Cholesterol plaques in blood vessels and arteries: drugs for treatment and diagnostics

An important element of the human body is cholesterol, which is a part of cell membranes, plays an important role in the synthesis of steroid hormones. Its positive role is evident until the formation of atherosclerotic plaques that pollute the walls of the vessels. In this case, it is necessary to clean the vessels of cholesterol.

How to check the vessels

Cholesterol or atherosclerotic plaques are one and the same, the general concept, which in the literature occurs under other names: calcified, fibrous, atheromatous. The latter are more specific terms that reflect a particular stage of the process. The basis of any atherosclerotic plaque becomes cholesterol, which refers to the harmful fraction.

The division of cells in the walls of blood vessels can be impaired if there is insufficient production of hormones. Old cell sites can be broken by a blood stream, then small holes are formed, which will be filled with platelets. This leads to a violation of the integrity of the walls of the vessels, and to the platelets get into the protein shell drops of fat. Cholesterol, which is classified as "harmful", is formed from them. Later, these formations destroy adjacent vascular cells, accumulate calcium. This leads to an increase in size, difficulty in the movement of blood.

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Depending on the place of formation of cholesterol plaques, symptoms will differ. This will determine the area that needs research, for example:

  • atherosclerosis of the heart vessels causes similar symptoms, as in a heart attack( chest pain);
  • atherosclerosis of carotid arteries manifests itself in the form of sudden numbness, weakness in the legs or hands, slurred speech, omission of the facial muscles;
  • atherosclerosis of the veins of the extremities can be manifested by pain when walking.

Before assigning any additional studies, the physician will try to determine the need for them for the following symptoms during the examination:

  1. Below narrowing of the artery there will be a weak pulse or none at all.
  2. The affected limb will have low blood pressure.
  3. With the help of a stethoscope, you can hear noises in the area of ​​narrowing of the artery.
  4. In places where blood flow is limited, poor wound healing is observed.

All these preliminary studies for confirmation should be the basis for the designation of further tests, diagnostic tests, for example:

  1. Blood test. With its help, it is possible to determine an elevated level of cholesterol, sugar, which increases the risk of atherosclerotic plaques.
  2. Electrical heart signals during ECG removal can help determine a heart attack caused by narrowing of the artery on the ground of atherosclerotic plaques. For a more accurate picture, you need to create a load.
  3. An extended assessment of the circulatory system, the presence of narrowing of the artery can be obtained with the help of a cardiovisor.
  4. Some deviations can only be determined during stress testing. It will give more information about the health of the cardiovascular system of the patient.
  5. Ultrasonic dopplerography helps to measure blood pressure at different sites along the legs and hands, to determine the sites of formation of atherosclerotic plaques.
  6. A comparative analysis of the level of blood flow in the shoulder and ankle area helps to obtain an ankle-brachial index.
  7. Angiography, cardiac catheterization help detect blockage, narrowing of the coronary arteries.
  8. Other tests. Sometimes a computerized tomography, magnetic resonance angiography is prescribed. They help to determine the narrowing of large arteries, the deposition of calcium on their walls, aneurysms.

Cleaning the blood vessels from cholesterol plaques at home

You can get rid of plaques in the vessels using traditional medicine recipes or medicines. Apply funds for the prevention of the disease in cases when there is an increased level of cholesterol. You should also follow a diet that will help reduce the likelihood of the formation of cholesterol plaques, because it will be much harder to cure the formed thrombi and blockages.

With folk remedies

The most popular folk remedy is garlic for cleaning blood vessels. This product has antisclerotic properties. Garlic effectively cleans vessels, removes cholesterol plaques, excess salt, virus, microbes. The product contains adenosine, which prevents the increase in blood clotting, normalizing the number of platelets. A well-established Tibetan tincture recipe, which increases the elasticity of blood vessels, cleanses blood, dissolves atherosclerotic plaques.

Tincture of garlic, lemon and honey

3 times a day, the vessels are cleaned garlic and lemon 100 g of anti-atherosclerotic plaques. Preparation:

  1. To do this, take 4 lemons, without peeling them from the peel, pass through the meat grinder.
  2. Do the same with 4 heads of garlic.
  3. Mix and put the ingredients in a jar with warm boiled water.
  4. Insist an agent against atherosclerotic plaques need 3 days, then strain, put in the refrigerator.
  5. Calculated treatment for 40 days, you need to drink about 4 cans of garlic tincture.
  6. Repeat the course of cleansing from cholesterol and plaques no more than 1 time per year.


