Preparing at home the most delicious cheese from goat's milk

  1. The secret of popularity
  2. Cooking recipes
  3. What should I remember?

Today you can buy goat's cheese from almost any store. But any hostess knows that the most delicious and useful is a product prepared independently: from natural products and with special additional ingredients - love and care for your family.

Goat's homemade cheese is famous for its high taste and special benefits.

The secret of popularity of

It's impossible to overestimate the benefits of homemade cheese from goat's milk. It is absorbed much better than cheese from cow's milk, and has in its composition a huge number of useful bacteria that ensure the normal functioning of the digestive system. In addition, the substances contained in this product help to establish metabolic processes in the body and restore the functions of the gastrointestinal tract. Plus, goat cheese is a hypoallergenic product, and therefore is considered indispensable in the menu of people with allergies to cow's milk.

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Goat cheese has a very delicate texture and a special flavor. It has a small amount of sugar and at the same time it is a rich source of nutrients. It is characterized by high nutritional value, but it does not complicate the process of digestion.

Goat cheese is the choice of those who prefer a healthy diet

If we talk about how cheese is called from goat's milk, then depending on its composition and the country of origin, it will have different names. For example, in France alone there are several of its varieties and names, among them Banon, Valance, Car de Chevre, Palardon, Picardon, Rocamadour, Shavra, etc. In Spain they also make their goat cheese: Pastor and Manchego. At us this product usually name as a brynza.

Note! In the original, cheese is cheese made from sheep or a mixture of sheep's and goat's milk, soaked in brine!

Recipes for cooking

In order to make cheese from goat's milk at home, it is enough to have one source product - milk and a few additional ingredients, such as vinegar, salt, eggs, spices, etc. The full composition of the components will depend on which onecheese as a result you wish to receive.

Simple goat cheese

In order to cook this cheese you will need two liters of goat milk, 60 ml of vinegar and salt - 30-50 grams, its amount will depend on which cheese you prefer - less or more salty.

We proceed:

  • pour the milk into a saucepan and bring to a boil over medium heat and with constant stirring;
  • carefully add a thin trickle of vinegar, do not forget all the time to interfere with the contents;
  • as soon as the milk is well curled and forms a tight clot, remove it from the plate;
  • we spread the colander with gauze and lay out on it the resulting curd bunch, bind it in a pouch and hang it over the sink;
  • after a couple of hours, when the excess liquid leaves, we shift the cottage cheese into a bowl and add salt to taste;
  • mix everything, thoroughly knead it and form a flat cake;

    Note! The compressed cake should be thick!

  • we take a cast-iron frying pan, we put our future cheese on it and put it on the fire - the pressed flat cake should float;
  • the finished cheese is put into a cool place and left until it is completely congealed.
Sandwiches with homemade goat cheese can be a great breakfast and will be useful during snacks!

Spiced cheese

The following recipe will tell you how to make spiced cheese from goat's milk. For its preparation you need 12 liters of milk, 4 tablespoons of vinegar, 50-60 g of salt and cumin to taste.

Getting Started:

  • pour the specified amount of milk into a suitable pan and bring it to a boil, then immediately reduce the gas supply and add the vinegar;
  • with constant stirring we follow the process of curling, and as soon as the mass is curled into a tight bunch, we transfer the pan from the plate to the table;
  • we take out the formed clot and shift it to cheesecloth, turn it into a pouch and hang it over a sink or over a large bowl;
  • leave for a few hours, so that excess serum is gone;

    Recommendation! Since we use a rather large portion of milk, respectively, and cottage cheese should turn out a lot, so for expressing the serum can be taken for several hours, and the whole day!

  • as soon as the liquid leaves the curd mass, we take it out of the gauze, salt, add a few seeds of cumin and carefully knead it with your hands;
  • we form a cake from cottage cheese and we lay it on a cast-iron frying pan, under the influence of temperature the mass first melts, and after thickens - now cheese can be shifted to a dish and give it the desired shape.
Hot cheese for piquancy sprinkled with caraway seeds

Gentle cheese from

To prepare a delicate cheese you need a couple of liters of goat milk, two tablespoons of sour cream and cottage cheese, 15 ml of vinegar and about a teaspoon of salt.

