Overview of the line of oral care products VIVAX Dent

VIVAX Dent( Vivax Dent) is a line of dentifrices and dental tissues, the therapeutic effect of which is explained by the unique peptide complexes entering into their composition.

The creation of the brand for a long time worked scientists of the Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology of the SZO RAMS and the Academy of Scientific Beauty. The VIVAX Dent range includes:

  • tooth pastes, which can be used to treat and prevent diseases of the teeth and gums;
  • medical balms;
  • gel, which has an anti-inflammatory effect.

These drugs are recommended for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the teeth, gums and oral mucosa, such as caries, periodontitis, stomatitis and gingivitis.

Content of

  • content Peptides and other substances of
  • Overview of
  • assortment Advantages confirmed by clinical trials of
  • opinion Price of issue

Peptides and other substances included in

The composition of the Viva's oral care products includes the following peptide complexes:

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  1. Thymus gland peptides( PC-1) , which are a synthetic substitute for thymalin. They promote the healing of wounds, stimulate the function of cells of connective tissue and endothelium, mononuclear phagocytes, colorless blood corpuscles, responsible for the immune reaction of the body. Due to this PC-1 stop inflammation, have antioxidant and antistress effect.
  2. Vessel peptides( PC-7) .They control the metabolism of substances, stimulate the production of proteins in the tissues of the oral cavity and periodontium, improve blood circulation and normalize the auto-oxidation of lipids in them. All this contributes to the rapid healing of inflamed tissues.
  3. Cartilage and bone peptides( PC-12) .They also regulate metabolism and stimulate the production of proteins in the peri-toothed tissues, cartilages and ligaments. They have an antioxidant effect and normalize the auto-oxidation of fats in many tissues of the body, including periodontal, that promote its rapid healing. PK-12 reduces tissue destruction that develops against inflammation and degenerative-dystrophic changes in the periodontal and cartilage of the jaw joints.

In addition to these, Vivax contains the following active substances:

  1. Neovitin is a natural antioxidant derived from ginseng. It stops the inflammatory process, has an antioxidant effect.
  2. Aloe Vera Gel is obtained from the same plant, which grows in dry places of Asia, Africa and America. It looks like jelly in consistency. As active components, it contains saponins - complex organic compounds that can form foam, have a purifying and disinfecting effect. In addition, they suppress the mediator of inflammation bradykinin. In addition to saponins, Aloe-Vera contains thiamin, riboflavin, pyridoxine, ascorbic, folic and nicotinic acids, choline, tocopherol, and β-carotene. They normalize the metabolism of substances in the periodontal tissues and increase their resistance to aggressive environmental factors.
  3. Xylitol is a polyhydric alcohol. It suppresses the growth of streptococci and prevents the appearance of carious cavities.
  4. Betulavit is obtained from birch bark. It has an antioxidant effect and stops inflammation.
  5. Pyrophosphates remove plaque, which is a breeding ground for the propagation of pathogenic bacteria. They also prevent the appearance of caries.
  6. Mummy or mountain oil is a mineral product of natural origin, rich in amino acids, macro- and microelements, waxes, and other compounds. Due to the active substances in its composition, the mummy normalizes the cellular metabolism, promotes the healing of damaged tissues.
  7. Bisabolol is a viscous transparent liquid that is obtained from essential oils of lavender and chamomile. It stops inflammation and irritation, has a calming effect on the tissues.
  8. Seafood concentrate , containing fats, proteins and minerals that contribute to the restoration of enamel.
  9. Hydrated silica or white carbon .Promotes the cleaning of teeth, removes the stone.
  10. Sorbitol has a sweet taste, so it is used as a sweetener. In addition, it has a moisturizing effect.