In order to clean the vessels, strengthen them, protect them from atherosclerotic plaques, you can use the popular Tibetan recipe. To prepare the product you will need birch buds, chamomile medicinal, immortelle and ordinary St. John's wort, each 100 g. All this must be crushed, poured into a container and closed with a lid. Preparation of the agent for cleaning the vessels from atherosclerotic plaques is as follows:

  1. Take 1 tbsp.l. Collect and pour 500 ml of boiling water.
  2. Insist for 20 minutes, then strain the liquid.
  3. Add a teaspoon of honey to it. Drink at bedtime 250 ml.
  4. Heat the rest in the morning and add 2 teaspoons of honey.
  5. Use infusion for cleaning the vessels before meals for 20 minutes.

You need to drink the medicine until the harvest of herbs is finished. Carry out such cleaning of vessels can be time in 5 years. Tincture is aimed at strengthening the vessels, cleans them of fatty, limestone deposits, normalization of metabolism. The product is excellent for preventing the development of atherosclerotic plaques, hypertension, and other diseases of the vascular system.


The purpose of drug treatment, regimens for the reception and dosage of funds should be exclusively by the attending physician after the necessary analyzes and assessment of the patient's condition. Self-treatment of atherosclerosis can lead to unpleasant consequences, complicating the disease. Below are the groups of drugs that are recognized by medicine as effective agents for the treatment of atherosclerotic plaques:

  1. Statins. The most popular are Lovastatin and Simvastatin. Tablets are aimed at inhibiting the formation of cholesterol in cells, preventing the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.
  2. Fibrates. Among the drugs are Ciprofibrate, Fenofibrate, Gemfibrozil. Their action is aimed at reducing the concentration of cholesterol in the blood by accelerating the work of enzymes that break down fats. Sequestration of bile acids. There are drugs Kolestyramin, Kolestypol, which suck bile acids from the digestive tract, which reduces the level of cholesterol.

One of the modern ways to reduce cholesterol in the blood, prevention, removal of atherosclerotic plaques - extracorporal hemocorrection. The essence of the method in the collection of venous blood in a patient, the purification of its substances, which provoke the formation of plaques, excess cholesterol. To do this, use a special filter and plasma in a volume of 200-400 ml. The filtered blood is again poured into the patient by means of a dropper. It passes through the vessels, cleaning them from plaques. The procedure lasts about 10 sessions.

Vascular cleaning products

Often cholesterol plaques result from malnutrition. People who are prone to this disease, must comply with the diet. Part of the harmful cholesterol can come with food. There are several types of effective diets for lowering cholesterol: low-fat, Mediterranean, non-carbohydrate. They all consist of products that help prevent the development of atherosclerosis.

Useful products


Fruit, fresh berries, walnut. Sweet cakes, cakes.

Eggs( no more than 4 per day).If you separate the yolk, then the protein is unlimited.

Munch on milk.

Chicken, fish without skin, lamb. Cook in boiled, baked form.

Spicy, smoked products.

Milk, sour-milk products with fat content not exceeding 1.5%.Spinach, sorrel. Wheat cereals, oatmeal, buckwheat. Cooking on the water.

Coffee, what, strong tea, hot chocolate.

Herbal, green tea.

Bakery products with soft wheat varieties.

Bakery products with hard wheat varieties.

Sugar dried fruits.


Radish, radish.

Dry red wine.

Drinks with alcohol content.


Vascular cleansing operation from atherosclerotic plaques

In certain cases, a surgical procedure called endarterectomy is prescribed for the purification of vessels from atherosclerotic plaques. The aim of the procedure is to restore the normal flow of the artery, the vein that struck atherosclerosis. The essence of the operation is to conduct a direct removal of the plaque from the affected vessel, which narrows it, making it difficult to flow.

The main reason for cleaning vessels surgically is narrowing the lumen of the carotid artery or the arteries of the brain. This pathology causes transient ischemic attacks, internal organs damage, cerebral ischemia, discirculatory encephalopathy. It is impossible in this way to remove atherosclerotic plaques for people with Alzheimer's disease, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, congestive heart failure.

A variant of the procedure for the removal of atherosclerotic plaques using a laser is gaining popularity. It became the technological development of a standard operation, but instead of a balloon a special laser sensor is used. With this manipulation, not only the narrowing of the vessels is effectively treated, but also the blockage. Use such treatment for dangerous areas( for example, on the neck) and in the operation of the limbs.

Video about methods of cleaning the brain vessels from deposits

  • Mar 12, 2018
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