For each woman, the condition of her hair is important, because this has always been considered one of the main factors of attractiveness. In an effort to achieve an impeccable appearance, most of the fair sex has become accustomed to changing hair color frequently and painting them almost weekly. But, as is known, in the female body changes occur every month. Therefore, a completely logical question arises, and can I dye my hair during menstruation? Will not this harm their health? To understand, it is necessary to understand what processes occur in the body of a woman.
Changes that occur with menstruating
Doctors advise women not to color their hair on critical days, especially those who have critical days in severe conditions, as well as women during lactation and pregnant women. The fact that hormonal fluctuations affect not only the state of organs, but also the body as a whole, including skin and hair, which includes melanin, responsible for the color of the skin and hair.
With hormonal fluctuations, melanin can behave absolutely unpredictably, as a result of which the color of hair can turn out completely different from the color that you planned. Because, from the chemical point of view, the hair dye acts directly on the melanin.
In addition, during the entire cycle, women undergo changes in blood circulation, metabolism and thermoregulation, which also affects the result of staining. This is primarily due to insufficient blood supply to the head( the blood concentrates mainly in the pelvic area).The scalp becomes cooler, and the paint, entering into a chemical interaction, does not warm up sufficiently and can react in an entirely unusual way.
What are the possible consequences of
? If circumstances compel you to take risks and decide on this procedure at such a critical moment, the following results may result:
- The hair does not completely dye, despite the prolonged exposure to paint.
- After the procedure the hairs become more brittle.
- Paint can stain.
- Instead of the desired color, you can get a completely unpredictable hue( very often blondes have a greenish tone).
- In the case of a chemical wave, complete absence of the result is possible.
- Hair loss due to staining.
- Deterioration of the scalp.
- Inhalation of a pungent chemical odor of paint can aggravate a woman's condition.
Arguments about why you can not dye your hair during menstruation, as you can see, is enough. Despite the obviousness of all factors, the question remains open. You can not predict what consequences may occur in your particular case, not a single specialist. The reaction of each organism is completely individual.
If your girlfriend has a good result after staining during menstruation, this does not mean that you will not have any difficulties. As for the haircuts, there are no contraindications in this case. And the rumors, according to which the haircut is forbidden, are connected only with folk superstitions. Therefore, you can safely be sheared!
Recommendations for staining on "special" days
For girls who can not transfer the procedure to other days, there are a number of tips. With their help, you can minimize the adverse effects:
- Try to use only natural dyes, for example, henna.
- You should use a plastic cap or a heating hood.
- It is believed that the greatest likelihood of side effects occurs in the first two days of the month. Therefore, try to postpone the procedure for 3-4 days.
- Avoid cardinal color changes. Better not experiment and do not change the color of hair completely on such days.
- Be sure to use toning means( balms, shampoos, masks).
- If you are dyed in a hairdresser, then select the most experienced craftsman and warn him about critical days.
In any case, this is risky enough for your hair. After all, you will not know in advance how the characteristics of your body will react to such a procedure. Therefore, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, do not rush with painting, try to transfer this event a few days later.