It is better to take timely preventive measures against a disease such as varicose veins than to treat its chronic form.
At the initial stage of the disease, vascular asterisks appear, puffiness occurs in the morning hours;there is a burning sensation, a feeling of raspiraniya in calves.
In such a situation, as a preventive tool, experts recommend a short and easy run, but before starting training, you should check the vessels with duplex scanning. This will determine the absence of reverse blood flow and the correct operation of venous valves.
In stages 2 and 3 of the disease, there is pain, severe swelling, protruding venous nodules and nocturnal cramps. In this case, running will adversely and sharply reflect on the state of health and condition of the patient's vessels. During training, there is a strong flow of blood, with which the vessels can not cope.
When jogging, the majority of muscles work, so ventilation is carried out, the removal of toxins and the supply of blood oxygen. But along with this, the load on the lower limbs sharply increases.
The situation is ambiguous and depends on many factors, so many patients are trying to determine whether it is possible to run with varicose veins, when it will be useful, and when harmful.
Do not forget that with the development of varicose veins and damaged intravenous valves, it should be especially responsible to choose the physical exertion so that complications do not appear.
It is possible, if carefully
With varicose veins, the presence of severe pain and discomfort should avoid high loads, including running.
It is better to do swimming or walking, which will help to stay in shape without aggravating symptoms.
But in the absence of symptoms and complaints, you can run when you follow certain rules.
There are many points of view of doctors about the relationship of running with varicose extension. Some experts argue that running benefits, strengthening the muscles and veins of the legs. But there is an opinion about the deterioration of the legs under physical stress.
In general, it is recommended to run on the measure on a soft surface in the right shoes. When running on asphalt roads, the pressure on the veins will be high, they will expand more, deliver discomfort and pain.
It is necessary to dose the load. During running, activation of the muscular-venous pump is observed and when the calves are reduced, the blood is pushed upward. This mechanism also occurs when walking, which is why phlebologists recommend walking more.
Possible negative
Rarely doctors completely prohibit running. These cases include serious disruption of the valvular apparatus in deep veins. This is mainly due to complications of infections( after hepatitis, intravenous drug use), severe hip injuries.
Also to contraindications include pain, swelling of the muscles and dilated veins. Running will be dangerous in thrombophlebitis, as a thrombus can come off in deep and superficial veins.
With the movement of blood vessels, a thrombus can lead to clogging of the bloodstream with further amputation of the limb or fatal outcome. The most dangerous is a blockage of the pulmonary artery.
It is also forbidden to run for long distances, intensive exercises, which even at short distances lead to a strong inflow of blood and active muscle work. The venous system does not cope with the incoming volumes of lymph and blood, because of which there is a large overload of the valves.
Important points that take into account when running
There are several nuances that need to be considered before you start running:
- should consult a phlebologist;
- carefully choose the jogging place;
- to use high-quality footwear, which will not cause discomfort in the feet and legs;
- before you run, you should get rid of excess weight;
- should be handled regularly with a gradual increase in load;
- should be drunk during training, because slag is removed from the body during the exercises. In the absence of replenishment of water reserves, the blood begins to thicken, because of what a blood clot appears and breaks off;
- can not run for long distances.
It is important to take into account the fact that running is adversely affected by "sock".And running "from the heel" reduces the manifestations of varicose veins. This effect is associated with the in that during the running from the heel the full amplitude of the movements of the gastrocnemius muscle is realized, the effect of the pump is provided. In the second case there is no contraction of the gastrocnemius muscle in full amplitude.
On a run it is necessary to wear compression tights or golfs of 1 or 2 compression class, so that the blood moves upward, veins are maintained in the area of maximum pressure on them.
After jogging, you should do an exercise scissors, a bicycle or just lie with your legs up. Training is desirable to complete the stretching of the legs, which will help remove excess tension in the muscles. After classes, take a contrast shower.
Use of other aerobic loads
Useful for varicose walking for a long time in the evening. For maximum effect, running can be combined with other sports activities. These include yoga, oriental dances and aqua aerobics.
It is not necessary to swim if the patient does not know how. It is enough for him to stand in the water to reduce venous stress. During yoga, you do not need to choose exercises with strong muscle tension.
It is advisable to abandon fitness with steppes, classical exercises at the machine, martial arts, African and Irish dances, training should avoid static loads.
With varicose expansion, the following loads will be dangerous:
- sharp sports activities( loads need to be increased step by step);
- bench presses, squats, bar lifts or weights in standing position. For pumping the muscles of the hands it is better to take the lying position;
- as a result of jumping and stepping you can injure veins due to stressful loads;
- to contraindications include basketball, football and various types of wrestling.
Reinforced workouts should be replaced with easy dance programs. Their clear rhythms will improve coordination of movements, contribute to the preservation of a good body shape. Pilates classes will also be useful. If possible, you can visit the masseur, as special manipulations will promote the outflow of blood.
With varicose veins, many patients ask if they can run at the same time. But they must remember that you should consult a doctor beforehand.
It is important to choose the pace of training at a certain level of endurance. Periodic jogging at a moderate pace will help in slowing down the development of lower limb diseases.