We proceed:

  • milk is poured into a pan and heated to a temperature of 45 ° C;
  • in a small amount of milk we bake cottage cheese and add it to the pan, put the salt and bring it to the boil;
  • as soon as the mass begins to boil, we introduce into it sour cream and with constant stirring continue to cook;
  • after about a quarter of an hour the contents of the pan should begin to fold, turning into a clot, but if this does not happen - pour in the indicated amount of vinegar;
  • then shift the curdled milk to cheesecloth, cover it with a cotton napkin, place the load and leave it for a couple of hours, then put the cheese in a brine( 3 tablespoons salt per liter of water) and leave for another 3 hours in the refrigerator.
The resulting feta cheese can be served immediately to the

table. Calorie brynza

To make a high-calorie cheese from goat's milk is as simple as the previous version. Only in this recipe we will not use vinegar. So, you need 2 liters of milk, a tablespoon of salt, 6 fresh chicken eggs and 400 ml of sour cream.

We proceed:

  • we pour the milk into a saucepan, sprinkle salt;

    Note! If you do not want the cheese to have a pronounced salty taste, then the amount of salt can be reduced by half!

  • eggs whisk, mix well with sour cream and add to milk;
  • on medium heat and with constant stirring( it is especially good to pass through the bottom of the pan so that the mixture does not burn) bring it to a boil;
  • slightly reduce the flow of gas and wait for the milk to begin to fold - usually it takes no more than five minutes;

  • as soon as the clot becomes sufficiently dense, shift it to gauze in a colander and give time to leave the whole serum;
  • collect the edges of the gauze, bind them, place the cutting board on top, then load and another board, leave everything for 5 hours;
  • after the specified time we remove the load, we take the cheese from the colander, turn the gauze and shift the cheese into the brine( 3 tablespoons salt per liter of water), transfer it to the refrigerator and leave it there for 3 more hours.
Due to the large number of eggs, the cheese is a fairly high-calorie, but incredibly tasty

. What should I remember?

As you can see, the recipes of cheese from goat's milk differ slightly from the original products, but the set of ingredients in each of them will not be final. By your own taste, you can add spices, adjust the amount of salt or even replace it with sugar - such a sweet goat cheese is especially liked by children.

However, there are certain points that should not be ignored:

  • In the conditions of our country, you can never cook goat cheese, which, to your liking, will be similar to a French or Spanish product, even if you have an original recipe for a certain brand of cheese. This is due to many reasons: the range of goats that give the main ingredient for this product - milk, respectively, certain differences in their feed, their breed, age, conditions of detention, etc. But do not be upset, since with a high probability of homecheese from fresh milk of local goats can turn out not hardly worse, but, probably, better than European goat cheese, executed by all standards.
  • Do not forget that the cheese will turn out delicious only if the milk is fresh and quality. For this reason, his choice should be approached with particular care. Its smell is of great importance - often it is specific and even unpleasant, which is due to non-compliance with the rules for keeping goats. And this smell does not disappear even after pasteurization, and if you use such an initial product, you risk getting a tasteless cheese.
  • As for pasteurized milk, which is sold in retail chains, it has a certain advantage - guaranteed absence of extraneous smells. But at the same time, the aroma of such milk can turn out to be too neutral, which as a result will affect the smell of the finished cheese - it will be deprived of a specific taste, which is desirable for some varieties. Plus, pasteurization can affect some technological processes, which will require additional ingredients to be added to the recipe.

The rest of the cooking process will depend solely on the recipe itself. If the result should be a sour milk cheese - brynza, then all operations end, as a rule, on the curling. And after separating the serum, the product "rests" - ripens without any intervention on your part. Brynza should be stored only in the refrigerator, preferably in a sealed package. Otherwise, she immediately absorbs the scents of all the "neighbors" -.The storage period is 2 weeks.

If the result is to be hard cheese, then after obtaining the curd grain, there must necessarily be another stage of processing - melting. And only after that the product is ripe for ripening. Such goat cheese can be stored in the refrigerator for about 3 months.

  • Mar 12, 2018
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