- About how the mint appeared
- What you need to know about the mint
- Mint in folk medicine: recipes
- What else is useful for setting mint?
- Contraindications
For certain there is no person in the world unfamiliar with the invigorating smell of mint. It is present in toothpastes, air fresheners, teas, creams, pastries and cocktails. This famous plant has found its application in cooking, cosmetics, perfumes. And in folk medicine it has been used since ancient times, when there were no antibiotics, antidepressants and analgesic tablets. Tincture of peppermint on water and alcohol - a "thermonuclear" medication, which can give odds to any pharmaceutical product.
On how the mint appeared
The plant received its name from the ancient Greek nymph Minta, responsible for the human mind. The earth, which touched her leg, was ennobled, the air was purified, and the water in the rivers and springs became crystal clear. It gave people peace and peace, tired wanderers of power, and the old people prolonged their lives. God Hades, fascinated by the beauty and kindness of Minta, gave her his heart. But the love story was interrupted by his wife - Persephone, who turned the nymph into a plant. The beautiful essence of Minta made it beautiful and fragrant.
In ancient times, mint was considered a powerful love potion, and in the Middle Ages it was attributed to the improvement of brain function. Students of those times wore mint wreaths for this purpose. Today, tincture of mint performs a wide range of medical tasks, acting as a soothing, analgesic, antiseptic and choleretic agent.
What you need to know about mint
There are a lot of species of plants, but peppermint is the most common. It grows in front gardens, gardens, wild nature, exuding an unusually fresh and invigorating aroma. The herb contains essential oils( mainly menthol), vitamin C, flavonoids, rutin and other useful microelements.
Warning! The most useful thing in mint is the leaves that need to be collected for therapeutic purposes during the flowering period.
Mint leaves in a dried or fresh form brew, insist on alcohol, boil. In cooking, fragrant herbs are prepared with sauces, baked goods, desserts, sweets, cocktails and liqueurs. One of the popular cocktails on its basis is Mojito. Peppermint gives dishes and drinks a special taste, but the smell is too strong, so you need to use spice dosed.
Peppermint in folk medicine: recipes
In folk therapy, tincture of peppermint has a very extensive application. It eliminates malfunctions in the heart, normalizes blood circulation, makes the vessels elastic, reduces pressure, saves from stress and depression. Great is its strength in the fight against diseases of the stomach and intestines, bruises and sprains, headaches and nervous exhaustion. Used tincture of mint and for hair - to strengthen bulbs and eliminate dandruff.
Warning! Mint should not be dried in the sun, otherwise it will lose its medicinal properties.
Tincture for alcohol
Recipe 1. Pour fresh or dried peppermint( 100 g) with alcohol, strength about 75%( half a liter) and leave to infuse for two weeks. Store the container in a place protected from sunlight. Instead of alcohol, vodka is quite suitable.
Recipe 2. The leaves of the plant dilute a liter of moonshine, a strength of 65-70% and infuse for 7-10 days.
Warning! Moonshine for the recipe try to choose a refined and quality.
Tincture mint on alcohol is used 3 times a day for 25 drops. It effectively relieves pain and spasms, and when applied externally removes acne and acne. It is also used for rubbing with migraine, severe headaches, neuralgia.
Water tincture
In cases where alcohol is not recommended for health( when healing small children, pregnant and lactating women, people prone to alcoholism), prepare mint infusions on the water. The action of alcohol and water is identical.
1 tbsp. Spoon a dry herb with a glass of boiling water and insist by means of a water bath for 15-20 minutes. After cooling the broth, filter it and take 50 ml three times a day for 15 minutes before a meal with the above diseases.
No less healing and decoction based on mint.50 grams of dried or fresh leaves of the plant, boil in a liter of water for 15-20 minutes. Insist half an hour. Drink as a choleretic and soothing means of 2 tbsp.spoon 3 times a day for 30-40 minutes before a meal.
For joint diseases
Tincture of peppermint saves from arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism, gout, mastopathy.
For the healing recipe, dry the leaves of the plant thoroughly, pour them with water( 1: 3) and boil on low heat for 15-20 minutes. Insist half an hour, then pour into a bath of cooked water.
For chronic fatigue
Prescription 1. With depression, apathy, stress and fatigue. To make medicinal infusion, pour dry or fresh leaves( 1 tablespoon) with boiling water( 1 glass), keep on a low heat for a quarter of an hour, remove and filter. To take it for the specified purposes follows on 0,5 glasses twice a day before a meal.
Recipe 2. Excellent mint tincture helps with nervous exhaustion: Dried leaves( 1 teaspoon) brew with steep boiling water( 1 cup).Infusion pour in a thermos, leave for half an hour, wring out and strain. Drink 0.5 cup 3 times a day.
With diseases of the digestive tract
Tincture of the fragrant plant promotes rapid digestion of food, eliminates heartburn, nausea, relieves spasms in the stomach and intestines, has a bile and carminative effect. This is why mint comes in most gastric and medical preparations.
- With gastritis. Dried and shredded peppermint leaves( 10-15 g), dilute with boiling water( half cup), leave for 10-15 minutes. Take 1 tbsp.spoon 3 times a day.
- For pain in the liver and gastritis. Mix the dry leaves of mint and the herb of a thousandths( 4: 1).From the collection, separate 2 teaspoons and pour the raw material with boiling water( 1 glass).Drink 1 glass a half hour before each meal.
- Tincture of peppermint helps with acute and chronic colitis. To do this, brew 1 tablespoon of the plant with a glass of boiling water and insist 20 minutes, closing the lid. Strain the broth, drink 0,5-1 cup for half an hour before each meal.
- With strong diarrhea and burps, 1 tablespoon of herbs diluted with hot water( 1 cup), pour into a thermos bottle and leave for 30-40 minutes. Filtering, drink in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before going to sleep one cup.
What else is a mint tincture useful for?
Inhalations on mint tincture relieve cold symptoms, clear throat and relieve pain. They eliminate the inflammatory processes in bronchitis, angina and pneumonia, relieve the spasms that accompany bronchial asthma.
Thanks to the content of menthol, which has a calming effect, the tincture removes headaches, treats bruises and sprains. For this purpose, it should be rubbed into whiskey and other diseased areas.
Water mint infusions are actively used in cosmetology. By washing them, you will get rid of skin diseases, eliminate irritations and inflammations. Compresses and lotions smooth wrinkles, improve complexion, perfectly tone the skin.
For hair
It is irreplaceable tincture of peppermint for hair. Curls become soft and silky, dandruff and irritation disappear, elimination processes are eliminated. Aromatic grass cleans the scalp from the sebaceous deposits, improves blood microcirculation, nourishes the hair follicles, strengthens the roots.
To get life-giving rinse aid, pour the dried leaves of the plant with hot water( 1: 4) and insist half an hour, covering with a lid. Rinse hair after washing your head, without rinsing.
Warning! Frequent use of tincture and exceeding the permissible norm will have the opposite effect: the scalp becomes excessively sensitive, dandruff will appear.
Tincture of mint is forbidden for admission to children under three years of age and for women who have problems with conception. Children older than three years should make infusions and broths with less concentration of grass. The plant lowers the tone of blood vessels, so it is contraindicated in patients with varicose veins.
Mint calms the nervous system and causes drowsiness, for this reason it is forbidden to drink it to those who are going to drive. Excessive consumption of tincture harms people with low blood pressure. A frequent her reception removes the male potency.
Mint tincture has a wide range of healing options. There are many recipes, but all of them will be useful only if the dosage and the correct proportions are met.