Many people, especially smokers and drinkers, face such a problem as varicose veins.
In this disease, abnormal enlargement and sinuosity of superficial and deep veins are observed, especially often varicose develops in the region of the lower extremities.
There are different reasons for the occurrence of varicose veins, and smoking factors also apply to the risk factors for this unpleasant disease of veins.
Effect of nicotine on vessels
Smoking negatively affects virtually all body systems. This is a well-known fact. Systematic use of nicotine can literally destroy even the strongest and healthy blood vessels.
In the case of already diagnosed varicose veins, smoking will contribute to narrowing and calcification of blood vessels.
Everything depends on the neglect of the disease. At the initial stage of the disease, nicotine has virtually no effect on the course of varicose veins. But the doctor still recommends to give up this bad habit. If the patient has a chronic stage or diagnosis was carried out late, one of the first points on the road to recovery will be a complete refusal to smoke and taking alcoholic beverages.
The vascular wall with daily use of nicotine begins to lose its strength and elasticity. In heavy smokers, the skin color becomes earthy, the hair is dry, and the hands are cold. The main reason for this state of the body is a lack of nutrition in the tissues.
In order for the general health to be normal, the vessels should work without interruption and ensure the transport of healthy, oxygen-enriched blood to all organs and tissues.
In addition to nicotine, there are other factors that aggravate the course of varicose veins:
- use of hormonal drugs;
- obesity;
- heredity;
- sedentary work or lack of sport in the way of life.
It should be remembered that if the process is already started and varicose rapidly develops, and there is no treatment, then smoking can promote the appearance of blood clots on the legs. To avoid serious consequences, you need to abandon nicotine. This will be an important step on the road to health.
Smoking - damaging the veins. .. and not only
There are different forms of nicotine use. These are cigarettes, tobacco, hookah, cigars. And all of them negatively affect the vessels and their walls.
Smoking contributes to the development of the following diseases:
- atherosclerosis;
- stroke;
- infarction;
- arterial hypertension;
- oncology;
- high pressure;
- aortic rupture and others.
Most smokers who suffer from the above pathologies, as well as high cholesterol levels in blood and high blood pressure, deteriorate the quality of life and shorten its duration.
The lack of oxygen adversely affects the entire body, including significantly accelerating the development of varicose veins.
In case of impaired circulation, the temperature of the skin of the hands and feet is reduced. The upper limbs still receive oxygen and blood, because they constantly move. In the legs, there is a constant venous blood stagnation, especially noticeable with sedentary work.
In addition to smoking, other factors worsen the situation. This is a tight and uncomfortable shoes, tight and tight clothes, a long time at the computer or driving.
The stagnation of blood in the lower limbs is a problem of the twenty-first century. And varicose, exacerbated by smoking, can lead to serious complications, up to amputation of the limb.
Often the result of the dependence on nicotine is the atherosclerotic lesion of the vessels of the lower limbs.
Nicotine helps increase blood clotting, and this can lead to clogging of the lumen in the vessels. In the future, thrombi can be fatal, after they break away in the heart, lungs or brain.
Influence of tobacco on the development of couperose
Couperosis is a disease in which on the wings of the nose and cheeks appear vascular asterisks and mesh capillaries, ugly looking and pretty spoiling the appearance.
Until the capillaries are healthy, they can narrow or expand as needed. With couperose, this possibility is lost. When the vascular function is disturbed, the capillary under the pressure of the blood expands more than normal, and can not narrow back again.
Smoking negatively affects the performance of the entire cardiovascular system. And the capillaries suffer from nicotine not least. already spasms all the blood vessels after the first cigarette lingering. Large vessels have a large lumen, so initially negative impact on them is reflected less. But the fine capillary grid suffers significantly, and it, by the way, covers all tissues and includes 80% of the entire circulatory system.
We are so arranged that the skin is nourished by small capillaries. When smoking these thin vessels are constantly spasmodic. To save the situation, the brain gives a signal for their expansion. Every year, the resources of the muscular wall are depleted and couperose is formed.
A combination of a cigarette with coffee, speeds up this process. And by the age of forty, lovers of smoke have wrinkles, a dull complexion and a permanent capillary net.
The sight, to put it mildly, is not the most pleasant. Therefore, it is better to think about yourself beforehand and take care of your health.
Electronic cigarettes - the way out or not?
Is it possible to call an electronic cigarette a safe alternative to nicotine? Any good specialist will answer that no. Although the producers will insist that there is no danger. But accurate studies that would prove that the electronic cigarette is safe for health, was not conducted.
Can electronic cigarettes and are less safe than normal. But it's still worse than quitting smoking completely. And it is not known what is included in the composition of the liquid. The principle of their work is different, in liquids for smoking contains a different amount of nicotine, carcinogens and toxic substances. Therefore, you should not deceive yourself.
The alternative is only one - a complete rejection of nicotine. Everyone chooses whether to continue to poison himself and live with such diseases as varicose veins, thrombosis, atherosclerosis or couperose, or to breathe full chest.
Only a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and rejection of bad habits will help get rid of many diseases, strengthen health and live for many years.