As a medicinal plant, calendula has earned recognition in folk medicine. But this bright orange flower is used not only for medicinal purposes - indications for the application of the decoction of marigold can also be different. This tool is very popular among cosmetologists, as it is an excellent caring for hair and problem skin.
Calendula decoction absorbed all the properties of the plant. It exhibits antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, eliminating eruptions, healing wounds on the skin and softening it. With this tool, you can also return hair shine and a healthy appearance.
Healthy and strong hair
If you regularly use a decoction of calendula for hair, you can solve the following problems:
- eliminate brittleness;
- heal wounds on the scalp;
- make the hair fresh;
- get rid of excessive greasiness;
- soothe the itch;
- make the strands elastic and elastic;
- eliminate dandruff.
You can apply calendula decoction both in pure form and add it to various home preparations. Let's look at several options for using this tool.
Oily hair care
To remove excess greasiness and refresh your hair, a decoction of orange flowers can be used as a conditioner. For the preparation of such a product it is necessary:
- a tablespoon of inflorescences placed in enameled dishes;
- pour half a liter of water and bring to a boil;
- leave the composition for half an hour, then filter;
- used in a warm form after each washing of the head.
Applying a decoction in this way, you can achieve that the hair will stay longer and clean and fresh.
Tip! To give shine to the hair in the already cooled decoction, you can add 10 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice.
To stimulate the growth of
To prepare a decoction that will "make" your hair grow faster, you need to do the following:
- in the same ratio to take dry flowers of calendula, chamomile and hop cones;
- two spoons of the resulting mixture pour a liter of water and bring to a boil;
- remove from heat, cool, filter.
Apply the product as a rinse aid once every 10 days.
Important! If after using this drug there is an itch or any other unpleasant sensations, then its use should be discontinued!
Dry hair care
It is known that the decoction of calendula has a drying effect, so it should be applied with dry hair with extreme care and after each procedure to check the condition of the ringlets. If they become brittle, then the concentration of the solution should be weakened. The best recipe for the means based on calendula flowers in this case is as follows:
- a tablespoon of dried raw material put in an enameled container;
- pour two cups of water;
- put the mixture on a fire and bring to a boil;
- cool, filter.
The resulting broth can act as a conditioner and mask, which is rubbed into the roots of the hair twice a week. The course of therapy lasts one month. This technique will prevent hair loss.
Beautiful radiant skin
In home cosmetology, calendula decoction is used for the face. Most of all, it is suitable for dry, sensitive, normal and problematic skin, prone to the formation of inflammation and acne.
This tool shows a lot of useful properties, among which:
- anti-inflammatory - allows you to eliminate redness, remove puffiness after insect bites, and also prevents the formation of pimples and boils;
- antiseptic - this is a fairly powerful "weapon" of calendula, which in its power is much more than chamomile. Orange flowers act carefully, do not overdry, so their use is often recommended for thin and sensitive skin;
- healing and regenerating - substances contained in flowers, stimulate the process of regeneration of the skin, which allows you to quickly get rid of traces left after acne.
Struggles with acne
The decoction of marigold from acne can be used by various methods:
- Cosmetic ice. Prepare this tool is quite simple. One tablespoon of calendula flowers should be poured into 250 ml of water, bring to a boil, cool and filter. Cold liquid poured into molds and sent to a freezer. Ice cubes need to wipe your face every morning, and they will not only help you cope with pimples, but also perfectly tone and pore the pores.
Tip! The remedy will be more effective for combating acne if you add a couple of drops of essential oil to the ready-made broth - it's better than tea tree.
- Lotion. To prepare the lotion, you need to make a decoction of two tablespoons of dry raw material and one glass of water. The mixture is filtered and rubbed face twice a day - morning and evening. It is advisable to prepare a fresh lotion every other day.
- Compress. It is very convenient to make a compress from acne using a packaged pharmacy calendula. One packet should be brewed in a glass of boiling water and applied to the problem area. There is another option: to prepare a decoction from a tablespoon of dry grass and a glass of water, moisten a slightly glowing liquid piece of gauze, folded in several layers, and put on the face. The action time is 10 minutes.
- Mask with honey. To prepare this mask, you should combine a concentrated decoction of marigold with honey in a ratio of 3: 1. The medication is applied to the face and washed off after 15 minutes. You can also make a compress of gauze soaked in the resulting mixture. Honey perfectly moisturizes the skin, and calendula relieves inflammation and heals damaged areas.
Warning! When using preparations based on calendula, remember that they can not be applied to the skin if it has cuts or open wounds.
Calendula decoction is a unique preparation that will gently take care of your hair and skin. Use it correctly and be beautiful!