What you need to know about occlusive thrombosis of deep and superficial veins

Occlusive thrombosis is a kind of occlusion of vessels, in which the vein lumen is completely blocked. The onset of the disease is characterized by a blockage of veins in the region of the shin with further spread of the process to the area of ​​the large saphenous vein, in the absence of treatment.

No symptoms at this stage, since venous outflow is not impaired.


  • Risk Factors
  • Characteristic Symptoms
  • Diagnostic Methods and Analysis
  • Therapeutic Action Package
  • Preventive Measures

Risk Factors

The main risk factors for thrombosis development can be conditionally divided into two groups:

  • caused by external causes;
  • cause of which there are genetic mutations, hereditary predisposition.

The cause of occlusive thrombosis( as well as of any other species) is only three. They have their name "Viadhov's triad" and it consists of the following factors:

  1. Slowed blood flow .This cause leads to stagnant processes in the vessels and is most often associated with varicose veins.
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  3. Increased blood clotting .The most often manifested in cancer, liver problems, metabolic disorders.
  4. Modified structure of vein walls .Appears after injuries, injections, surgeries. Also, the cause may be immunoallergic or infectious processes.

In addition, the cause of thrombosis may be chemical or radiation treatment of tumors, taking drugs that affect blood clotting

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The appearance of thrombi often occurs in people who lead a low-activity lifestyle, often travel in different vehicles: by car, airplane, train(traveler's syndrome), and also work at the computer.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms of the disease depend on a variety of factors: the extent of vascular distribution, the stage, type, magnitude of the affected area.

The initial stage is different in that pain begins to occur after touching the affected area. The intensity of sensations can vary depending on the specific case.

Then there is a sudden swelling, which is very quickly increased. If occlusive thrombosis of the large saphenous vein develops, cyanosis of the cutaneous integument of the lower limb can be observed.

If occlusive thrombosis is present in the deep veins of the lower extremities, the symptomatology may appear insignificant, and in some cases the disease is generally asymptomatic.

The disease can manifest itself with chest pain, but if such a sensation appears, it indicates the development of a complex and serious complication - PE.

Other symptoms that are often present in the patient:

  • nocturnal cramps;
  • redness;
  • swelling;
  • heaviness in the legs;
  • fever in the affected area;
  • increased sensitivity in the place of localization of thrombosis, pain when walking, touching.

Occlusive thrombosis is most often localized in the veins located in the tibia with gradual spreading. There is a thrombosis of the deep and superficial veins of the legs. Very rarely the veins of the pelvis are affected.

Diagnostic methods and analyzes

The main task of diagnosis is to determine the location of the thrombus and the extent of its distribution.

The timely detection of the problem guarantees the beginning of timely treatment, which will enable you to recover and avoid serious consequences.

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If the patient has identified at least one of the above symptoms, immediately consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary tests and tests:

  • a general blood test: he will identify the presence of inflammatory processes( increased ESR), increase the concentration of peptides of C-reactive,leukemia, fibrinogen;
  • coagulogram will show the tendency of growth of blood clotting;
  • study of D-Dimer;
  • blood is taken for oncomarkers;
  • duplex scanning - the most common method of investigation, in which a color two-dimensional image is displayed on the screen( it gives an idea of ​​the state of the walls of the vessels, the operation of the valves, the movement of blood);
  • to locate a thrombus in the vein is introduced a contrast agent, then on X-ray visible lesions are seen;
  • is done ultrasound of the limbs;
  • lung examination with X-ray;
  • ECG.

Complex of therapeutic measures

Treatment of occlusive thrombosis is performed conservatively. For 3-5 days is recommended compliance with bed rest. Necessarily, anti-inflammatory drugs and anticoagulants should be prescribed, which will fight with increased blood coagulability:

  • anticoagulants : Heparin, Clopidogrel, Fraksiparin, Warfarin, Clexan, Ticlopidine;
  • Anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal preparations : Olfen, Dicloberte, Melbeck;
  • rheological preparations : Trental, Rheosorbylact, Tivortin, Pentoxifylin;
  • prostaglandin preparations : Alprostan, Vazaprostan, Ipomedin;
  • glucocorticoids : Methylprednezolone.

In combination with taking medications, it is necessary to wear compression underwear, which will significantly improve blood flow.

Thrombolysis is performed - using a catheter, a special substance is inserted into the vein, which dissolves blood clots. In severe forms, surgery to remove blood clots is necessary. Physiotherapy procedures are prescribed.

As a result of timely treatment, the normal patency of the veins is restored after 6 months. If you let it go and run the disease, it is fraught with amputation of limbs as a result of gangrene.

Another outcome of the events is also not rosy, since up to 70% of patients in three years can get disability due to chronic venous insufficiency.

Preventive measures

Prophylaxis is aimed at preventing blood clots, normalizing blood flow, eliminating hypercoagulation. For this, the following methods are used:

  • bandaging with elastic bandages;
  • active lifestyles and regular training;
  • wave pneumatic compression of shins and thighs.
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  • Feb 28, 2018
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