Parents often face the problem of black teeth in children. One must know the causes of this phenomenon and the means of getting rid of it.
Teeth of toddlers deliver parents a lot of problems. In addition to the painful incision, a plaque appears on the teeth, caries and pulpitis occur.
- From speck to black hole
- Lesion of infant teeth
- It all starts with the mother. ..
- How to solve the problem and help the child?
- Ikon - for the health of children's teeth
- It's easier to prevent than to treat
From a speck to a black hole
Changing the color of the teeth is a signal to parents that you need to pay attention to the oral cavity of the child and take care of his hygiene. Teeth of the child can acquire different shades: white, yellow, green, black. Qualitative hygiene measures are quite enough to eliminate white and yellowish color on the teeth of the baby.
Dark plaque affects children's teeth more often due to the peculiarities of the development of their body. In children, because of this feature, saliva is produced less than that of an adult, so it also moistens the baby's mouth, not enough to wash off the remains of food, particles of the epithelium from the surface of the teeth.
Plaque contains a variety of bacteria that contribute to the formation of calculus, inflammation of the gums and the development of caries.
Black teeth in a child cause parents' anxiety, forcing them to go to the dentist.
Lesion of infant teeth
The reasons why children have black teeth are quite a lot:
- Priest .Most often, black color is observed on the milk teeth. The phenomenon is called Priestley plaque and is formed as a result of the activity of bacteria that produce a black pigment covering the teeth. Remove it at home is not possible. In addition, doctors say that this problem is not dangerous, does not lead to caries and is purely aesthetic. During the growth of the child, with the appearance of permanent teeth, the plaque disappears. But there are other causes of blackening of children's teeth.
- The main cause of blackening of baby teeth in children is caries .This disease destroys the hard tissues of the tooth. With , teeth become black in children at the age of two and even earlier. Caries often develops in babies because the enamel of the baby teeth is thin and sensitive. It is easier to damage than the enamel of molars. Damage to the enamel leads to hypoplasia.
- Hypoplasia of infant teeth .This disease is paid little attention, as it is almost invisible, but very quickly complicated by caries and other diseases. With the disease, the thin enamel of the baby's tooth becomes even thinner, making no protection for the damaging effect of harmful microbes that cause caries.
- Features of the saliva of children .The saliva of children under the age of three differs from the saliva of an adult person in that it lacks the active bactericidal properties inherent in the saliva of an adult. As a consequence, pathogenic microorganisms that cause caries are active in the oral cavity. There is a special reason that occurs only in children. This is the composition of saliva, which includes elements that harm the milk teeth. In order to prevent, you should regularly consult a dentist to examine the child.
- Bottle caries. The main condition for the emergence of this dangerous disease should be called unsystematic feeding with sweet juices, tea, milk from a bottle at night. The kid holds a bottle with a sweet liquid for a long time, which causes vigorous reproduction of bacteria in the oral cavity. In addition, it is poorly cleaned, since at night the child produces less saliva. Dentists call dental caries, which, due to these reasons, developed for bottles.
- Other reasons for .The emergence of the disease and contributes to the fact that children do not cope with cleansing the mouth with the help of hygiene procedures. Some mothers, violating the rules of hygiene, lick a baby's dummy or spoon, thereby introducing her bacteria. The darkening of the baby's teeth is affected by the lack of fresh fruits and vegetables in his diet, the saturation of the menu with soft food like mashed potatoes. The harmful effect of reduced humidity. Taking medications containing iron also causes dark teeth.
Everything begins with the mother. ..
A weak immune system helps to blacken the teeth even when the child is not even a year old. If the teeth appear black spots, as soon as they erupted, this means that the cause must be sought in the intrauterine development.
The baby's mother took antibacterial drugs of strong effect, contracted infectious diseases, suffered from a lack of calcium. These factors act destructively at the stage of formation of baby teeth of the baby in the womb of the mother.
The darkening of a child's teeth can be associated with a violation of the digestive function, as well as the infection of the body with parasites or oral infection with a fungal infection.
Caries tooth infects others and causes the onset of tonsillitis, pharyngitis, and sinusitis. Early removal of a sick baby tooth can cause permanent teeth to be cut incorrectly and the dentition will form irregularly. The bite will be broken.
How to solve the problem and help the child?
To get rid of the blackening of the teeth, you need to contact a dentist who will determine the cause of this unpleasant phenomenon and will indicate what should be done for treatment.
The following treatment methods are applied, depending on why the teeth are darkened:
- For the treatment of caries, uses non-injurious methods. These are methods of silvering and fluoridation of a diseased tooth. But apply them when the disease is at an early stage of development, so it is important to visit a doctor in a timely manner. The doctor will advise you to perform silvering of the teeth when caries has just begun to develop. This method consists in coating the enamel with silver nitrate and will not cure the teeth, but will delay the development of the disease. Zubki outwardly will look black, as before the treatment. The procedure is repeated periodically every two months, and for a grown-up child, a more thorough treatment should be carried out.
- With surface carious lesion , the method of scraping patients with tooth tissues and coating the treated surface with glass ionomer cement is used. If the lesion is severe and pain syndrome develops, treatment under general anesthesia is recommended. The operation is performed with the permission of the therapist, cardiologist and neurologist, under the supervision of an anesthesiologist. The method is completely safe, but the cost of conducting an operation in commercial clinics is very high, and in free ones one must wait a long time, sometimes several months.
- With an overabundance of iron in the body, you can reduce its amount in food and your teeth will return to their natural color.
- In the case of calcium deficiency, in the body of a child, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will help to correct the lack of a microelement correctly.
- Dysbacteriosis or fungal diseases as the cause of black teeth in children require primarily treatment of primary diseases.
Icone - for the health of children's teeth
The newest technology on the technology of Icons. It is used to treat caries in the stain. Enamel is cleaned from the plaque and a weak acid is applied to the stain in the form of a gel to remove the surface layer of the enamel.
Then, a flowing polymer is introduced into the affected hearth, which solidifies under the action of the light of a special lamp. Using a polymer that fills the pores of the enamel, a new solid structure is created.
It is easier not to admit, than to treat
. To prevent plaque formation, it is necessary to teach the child to brushing teeth as soon as possible. Experienced dentists recommend to start this procedure already when the baby's teeth appear.
Parents need to stock up with special rubber brushes, which can be put on the finger. Then, very gently massage the baby's gums and clean his teeth. After he turns a year, you can use a special baby paste.
Stop feeding your baby at night with juices and milk from dummies and bottles, giving him ordinary teeth after brushing his teeth. In the baby's menu, you must enter apples, pears, carrots. This rough food, containing fiber, helps to clean the enamel. Trace the level of humidity in the children's room.
Do not try to get rid of it yourself when Priestley attacks. With age, this scurf disappears itself.
Visit your dentist regularly. The first visit is recommended when the child is 9 months old, the next when the child reaches one year, and then - once, every six months.
Attention to milk teeth, timely treatment gives the confidence that the grown up child will have a beautiful white smile.