Oral contraceptives( OC) is one of the most popular and effective methods of contraception among women. Modern hormone tablets are mostly low-dose, with the right selection and reception cause a minimum number of adverse reactions and complications. With their help, you can not only plan pregnancy, but also treat many gynecological diseases. Often the question arises, how to properly abolish the drug if necessary, and what will be the monthly ones after the abolition of OK?How quickly the body will recover from hormonal tablets, and through how many ovaries will again begin to function actively, depends on a number of circumstances.
Contents of
- 1 How to cancel OK
- 2 How much to cancel OK
- 2 How much after the cancellation the cycle will be restored
- 3 What monthly will come
- 4 Useful video
- 5 Reasons why menstruation is not
- 5.1 Pregnancy
- 5.2 Cycle violation
- 5.3 Sex infections
How to abolish OK
In order,so as not to cause hormonal disruptions in the body and do not bring discomfort to yourself, you should correctly finish taking oral contraceptives. There are several options for termination.
Option 1. The most optimal solution is to cancel the reception of tablets at the time when the new packaging is to be started. In other words, take all 24 or 28, after which, as usual, spotting of a different character will soon appear. In the new cycle, the ovaries will themselves respond to the signals of the pituitary and hypothalamus of the brain, which through FSH and LH stimulate their own production of sex hormones.
Option 2. Sometimes it becomes necessary to cancel the intake of oral contraceptives at some point, which does not coincide with the end of the whole package. There is nothing critical in this, but each organism can perceive this variant in different ways. Therefore, you can stop taking any tablet.
Such a daub can last up to 10 - 14 days, this should not lead a woman into trouble. Seek medical attention only if very abundant or prolonged discharge is present.
But the ideal is the option, when the doctor after examination and evaluation of all risks will recommend the scheme that is most optimal in a particular situation. After all, oral contraceptives are often prescribed not only for the purpose of preventing pregnancy, but also for treating various pathological conditions. What are the monthly after cancellation ok will go to a woman, it is difficult to predict, since these are the individual properties of the body for restoring its functions.
After how many after the cancellation the cycle of
is restored The classic hormonal background is considered to be restored on average for 2 to 3 months after the end of oral contraceptive use, in exceptional cases to 4. It should be understood that when taking birth control pills, wedaily we deliver into the body a batch of hormones. Very quickly, it is getting used to this process. As a result, the own cycle after the completion of taking the drug may not recover as quickly as it would be desirable. When the monthly starts after the cancellation of OK, depends on the following factors:
Factor What happens in the body | |
Age of the woman | It is noticed that after 35 years the time interval is extended and often reaches 4 to 6 months. This is due to some depletion of the body's reserves, as well as the concomitant pathology that appears to this age. |
Duration of admission | If hormonal drugs are used for 2 to 3 months, the body perceives this as a kind of test. As a result, after the abolition of OC, there is often something like your own stimulation of ovulation, and several follicles are ripening in the ovary. This property is often used by doctors in case of unspecified infertility or some other problems with conception in a couple. As a result, the chances of pregnancy after a short course of admission dramatically increase. |
A slightly different picture emerges when using hormonal tablets for many years. Often the body needs from 6 to 12 months to fully restore the natural hormonal profile.
Given this, some doctors recommend after a year of taking a break for 2 - 3 months. This is not very convenient, so many women do not use these tips.
What monthly will come
In most cases, in the first one to two months after the end of the course of taking oral contraceptives, monthly ones come with minimal deviations. But sometimes all the hated symptoms return at once.
Therefore, after the abolition of taking hormone tablets, especially if they were once prescribed for therapeutic purposes, including, you should be ready to return the previous unpleasant signs and conditions during the cycle.
In most cases, the obvious signs of premenstrual syndrome return after 2 to 3 months after cancellation. Most often it is a headache, a sharp change of mood, irritability, engorgement of the mammary glands, etc.
After the abolition of the OK plentiful monthly will come no earlier than a month or two. And this is in view of the fact that almost always on the background of the use of hormonal tablets, the amount of secretions is significantly reduced, and sometimes it is just a daub of several days. If, however, when using contraceptive menstruation still remained abundant, then after their cancellation, we can expect some increase.
If a woman, for some reason, decides to interrupt the reception without finishing the pack, then most often appear brown a few days after the abolition of OK.In 90% of cases they are unusual: uninvested, last up to 14 days, painless, etc. It is not right to call it menstruating, it is more suitable for the graduation of "withdrawal syndrome" and the body's response to sharp changes in the level of hormones in the blood.
Useful video of
On the absence of monthly after the abolition of OK look at the video:
Reasons why menstruation is not
The delay of the monthly after the abolition of OK often leads women into confusion. Such violations can occur for various reasons. There are several basic ones.
Once the use of contraceptives is discontinued, the risk of pregnancy increases dramatically. Especially if the course of taking pills was only a few months. Therefore, the first thing to exclude when delayed is pregnancy. You can do an ordinary urine test, but it's better to take a blood test for HCG.The latter has the reliability of 100% already on the tenth day after the alleged conception.
Violation of the cycle of
If a woman stopped using tablets abruptly without draining a pack, then she can not count the short months after the cancellation of OK for menstruation. After all, in most cases they are smearing. Then, when calculating the cycle, it turns out that its duration will be about 40 - 50 days. The correct day for the appearance of any bloody discharge after the abolition of contraceptives is considered the first of the new cycle.
Also it is necessary to consider, whether there were disturbances of a menses in the girl earlier. If hormonal drugs were prescribed to restore the cycle, then immediately after the abolition the failures can continue. At first, this is usually a minor delay, which can go on for longer.
In women after 35 years, cycle recovery does not occur as quickly as in 25-year-olds, for example. Especially if oral contraceptives were taken more than 3 - 5 years without breaks.
Sexual infections
The use of the hormonal method of prevention allows to avoid only unwanted pregnancies, but sexual infections are not prevented in this way. Even a minor inflammatory process can ultimately lead to ovarian dysfunction, which will manifest as a cycle disorder after stopping the taking of tablets.
In any case, if after canceling the OK is not monthly, you should contact a specialist. Only a doctor after a post-examination can find out the true cause of the delay and prescribe the necessary treatment.
We recommend reading the article on the delay of the monthly. From it you will learn about the possible gynecological and non-gynecological reasons for the absence of menstruation, diseases, diagnosis and treatment.
The effect of oral contraceptives is based on the intake of synthetic sex hormones into the body, which leads to the inhibition of their own production of ovaries and other structures. Ideally, if there are no disturbances of the cycle as against the background of taking the tablets, and after their elimination. But the restoration of the function of the genitals - the process of individual, depends on the age of the woman and on the duration of the drug. In case of any malfunctions and suspicious symptoms, especially if there is a prolonged dabbling after a month after the abolition of OK, you should consult a doctor who can interpret this correctly.