Overview of the

range The VIVAX Dent range is represented by the following:

  1. Toothpaste with Betulavit .The remedy is recommended for use in inflammatory diseases of the gums, including if they are accompanied by bleeding with .Pasta should be cleaned before and after surgical treatment of diseases of peri-toothed tissues, as well as exacerbation of gingivitis, stomatitis and periodontitis. If you use the product regularly, the active ingredients stop the inflammation and swelling of the oral mucosa, improve the blood supply of the peri-toothed tissues, accelerate their healing, strengthen the enamel, prevent the appearance of caries, remove plaque and freshen breath.
  2. Balm containing the mummy .Use it after brushing your teeth at least 2 times a day for 14 days. It can not be swallowed and needlessly rinsed. It is advised to use gums, periodontal tissues and oral mucosa for inflammation. It stops inflammation, eliminates swelling and bleeding.
  3. Gel with PC and "Neovitin" in addition to anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous action increases local immunity, accelerates the healing of oral tissue, reduces bleeding and normalizes blood circulation. It is recommended to be used for galling, inflammation of the tongue, mucous membrane of the mouth, peri-toothed tissues.
  4. Remineralizing toothpaste and rinse aid Vivax restores enamel, reduces its sensitivity, prevents caries. They are recommended for use if dental hypersensitivity, carious and non-carious lesions are observed( wedge defects, fluorosis, underdevelopment and increased abrasion of the enamel).These tools are advised to use after bleaching, performing orthopedic therapy, after removal of tartar. It is possible to apply to women in the situation and adolescents.
  5. Pasta and balm for the prevention of inflammation .With regular use, they prevent the development of caries, gingivitis, stomatitis and periodontitis, deposition of tartar.

Advantages confirmed by clinical trials

VIVAX Dent oral care products have the following advantages:

  • neutralizes the acid that forms in the oral cavity after eating;
  • prevent and treat periodontal disease;
  • reduce the sensitivity of tooth enamel;
  • eliminates inflammation and bad breath;
  • promote the regeneration of damaged tissues.

These product properties were confirmed by clinical tests conducted in the laboratory of the periodontal center of SPb.

35 people with periodontal diseases participated in them. For 30 days, they applied the anti-inflammatory gel Vivax 3 times a day with a soft toothbrush. They had an improvement in the condition of the peri-toothed tissues compared to the placebo group. The index of hemorrhage in them decreased 3.7 times after a month of using VIVAX Dent products.

Also tests were conducted by the Association of Preventive and Pediatric Dentistry of Ukraine and the Academy of Scientific Beauty.

They proved that after using remineralizing products, the state of oral hygiene improved 1.5 times. The sensitivity of the teeth decreased, the enamel became stronger, the plaque disappeared.

When studying toothpaste and VIVAX balm with cleansing effect, it was found that hygiene of the oral cavity of volunteers improved by 2 times. These remedies effectively removed plaque, especially between the teeth.

During clinical trials of the agents used for exacerbating periodontal disease, it was proved that the state of oral hygiene improved 2.8 times. There was an inflammation and a bleeding.

There is an opinion of

Comments of consumers who tried VIVAX Dent products in practice.

I tried the VIVAX remineralization paste. My enamel is too fragile and there are symptoms of fluorosis. I did not particularly like the taste of pasta, it reminds me of gouache. But the result is very fast: the teeth become smooth and strong.

In addition, the paste does not irritate the gums, does not dry the mucous membrane of the mouth. And the smell is not strong. I also used a balm with the same properties. The taste also did not like, but the teeth became stronger, and the voice is more melodic.

Anastasia, 37

I bought VIVAX paste for prevention and active cleansing. During cleaning, a little foam forms. One tube was enough for 10 weeks. Teeth cleans, but the final result depends on the shade of its enamel.

In combination with the paste used a balm. The taste I really liked, the smell, too. It removes inflammation, cleans from plaque, freshens breath.

Natalia, 25

I had problems with the gums, the dentist advised the means of VIVAX Dent. I bought a series of remedies for inflammation and bleeding gums. I cleaned my teeth in the morning and in the evening, balm rinsed the oral cavity after each meal and for another night I applied the gel on the tampon and applied it to the gums and after 20 minutes I removed it. The result did not keep itself waiting.

Marina, 40

Price of issue

Cost of VIVAX Dent products:

  • prices for remineralization: paste - 390 rubles, balm - 580 rubles;
  • cost of the "prevention and active cleansing" series: paste - 360 rubles, balm -560 rubles;
  • prices for the line used during the exacerbation of periodontal diseases: gel-700 rubles, balm - 660 rubles, paste-430 rubles.

The whole line of Vivax passes the annual certification and has proved to be quite good in cases of teeth and periodontal diseases.

  • Mar 12, 2018
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