical days and the abundance of secretions will be slightly different from the usual for you monthly - in the body still happened serious hormonal failure , and the reproductive system is not yet fully restored.
In any case, the duration of the monthly should not exceed a week.
How many months are there after a stiff pregnancy?
After cleansing the frozen pregnancy for several days, spotting will be observed, which are not monthly. This is a physiological bleeding caused by an unpleasant operation. Menstruation should occur after 28-32 days of after the procedure.
Since a frozen pregnancy is accompanied by a hormonal failure, and after the procedure a woman starts taking a whole series of medicines , among which hormonal preparations and antibiotics, then the monthly ones may come with a slight delay. If the delay lasts more than a week, the should be visited by a women's consultation.
How many months are there after the spiral?
The intrauterine device is an effective method of contraception, but it can affect the nature and duration of menstruation negatively. As a rule, after setting the spiral, menstruation starts according to the cycle or with a slight delay.
The severity of the discharge during critical days can be significantly higher than it was before the installation of the spiral. Also, many women complain that if before the duration of the menstruation was 3-4 days , then after setting the intrauterine contraception the discharge lasts much longer - to 5-7 days .These unpleasant consequences often go through a couple of months and the cycle resumes.
After the spiral is removed from the uterine cavity , changes in the character of monthly discharges can also be observed. If, after setting the spiral, menstruation is accompanied by with severe pain, it lasts more than a week or the amount of secretions is too high, then it is necessary to discuss this issue with your doctor.
The duration of menstruation is an important indicator that indicates whether everything in the body of a woman occurs physiologically. At the slightest failure in its work, the reproductive system will necessarily let you know the change in the number of "red" days and , this signal can not be ignored , because your health is at stake.