Fractional power

It would be wrong to call a fractional diet a diet or a curative course, rather, it is a diet plan that provides food intake 5-6 times a day in small portions. Between meals should be maintained intervals not exceeding four hours.

You can change the composition of the diet only in the direction of a healthy diet. With fractional feeding, there is no need to limit the consumption of a particular product.

Principle of operation of

The main merit of fractional nutrition is the reduction of caloric intake. The fact is that if between meals a large period of time, the body begins to develop hormones stimulating appetite. The more time passes from the last meal, the more hormones are produced, the stronger the appetite. As a result, with the subsequent intake of food you want to eat more. As a rule, people overeat because they can not stop. Frequent food intake leads to the fact that the appetite hormones simply do not have time to work out, therefore, it will not want to attack the food any more.

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According to various data, the whole body needs about 15% less calories than it is occasionally hungry. This is a distinctive feature of fractional nutrition: eat less, while not starving at all.

The benefits of

Doctors-gastroenterologists like to give their patients fractional meals. Such nutrition is effective for gastritis, colitis and peptic ulcer. Small portions do not overload the digestive tract, they are better absorbed, maintain a stable level of sugar. And, as you know, the drop in the sugar level increases hunger and provokes overeating.

Slenderness of

When the human body experiences hunger, it "panics" and tries to put it off as much as possible. With the constant "feeding" the system of fat metabolism "understands" that food is always available, therefore, strategic reserves can not be done. If you constantly adhere to a fractional diet, nutrients are absorbed better, fat deposits on the waist do not grow.

With fractional nutrition it is not difficult to control both the amount of food eaten and the composition of the ration. In two or three dishes of a dense meal, on the contrary, sugars and saturated fats can easily "get lost".Adhering to fractional nutrition, it is also easy to include useful vegetable oils. Enough to fill with olive oil snack salad.

As a rule, foods that are rich in fiber are beginning to be introduced into the diet: vegetables, muesli and others. Such products give a feeling of satiety and create a favorable environment for bacteria that live in the intestine.

Of great importance is also the psychological attitude. A person does not see the need to eat in reserve, if he knows that he can refresh himself after three to four hours.


After a plentiful meal, a person feels sluggish and drowsy. This condition is quite understandable, since blood for nutrients is sent from the brain, heart and muscles to the intestines. Working capacity decreases, the desire to do something disappears completely.

If you do not overload the body with abundant food, its tone increases, the calories received are used more efficiently.

In addition, fractional food contributes to getting rid of insomnia, because a full stomach often creates problems with falling asleep. And, as you know, a good sleep depends not only tone, but also harmony. Scientists believe that a healthy sleep is a prevention of excess weight gain.

Power mode

Under fractional power, do not mean abundant meals six times a day. Also, fractional nutrition does not imply the chaotic absorption of all sorts of foods during the day.

The diet should have an energy value corresponding to the daily requirement. The amount of food is calculated quite simply. Portion should be no more palms in size and no more than a glass by volume. Such a volume will help measure small pies or saucers, it is convenient for them to measure the desired portion. During the working day it is convenient for these purposes to use small trays, it is quite real to carry them in a bag.

Start the day better with a hot breakfast. As for volume, be guided by your needs. Do not forget to eat hot food for lunch and dinner.

A fairly dense breakfast gives a feeling of satiety. Even if you ate at 6 am, you will forget about food for a few hours. Between breakfast, lunch and dinner, you can arrange a snack two or three times. If you think about something new in this system is nothing - in childhood, almost everyone had a second breakfast and a snack, and at night they gave a glass of milk.

Nutritionists advise in the morning to eat dishes with the maximum amount of carbohydrates. In the afternoon and evening try to eat foods rich in protein and fiber.


Do not snack with chips, nuts, chocolates and seeds. Satiety they can give, but for a short while, but there is a lot of fat in them. For the same reason, it is worth to quit burgers and other fast food.

Ideal for snacking salads( vegetable and fruit), cereal bread, bread, vegetables, fruits, natural yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, muesli and cereals without sugar.

There are no special secrets here: just stick to the principles of healthy eating and make sure that you have the right amount of vitamins, essential fatty acids and microelements in your diet.

Getting started

First of all, decide for yourself why you want to switch to a fractional power supply. In the event that a person does not experience hunger, adhering to three meals a day, while remaining in good physical shape, he does not necessarily have to switch to a split meal. Not suitable for those who want to lose weight fast, because to lose weight, of course, with the help of this system is possible, but waiting for quick results is not necessary.

Fractional food restricts, first of all, portions, it does not imply any serious prohibitions or a sharp change in diet. In addition to the new diet and small portions need to get used, it will also take some time. And, of course, for a week not to accustom the body to spend the received calories instead of putting them in reserve.

It's better to start when you are at home, for example, on weekends. Nobody can prevent you from accurately measuring the right volume and eat a portion on time. As for the intervals between meals, do not try to strictly adhere to the time. For someone it is optimal for four hours, for someone - three. Find a mode that is comfortable for you, and break your usual diet into smaller portions.

If it is difficult for you to monitor the power mode due to busyness, use the reminder feature in your phone or computer. After a while your body will tell you that it's time to refresh yourself.

Healthy food methods
  • Mar 12, 2018
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