Products in summer heat

We are all looking forward to summer, but with him comes to us to visit and his other companion - the heat. Unfortunately, together with physical inconveniences, this integral component of summer conceals the danger of food poisoning. During this period, it's time to think about the quality of food. After all, the risk of food poisoning during this period increases many times, because the heat creates favorable conditions for the propagation of dangerous microorganisms, and food products serve as an excellent medium for them.

Symptoms of heat exposure on products

So, in the heat, products spoil much faster than in cool weather. Here are the main signs that should alert you:

  • The color of the products changes: the egg becomes turbid, the meat acquires an unpleasant greenish tinge, the vegetables begin to darken - the decay process has begun.
  • Unpleasant odor. All products, especially meat, eggs, when spoiled, produce an unpleasant smell of decomposition.
  • You somehow do not like the taste of the product, even if the look and smell is not a concern. This means that the body itself gives you a signal that there is no this product.
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  • Pay attention to the structure and consistency of the product, any changes should be alerted. Signs of spoilage - loose structure of meat, egg "dangles", vegetables have become soft.

Storage and transportation of products in the heat of

To even keep the products warm for as long as possible, follow these rules:

  • Milk, sold in stores, passes pasteurization, this procedure excludes the presence of bacteria in the product. But even at the same time it can be stored no more than three days, and in open form 24 hours. Boiling kills microbes and prolongs the shelf life of milk. At home it is better to keep milk in a refrigerator in a glass container. Damaged dairy products are a source of increased danger, at the slightest doubt in quality it is necessary to subject them to heat treatment or completely to refuse to use.
  • To protect meat products from damage, you need to pack them in food parchment. It is an eco-friendly material, does not emit harmful substances into the atmosphere during combustion. Parchment preserves the freshness of sausages and meat delicacies, does not allow products to suffocate, absorbing excess fat and moisture.
  • Large pieces of meat are stored longer than cut into small pieces.
  • Meat, separated from bones, is stored longer, because the bone is the conductor of microbes and bacteria.
  • Do not store raw and thermally processed meat in close proximity, otherwise both will be spoiled.
  • Do not eat up food left over from a picnic. A long stay in the sun makes them more dangerous than ever.
  • In order to keep the eggs longer, you need to wrap each one with a cloth dampened in a solution of acetic acid.
  • Butter spoils and melts right before your eyes. To preserve the oil longer, it is necessary to wrap it in parchment and place it in cold salted water.
  • Heat has a very negative effect on vegetables. Salad, spinach, dill and other greens in the heat quickly fade, while losing their taste and vitamins. To conserve greens, keep it in cold salt water. In the same way you can store zucchini.
  • To save food from heat, you can use the thermal pack. It will keep the temperature of the chilled foods for two hours. You can strengthen the properties of the thermo package by placing a frozen bottle of ice in it. For long trips in hot weather, you can use a refrigerator bag.

Heat has a very negative effect on the quality of food, they are a favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. In no event should you buy food on shelves that are not equipped with refrigeration equipment. Perishable products should be selected especially scrupulously. When buying, be sure to look at the production date, time and storage conditions. If the product is spoiled, do not hesitate to take it back to the store.

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  • Mar 12, 2018
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