Hearing loss can manifest itself against a background of various otolaryngological diseases, but often the cause of this condition are ear plugs. How can I delete them myself and should I do it at home?
are formed There are many reasons why sulfur accumulates in the ear shells. The main reason is the incorrect use of cotton buds. Many are confident that it is their use that allows you to remove excess sulfur, but in fact with cotton buds a person pushes sulfur into the ear canal, tightly ramming it around the eardrum.
Other reasons for the appearance of clusters of sulfur in the ears include:
- Narrow auditory meatus.
- Sharp pressure drops.
- Lack of regular and proper care of the auricles.
- Elevated blood cholesterol.
- Some dermatological diseases, in which self-cleaning of the auricle is difficult: dermatitis, eczema.
- Hair growth in the ears.
- Dry climate.
- Diseases of the ENT organs: deafness.
- Water entering the auditory canal.
- Frequent use of a telephone headset.
- High concentration of dust in the workplace.
- Active work of sebaceous glands.
Symptoms of
When untimely removal of earwax, it begins to partially or completely cover the auditory canal, which causes the patient to have discomfort, and he begins to complain about:
- Noise in the ears.
- Stagnation.
- Pain.
- Frequent dizziness.
- Hearing loss or lack of hearing.
- Autophony( when a person hears his voice).
How to remove
Before removing the sulfur plug at home, it is necessary to exclude other diseases of the ears, which are often accompanied by their congestion and pain.
To extract sulfur at home, you can use improvised means or purchase special medicine drops, ear candles, which will help soften the cork. In the process of removal, it is necessary to wash the auricle properly and remove the accumulated sulfur.
to the table of contents ^Hydrogen peroxide
For self-cleaning of the auricles from the cork, it is necessary to follow the instructions:
- Lie on the sofa or tilt the head sideways, so that the sick ear is on top.
- With your fingers, pull the outer part of the auricle slightly upwards, so you can even out the auditory canal.
- With your other hand, put a softening agent in your ear, put a cotton turundum( tampon) on top. To soften the formed deposits can be 3% hydrogen peroxide or any oil, for example, almond or olive. The temperature of the liquid should not be more than 37 degrees. During application, 2-3 drops of hydrogen peroxide or 7 drops of oil should be dripped into the ear.
- After 3-4 hours, take the turunda out of the auricle.
- In the smallest sterile syringe to collect 25 milliliters of hydrogen peroxide and, being in a horizontal position, introduce a slow jet from the pear into the hearing aid.
- Lie down for 30 minutes.
- Insert a stream of warm water in the ear canal, boiled and cooled beforehand to 37 degrees.
- When washing the ear with water, it will feel like the sulfur plug will disappear. After cleaning the ears, you need to dry them with a cotton pad until it dries completely. If the procedure did not bring the desired result, then the procedure can be repeated after 2 days.
Pharmaceutical drops
In addition to hydrogen peroxide and oils, special ear drops can be used to soften and remove the sulfur plug. They soften well and dissolve sulfur, cleanse the auditory passages from contamination and stop the growth of pathogenic bacteria. The most effective and popular are such medications as Remo-Wax and A-Cerumen. With the help of these preparations, you can not only remove the sulfur plug, but also prevent its appearance.
Ear candles
Another popular method is removing the ear plug with candles. They can be made at home from beeswax, medicinal herbs, propolis and essential oils or purchased in the pharmacy chain. Such candles not only eliminate excess sulfur, but also heat up the ears, anesthetize, have an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect.
For the procedure you need to prepare 2 ear candles, napkins, cotton buds, matches, baby cream, cotton and a glass of water. Before processing, the ear canal is well spread with the cream. After that, lay your head on one side and cover with a napkin with a small hole in the area of the ear canal. The upper end of the candle is set on fire, and the lower end is attached to the ear canal. When the candle burns to the specified level, it should be removed and extinguished in water. Clean the ear with a cotton swab and cover with a cotton swab for 10-15 minutes.
In rare casesremoval of sulfur plug can be done by blowing, but this is not an easy procedure and even dangerous, so it is undesirable to conduct it without the doctor's recommendations. If you feel pain or discomfort during cleaning, stop the procedure and consult a doctor immediately.
The easiest way to remove the ear plug is the Valsalva self-inflating procedure:
- Take the deepest breath and hold your breath.
- Tightly compress the lips and press the wings of the nose against the nasal septum.
- Make exhale with effort.
Other blowing methods can also be used, for example, the Politzer or Toynbee, but they can only be carried out under the supervision of an experienced doctor in a medical institution.
to table of contents ^Contraindications
It is forbidden to perform the procedure for cleansing from sulfuric cork at home with:
- eardrum damage;
- of any kind of otitis;
- Eustachian tube.
Also, this procedure should not be carried out for people suffering from diabetes, nervous and mental disorders.
If the ear plug appears in the child, then it is not recommended to remove it yourself at home, it is better to immediately consult a doctor.