How to get rid of the plaque on the teeth, regardless of its causes

Many people sooner or later face the problem of plaque on the teeth. This happens because of negligent attitude to their health and untimely visits to the dentist.

Many experts say that you need to smile more often not only to passers-by, but to yourself in the mirror. So you can timely detect problems of the oral cavity.


  • Plaque from the point of view of dentistry
  • The whole set of causes
  • The whole rainbow in the mouth
  • Help yourself
  • Professional plaque removal
  • Proper care of the oral surface

Plaque from the point of view of dentistry

By this term dentists understand the accumulation of bacteria and harmful floraon the teeth. In fact, this is some kind of thin film that causes damage to tooth enamel.

As a rule, plaque is formed immediately after a meal. If you look at the structure, you can see that carbohydrates very easily penetrates into the inner layer of tooth enamel. In this regard, the use of carbohydrate food only accelerates the development of plaque.

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Specialists note that this film settles on the cervical part of the tooth, in fissures and over the gum.

The whole set of reasons for

Many people are very familiar with this kind of problem. After all, after eating food or juice can notice a thin film, which consists of residues of food and microbes.

At first it has a slightly transparent color, but eventually it acquires a vivid color. Teeth turn yellow, and subsequently black.

If the film is still fresh, then it can not harm the teeth. It can be very easily removed with a finger, and it is better to use a toothbrush on a regular basis. If this is not done, then with further food intake, more and more microbes will fall, which easily get caught up in a "soft" raid.

In this regard, there is a congestion of microorganisms not only in the space between the teeth, but also on their surface. With the further development of the disorder, a "hardened" plaque is formed, causing a huge number of problems.

Additional factors provoking plaque development:

  1. Negligent attitude to personal hygiene .And specifically the misuse of toothpaste and thread. Experts recommend brushing your teeth after every meal. If this does not work, then at least once a day, preferably in the evening. Such people will not be afraid of raid and further problems.
  2. Smoking cigarettes and tobacco for a long time .The fact is that a large number of resins and chemical reactions form a huge number of stable joints, which can not be removed with a simple thread or brush. To whiten teeth after smoking is quite difficult and in this case it is necessary to consult a specialist.
  3. Use of food that very quickly settles on the surface of the teeth of the .This includes baking, various kinds of chocolate, sweets and other sweets. If you do not want to have problems, then limit the use of such products.
  4. Use of medical preparations based on iron .The fact is that iron is very active substance, which easily settles on the surface of the enamel.
  5. The physiological factor of a person .In general, it is associated with viscous saliva or inadequate secretion of saliva. After all, it is the saliva that helps to clean the oral cavity of microbes and food debris.

The whole rainbow in the mouth

Specialists share the plaque according to the color scheme:

  1. White can be detected after prolonged sleep. Of course, it is very easy to remove such an education, it is enough to use a simple brush and toothpaste. If this is not done, it will cause the formation of an unpleasant odor and a change in taste. In addition, tartar can occur, which is very difficult to remove at home.
  2. Green is formed in adolescents and children. Basically, it can be found on the front teeth of your child. If you look at the structure, you can see that education is related to the activity of chromogenic organisms. They are contained in chlorophyll.
  3. Yellow and brown arises mainly from fans of smoking. The color itself may indicate the intensity of smoking and the shock dose of nicotine. Of course, this kind of education is also found among non-smokers. It also occurs because of the large number of amalgam fillings in the mouth. If a person does business in the sphere of brass, bronze and copper production, then he is also subject to such a problem. As for children, a brown coating is formed on the milk teeth. And then, if during salivation a huge amount of unrestored glands is formed. This element easily reacts with sulfur, which is why a brown color is formed.

What to do if you have yellow teeth and what they get brown:

When progressing, the plaque develops into a tartar, where it is distinguished:

  1. A typical stone appears on the teeth in case the plaque was not removed in time. That is, solidification of food and bacteria remains, which is very harmful. Any plaque begins to harden after two days, and this should always be remembered.
  2. A supraspecific stone can be found on the lower anterior teeth and on the lateral surface of the molars, where the salivary gland duct passes. If hygiene is not respected, the stone may form on those parts of the teeth that are not included in the work during the chewing process. Speaking about the color itself, it can vary from brown to yellow, depending on the effects of nicotine and metals.
  3. A subgingual stone can be detected only at the dentist, during the procedure of sensing. As a rule, it has a green or dark brown color and is located within the gingival groove. It can also be found on root cement and in the periodontal pocket.

Help yourself

There is a huge number of methods for removing plaque. Consider the most popular.

How to get rid of plaque on your teeth at home:

  1. Popular methods - mask based on soda .For its preparation you will need soda itself, a few drops of hydrogen peroxide and a few drops of lemon juice. All this must be mixed to a homogeneous mass and applied in the form of a mask on the surface of the teeth. Hold for several minutes and rinse with plain water. This procedure can be used once a week, since soda greatly affects the tooth enamel.
  2. There follows a rather interesting method. It is based on ashes of simple eggplant .It is necessary to take one eggplant and set it on fire until ash is formed. Next, take a special brush and apply dust to the tooth surface. To enhance the effect, the ash is applied several times a day. It is worth noting that this method very quickly removes plaque and stone.
  3. The use of citrus fruit also helps in getting rid of plaque. For this you need to eat pineapples, oranges, tangerines and lemons every day. The fact is that vitamin C very quickly destroys microbes on the tooth surface. In addition, fruits help to get rid of unpleasant breath and restore metabolic processes in the oral cavity.
  4. The purifier of is used by many folk healers. To make a decoction it will take several spoons of dry grass and one liter of water. All this business should be mixed and boiled over low heat for four hours. Then the liquid is filtered and cooled. You can apply it every day several times.
  5. The method with using black radish became very popular. This vegetable very well relieves asthma, pneumonia, plaque and stone. It's enough just to chew radish during the day and that's it. The solid particles of the vegetable discourage plaque, and the juice corrodes neoplasms.

Professional plaque removal

Folk methods are good, but they can not always give the result that is necessary.

In this regard, many people turn to specialists.

The most commonly used three methods of teeth whitening:

  1. Bleaching Air Flow .The operation of this device is very similar to that of a sandblasting machine. The fact that the surface of the teeth is applied air-water base, which includes soda. All this is fed under high pressure. Small particles very quickly knock out the plaque, polish and do not damage the enamel. This method allows you to get rid of even a stone in a hard-to-reach place.
  2. Next comes ultrasonic cleaning .Under the influence of ultrasound, not only the plaque is removed, but numerous bacteria are destroyed. This method does not affect the surface of the enamel and is absolutely safe for humans. A small special feature is that after applying ultrasound it is necessary to polish the surface of the teeth.
  3. laser bleaching belongs to a rather modern method. It helps to get rid of all kinds of plaque and stone. The method is very safe and does not cause painful sensations. The very principle of operation is based on the evaporation of water. Under the action of the laser, the plaque perishes, without damaging the enamel.

Proper care for the oral surface of the

To protect yourself from these types of problems, the following rules should be observed:

  1. Proper nutrition .This includes fruits, vegetables, dairy products and greens.
  2. Application of high-quality paste and brush .Acquire the brush exclusively from natural fiber and change it every month. The fact is that over time, microbes are formed on it, which develop very rapidly. Some people prefer electric toothbrushes.
  3. You need to get rid of all the bad habits of .Especially it concerns smoking, frequent use of coffee and coffee drinks, sweets and black tea. All these products have a very negative effect on the surface of the tooth enamel.
  4. Every year you should visit the dentist .He will be able to detect unwanted education and remove it in a timely manner.
  • Mar 12, 2018
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