I try to select materials for you that would help people who are striving for success, to use every minute of life as effectively as possible.
In today's article, we'll talk about when it's right to wake up in the morning to achieve what you want.
When do you prefer to wake up in the morning?
Here confess honestly: if it were not for an annoying alarm clock signaling that it's time to get ready for work, how much would you get up every morning?
And what time do you get up on the weekend?
We once spoke on this subject with friends, and almost all admitted that if it was not necessary to work by 8.00 or 9.00, then no one would volunteer to wake up at 6 or 7 in the morning.
And the weekend is all considered as an opportunity to sleep off, so try not to get out of bed as long as possible.
Only Oksana, a new girl of one of my friends, whom he brought to our company for the first time, was able to surprise me, saying: "And I always get up at 7 am, whether it's a working day or a day off."
I was even more surprised when I found out that Oksana is a freelancer, that is, she works at home, taking orders as much as she thinks fit.
Wake up in the morning early it makes not a formidable boss or work schedule, but an internal discipline.
To my question "Why?" The girl was genuinely surprised and answered:
"Well, how! If I go to sleep every day until 10.00, and then spend some more time cleaning myself up, browsing the mail, breakfast, etc., my working day will begin no earlier than lunch.
And what can I do in this time?
At the weekend I get up early for the same reason: it's a pity to spend half a day pushing the bed.
I think that there is no such thing as "sleeping off" for people who stick to the normal schedule and go to bed not at night but at 23.00 hours. "
All successful people wake up in the morning no later than 7.00
Oksana, of course, is right in their desire to streamline life and wake up early.
Of course, we all have force majeure, when the rhythm is lost, for example, urgent work, which delayed the computer from the computer until midnight or later return from a business trip, but you will agree that this is not so often.
We ourselves are to blame for the fact that we are sitting late at the computer or near the TV set, and then we sleep before lunch.
With such a rhythm, one simply can not be a successful person.
How to learn to get up early?
Almost all people who have achieved something in life and are not going to stop at their achievements, manage to do a lot of things before 8 am, while you lazily wake up, cursing the alarm clock, and spend an hour and a half to get ready for a hated job.
Here are the morning habits of successful people:
- The creator of Twitter Jack Dorsey gets up every day at half past five in the morning to go for a run of 10 km and meditate.
- Head of Apple Tim Cook gets up even earlier - at half past five, to have time before the start of the working day to deal with business correspondence.
- Famous coach and founder of Virgin Group Richard Branson wakes up at 5.45 and immediately begins to work, and then, after doing part of the work, starts breakfast.
This list can be continued indefinitely. The meaning is still the same: if you are striving for success, then the optimal time for a morning awakening is 6.00.
6 reasons to wake up in the morning at 6.00
The morning clock is most effective for the functioning of the whole organism, including - and your brain.
When you wake up early, you have enough time to organize your emotions, focus on future achievements, calculate the fastest and most effective ways to achieve big and small goals.
If you get up at 9-10 am or 1 hour before you need to go to work, then there will be no time left for it.
You will have enough time to make an action plan for the day.
Having spent 1 hour longer in bed, you still will not sleep off enough, but you will lose precious minutes at such an important stage as drawing up a to-do list.
Do this from the evening is not worth it, because a tired brain is not capable of generating intelligent thoughts.
The morning clock is the most suitable time to start improving your body: to attend training, to do exercises, to go for a run.
Try to reforge yourself to attend the gym in the mornings, and not in the evenings.
Physical loads contribute to the production of endorphins, which means that the charge of hormones received in the morning is enough to feel cheerful all day.
When you wake up early, you will be hungry enough that you want to have breakfast.
And this is one more step on the way to improving the figure and strengthening health.
Doctors do not tire of repeating that breakfast is the most important meal and it can not be missed in any case.
But those who rise 40-60 minutes before leaving the house, just do not have time to get hungry.
you gain an advantage over competitors.
Just imagine, silly Vasya Pupkin, with whom you are fighting for the place of the head of department, drank in two holes, and you have been working for two hours on the presentation or a report for the authorities.
Wake up daily two hours earlier, you get an advantage over it in 10 working hours per week( excluding weekends) and about 200 working hours per month.
Impressive, right?
In the morning( from 6.00 to 8.00) perfectly worked.
I am ready to confirm this personally, because I took the habit in those days that I do not attend the gym, write articles for you in the morning, and not in the evening.
So, in the morning I spend much less time writing an article, rather than in the evening, and the lyrics, as for me, written in the morning, are more interesting.
And when I come home after work, I should not immediately run after the computer to continue working with the site.
I can slowly dine, watch the news, relax, in the end.
I recommend watching a video with an exercise,
, which will help you wake up early:
Just try at least a month to wake up in the morning at 6.00 and you will see how much more you can do on a daily basis.
At first it will be difficult, the bed will beckon you back into your warm embrace, and the alarm clock you really hate.
But then the morning awakenings will become a habit, and you will easily jump out of bed with the certainty that you are one step closer to realizing your dream: to become a successful person.