Why there was a brown discharge when taking a regulon

The use of oral contraception for many women is a must. Regulon - one of the drugs of the last generation. It is a combined remedy that helps not only to avoid unwanted pregnancy, but also to get rid of ailments. And more often women carry it without problems, reaching the desired goal. But what does brown discharge mean when taking a regulon? They are the most frequent warning sign.


Why should I drink "Regulon"

  • 2 Reasons for detecting brown precipitations when using Regulon
  • 3 Is it worth to go to the doctor for secretions due to "Regulon"
  • 4 How to properly remove "Regulon"
  • Why drink "Regulon"

    "Regulon"- estrogen-progestogen, which has the property of suppressing the work of the ovaries, preventing the egg from ripening. With its reception, the composition of mucus produced by the cervix changes. So the effect of avoiding pregnancy is achieved.

    But "Regulon" is shown not only for this purpose. Its capabilities are broader, so specialists prescribe tablets for:

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    • therapy of severe pain, poor health during menstruation;
    • return cycle periodicity at long intervals between menstruation;
    • reducing the volume of precipitations on critical days;
    • restoring the health of the reproductive system after abortion, reducing the likelihood of bleeding;
    • decrease in the size of fibroids and the cessation of selections caused by it;
    • correction of manifestations of endometriosis;
    • resorption of the ovarian cyst;
    • return of normal development of the endometrium with hyperplasia;
    • elimination caused by the hormonal causes of acne.
    With gynecological pathologies, "Regulon" is used in combination with other medications.

    Reasons for detecting brown precipitations against the background of the use of "Regulon"

    "Regulon" from all similar means is characterized as the means causing the least amount of undesirable manifestations. But often the patients using the contraceptive present their complaint to their doctor, for example, such a plan: "I take regulon, brown discharge disturbs from the beginning of use."Guilty can be one of several reasons:

    • Adaptation of the reproductive system. The tool forces it to work differently, which causes some resistance of the organism. This can manifest dermatitis in the middle of the menstrual period or marked bleeding. The first usually last longer than the abundant discharge. And yet 1-3 months after the start of taking the contraceptive, such phenomena are considered normal. If this lasts longer, the "Regulon" will have to be replaced with other pills.
    • Progestin deficiency. It occurs most often when a woman has endometriosis or hyperplastic processes in the mucous membrane of the uterus, but sometimes with other gynecological problems. If scant excretions come in the middle of the menstrual period and in the end, there is reason to believe that they are caused by the insufficient presence of progesterone."Regulon" refers to low-dose drugs, so it can not always help to restore the right concentration of the hormone.
    • Estrogen deficiency. The reason can be suspected if brown discharge is detected at the beginning of the cycle and closer to its middle.
    • Incorrect use."Regulon" should be taken under a clear scheme. More often the specialist prescribes the daily use of tablets before the blister is empty, after which a pause of 5-8 days follows. But if a woman forgot to take one of them or swallowed it too late, a reaction in the form of smearing excretions of brown color is possible. Another option is an overdose. With an arbitrary increase in the dose, especially in young girls, it is likely bleeding.
    • Alcohol and smoking. A glass of wine is compatible with taking a contraceptive. But the complaint from a woman "I drink regulon, brown secretions were found for an unknown reason" may be the result even of a once-received high dose of strong alcohol. Similarly, smoking can affect, especially in women older than 35 years. Tobacco reduces hormonal effects, which reduces the contraceptive effect. This is expressed, in part, by extracurricular discharges.
    • Other medicines. If against the background of taking Regulon to start drinking antibiotics, antifungal tablets, and also used against epilepsy and normalizing high blood pressure, it is possible to reduce the effect of the drug and detect secretions.
    • Indigestion. If a woman has vomiting or diarrhea, which appear even for 1 day, the swallowed tablet will not have time to suck in the blood. The effect will be the same as if the dose were missed. The balance of substances, although insubstantial, will change, that some may show secretions.

    Should I go to the doctor for secretions due to "Regulon"

    After receiving the recommendations, many women do not dare go to the doctor again if they observe disturbing signs. This makes sense in the first 3 months of taking Regulon, when the discharge is easy to attribute to the adaptation of the body( if there is still no pain in the abdomen, you do not have to change the gasket more than once every 3 hours).

    In other circumstances, you need to go to the doctor. If the discharge appears when there should be no longer, it is a signal to replace the drug or a new examination. Otherwise, you can miss deadlines, which will give a chance to develop pathology.

    We recommend reading the article about the peculiarities of menstruation when taking birth control pills. From it you will learn about the effect of contraceptive drugs, their types, the effect on the menstrual cycle and the nature of the discharge.

    How correctly to abolish "Regulon"

    The abrupt discontinuance of "Regulon" will cause a hormonal storm in the body. Therefore, when it is necessary to set aside a medicine for planning pregnancy, or to give rest to the reproductive system from synthetic substances, this is done with the least losses for it. It is necessary to finish the packaging before the final tablet, to survive the bleeding that has arisen, and not to print a new one.

    But when "Regulon" caused a pressure surge or worsened state of health otherwise, you can not continue to drink it no matter how many doses are left in the blister. It is necessary at once to exclude a preparation and to go to the doctor that he has helped to avoid a strong hormonal frustration.

    Regulon brown discharge does not provoke in all women. But if they appeared, this is an excuse not for fear, but for a visit to the doctor for explanations.

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