Pain in the heart during menstruation

Manifestations, accompanying menstruation, can not be called pleasant. But most of them are normally understood, easily removable and do not cause anxiety.

However, some women have signs that it is not so easy to explain. It's about the situation, when the periods are concurrent, and the heart reminds oneself of pain.


  • 1 Heart pain as a sign of PMS
    • 1.1 Causes of premenstrual pain
  • 2 During menstruation
    • 2.1 Dysmenorrhea

Heart pain as a sign of PMS

Heart pain is a sign of PMS

Most women experience uncomfortable symptoms not in critical days, but in front of them. The list of premenstrual symptoms is known, the main one is tenderness in the internal genital area. Feelings can also be given in the lower back, which also does not surprise.

But for some, this can also be found behind the sternum. Feeling in this area of ​​embossing, tingling or stronger sensations, a woman wonders if her heart can be aching before her monthly, or she should run to a cardiologist. Sometimes such a specialist is able to help.

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Heart pain may well be caused by problems not in the field of cardiology, but because of the failure of the endocrine, reproductive, hormonal and neurological disorders.

We recommend to read an article about getting rid of pain during menstruation. You will learn about the causes and main symptoms of dysmenorrhea, the features of diagnosis and treatment, ways to relieve pain without medication.

Causes of premenstrual pain

The period before critical days is characterized by a change in the balance of hormones. Without this, the body would not be ready to replace the upper endometrium.

Estrogens begin to predominate over progesterone, which causes certain body reactions. Pain in the heart before menstruation is the result of one or more of them:

  • Causes of premenstrual pain in the heart

    Puffiness. The water retention in tissues, characteristic of those who have a high serotonin, aldosterone and estrogen level several days before menstruation, is manifested not only in appearance. Internal organs swell, because of which the load on the tissue increases. She also does not pass the heart region, which responds with heaviness, dull pain. The negative role in this is played by engorgement of the mammary glands. Their lobules widen, pressing on the lymph nodes and nerve roots. Monthly and tingling in the heart, which in some days do not bother, can be a manifestation of mastalgia.
  • Nerve agitation. Before critical days, women are seized by emotions from irritability to severe depression, even depression. All this does not pass without a trace for the nervous system. The reaction captures not only its central part, provoking a headache, but also offshoots. Nervous roots in this area are many enough to feel the heart. The pain in it is aching, even, it can stop with a sedative medication.
  • Pressure changes. The narrowing of the vessels caused by the hormonal shift provokes an increase in the load on their internal surfaces. Blood presses harder, resulting in an increase in the figure. A different character of the hormonal disorder can lead to a decrease in pressure in comparison with the norm.
Too high and unnaturally small values ​​of the blood pressure value lead to the fact that before the menstrual heart hurts.

During menstruation

The onset of critical days is marked by the fact that most unpleasant symptoms go away. But some of them continue to torment throughout the whole period. Experts consider this to be a severe manifestation of PMS, when not one to three of its signs are seen, but all are 5-12, and to a great extent.

But in the presence of a mild form of premenstrual syndrome heart often suffers from menstruation. Especially when it has a crisis direction. In addition to sensations behind the sternum, a woman is haunted by the fear of death, a "threshing" pulse. Stronger manifestations occur at night and end with violent urination.

We advise you to read an article about visiting a gynecologist during menstruation. You will learn about the features of the examination, the need to visit a doctor and prepare for it.


Dysmenorrhea - the cause of pain in the heart

Some menstruate, accompanied by a complex of severe manifestations. The main one is severe abdominal pain caused by hormonal imbalance, irregular structure of the organs. As a rule, the hidden cause of this is a gynecological diagnosis:

  • Myoma;
  • Endometriosis;
  • Spikes;
  • Inflammations.

A vascular manifestation characteristic of dysmenorrhea, manifested by severe weakness, nausea. It is not surprising that during the menstrual heart hurts. After all, in this state, the vessels are compressed, then expand. The pain is felt in the nape, the area of ​​the eye sockets, can lead to loss of consciousness.

In some, this is not caused by an ailment, but by an incorrect choice of contraception. Most contraceptive drugs are hormonal, and when they harm the natural background, such a violent reaction is obtained.

Monthly and worried at the same time with their heart should bring a woman to the office of a gynecologist. The cause of pain in it in this period are problems in the reproductive or hormonal.

Successful therapy of the underlying disease also stops vascular manifestations. And excessive patience will lead to irreversible changes in the heart.

  • Mar 12, 2018
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