Spots on the teeth, as the first sign of dental problems

Healthy teeth - this is what many people want, but often it happens that they lose their original impeccable appearance.

The shortcomings can be noticed with the naked eye. The whole oral cavity will not look as irresistible as we would like.

All kinds of spots on the teeth - this is one of the most common problems. Black and white spots can be one of the symptoms of a serious dental problem. First of all, it is necessary to find out what is the main reason for their appearance.

Contents of

  • The spots are different - black, white, yellow. ..
    • "Milk and milk" on the teeth
  • What can I do, how to be?
    • How to get rid of petty spots
  • Take care of your own health

The spots are different - black, white, yellow. ..

First let's pay special attention to what causes the appearance of black spots on the teeth:

  • smoking and drinking have a negativeeffect on tooth enamel;
  • in addition, caffeine is also capable of staining enamel, leading to the appearance of brown and yellow spots;
  • instagram viewer
  • all kinds of drugs with chlorhexidine lead to a violation of tooth enamel;
  • at birth, teeth could be formed incorrectly;
  • if the child is very often sick, then the teeth may appear black spots in large quantities.

But most often the appearance of a black spot is a harbinger of the appearance of caries, and this can lead eventually to tooth loss.

Appearance of unpleasant specks due to the fact that the bacteria that form on the enamel, lead to its damage( a spot of dark color, and then caries).Before proceeding directly to treatment, it is necessary to understand the nature of the appearance of such points on the teeth.

If the patient simply "tartar", you should consult a dentist and take advantage of high-quality, professional cleaning..

The initial sign of caries, in addition to the appearance of white and black spots, is the sensation of an unpleasant numbness in the mouth. During the reception of salty, acidic food, there is an unpleasant feeling that interferes with eating with pleasure.

"Chalk and Milk" on the teeth

On the teeth, in addition to black spots appear and white, it is important to note that the nature of their occurrence can be different: carious and non-carious.

If a pregnant woman suffered from severe toxicosis, suffered a viral illness, it is possible that the children on the milk teeth will have white spots and dots. But if a person has excess fluoride in the body, then this can also lead to the appearance of specks.

Many people do not follow the cleanliness of the mouth completely, as a result, spots of different colors appear.

Cretaceous shade of the tooth can also be associated with caries( although it is commonly believed that only a dark color is a sign of the disease).Over time, white color can transform into dark and black formations.

In any case, teeth defects lead to unpleasant consequences. A person is uncomfortable, because with caries, he can not fully, openly smile. Only white teeth are the real dignity of people.

What to do, how to be?

It is worth noting that you can cope with the formation of unpleasant black tooth spots. With the help of a special instrument( dental probe), the doctor conducts diagnostics of the teeth, reveals diseases.

If the point of the tool is easy to slide over the enamel, this will mean that your teeth need treatment. Enamel loses its original whiteness, hardness and looks completely dull, unnatural.

Dyeing of teeth with special means can show how healthy they are. If the dye absorbed in the enamel, and the tooth acquired an unusual color, this indicates the presence of caries, the treatment of which is carried out only in dental clinics.

Initial caries at the first stage( the appearance of various kinds of spots) is especially noticeable on the front upper and lower teeth. In the future, if you do not start treatment, they can spread to all the teeth.

How to get rid of petty spots

Excess fluoride in the body is one of the reasons for the appearance of white spots. Fluorosa spots, as a rule, are located on canines and incisors.

White spots can have a different nature of education, depending on what teeth they formed - on dairy or permanent. The first option does not require treatment, only microabrasion( special peeling) is suitable for it.

There are some special preparations and methods used for teeth whitening. In any case, initially, you should first contact an experienced dentist, in order to select individual treatment.

Only specialists will be able to identify the exact nature of the origin of various stains, therefore, in due time contact specialized medical clinics for recommendations.

If fluoride excess is diagnosed in the body, then first of all, you need to change toothpaste. In addition, you should eat right, you should diversify your menu, add milk, fresh fruit, vegetables.

If spots appear as a result of loss of minerals, it is necessary to contact the dental center in a timely manner, it is impossible to cope with the problem on your own. In this situation, a remineralization process is carried out.

Thanks to this, the enamel becomes stronger, firmer. In the course of remineralization, a special paste is applied to the teeth, which forms a protective, reliable layer, which restores their health.

The procedure of restoration, appointed by doctors, allows you to quickly and painlessly get rid of all sorts of spots that spoil the whole appearance of the mouth. The artistic process of restoration makes teeth almost perfect.

It is better to prevent the disease, than to intensively treat it, spend time and money on eliminating the problem. It is important to pay special attention to preventive measures:

  • it is necessary to regularly clean teeth, periodically visit your doctor;
  • should be thoroughly rinsed after each meal;
  • apply dental floss, they will help you get rid of small remains of food between the teeth;
  • remember that only on you completely depends on the state of your own health, get rid of once and for all from addictions;
  • eat only healthy food.

All of the above simple tips should be observed, in order to look always attractive and compelling.

Spots on the teeth - Elena Malysheva knows how to get rid of them:

Take care of your own health

If even if you follow the rules of oral hygiene, the spots still appear, you must definitely visit a dentist.

This will reveal the true cause of the problem. Thus, it is possible to prevent unexpected tooth decay.=

Having shown desire it is simple to have an irresistible smile and snow-white teeth.

It's enough to pull yourself together and restore order in life: to eat right, not to abuse cigarettes and alcoholic beverages. It is also necessary to monitor the oral cavity, brush your teeth twice a day.

Some products have a positive effect on health and dental health. For example, it is very useful, as much as possible to eat fruits and vegetables: fresh apples, bananas, carrots.

In short, in order to keep your teeth always in perfect condition, you need to take your health seriously and responsibly. It should be attentive to everything that happens in the body, and then a positive result is guaranteed.

  • Mar 12, 2018
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