Neoplasm or the origin of life

Regular appearance in a gynecologist is one of the indispensable conditions for maintaining a woman's health. But sometimes with anxious changes in health and a visit to the doctor does not bring clarity. Sometimes women have to wonder: is it possible to confuse a cyst with pregnancy? After all, in the reproductive age, both are likely. And although, it would seem, confusion is impossible, there are cases when the illness was taken for pregnancy, and vice versa.

Signs of cyst

In young women, cysts in most cases are functional. Some of them disappear themselves, others stay for a long time, develop. These neoplasms are also endometrioid and dermoid, from them observation and expectation can not be eliminated. And their development in the absence of treatment is inevitable. And yet, not knowing that she has a cyst, the woman feels:

  • pains and heaviness in the abdomen, sensation of raspiraniya;
  • general malaise, weakness;
  • nausea, sometimes leading to vomiting;
  • discomfort during sex;
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  • an increasing need to urinate more often;
  • problems in the work of the intestines, manifested by constipation or diarrhea.

One of the signs of the presence of ovarian cysts are violations of menstrual function. With the growth of neoplasm, there is a delay. At one perfect moment, instead of monthly, spotting is found. The cyst prevents the correct operation of the ovary, that is, the exit of the reproductive cell, the subsequent formation of the yellow body. This also violates the quantitative presence of hormones. Changes in the equilibrium of substances can cause other, not quite typical for cyst manifestations:

  • pressure jumps;
  • increased skin greasiness;
  • increase in body weight.

But how does it happen that they mixed the ovarian cyst with pregnancy? After all, the first is localized on the sex gland, and the future child develops in the uterus.

Signs of pregnancy

Signs indicative of the imminent appearance of a new person are quite numerous:

Sign Why it happens
Increase in basal temperature Its growth provides the initial conditions for the development of pregnancy.
Delayed menstruation Uterine endometrium is needed to fasten the fetus, to form and maintain tissue enabling its development.
Nausea, occasionally accompanied by vomiting Changes in the balance of hormones lead to the initial rejection of the body of the embryo, as well as new substances that appear with its appearance.
Spotlight from the vagina They can be single or appear more than once. In the first case, this is explained by the process of embryo implantation, in which the mucosal vessels are destroyed. Allocations may appear several times with a deficiency of progesterone, when a certain number of endometrial cells exfoliate and exit.
Mood changes, moods, despondency, or irritability All of these are signs due to a change in the hormonal background. They can cause constant fatigue, a desire to sleep.
Severity and some discomfort in the abdomen, someone has soreness This is a temporary sensation caused by the presence of a tiny fetus, an increase in the uterus and hormonal changes.
Otherwise, the working bladder and intestine A woman is forced to "run around like a baby" more often. The changed work of digestion, the new composition of hormones provoke constipation or diarrhea.

If we compare the verbal description of the signs of new life in the body and the growth of growth on the ovary, it does not seem to be surprising that someone has been confused with a cyst with pregnancy. In addition, expectant mothers, like women with this pathology, can deteriorate the skin, increase pressure, begin to grow weight.

But the similarity of attributes is not the only reason why confusion is possible. On the basis of only a questioning of the patient, the diagnosis is not made. But if you suspect one of the changes in the reproductive system, ultrasound is always prescribed. But even after it, in some cases, the ambiguity or even the substitution of diagnoses remain.

Why is it possible to mix up

Is it possible to confuse the ovarian cyst with pregnancy, despite the use of ultrasound, the question is not idle, because such cases are known. There are subjective and objective reasons for the phenomenon:

  • Uterus in both states is enlarged, and the endometrium is thickened. For pregnancy, this is natural, because the body is preparing to bear fruit. Hormones create conditions for a long gestation process. The cyst itself changes the composition of substances or arises against the background of a disorder in this area. Therefore, on ultrasound it can be seen as edematic, spherical, in size corresponding to several weeks of pregnancy.
  • If the level of hCG in the blood of the mother is at the lower limit of acceptable values, then the fetal egg is not visualized. Even ultrasound with the help of a vaginal sensor does not help. But the enlarged ovary, from which the female reproductive cell, which was soon impregnated, can be taken for a cyst.
  • Neoplasms are also not clearly visible. Especially often it happens with the dermoid type of cysts. A thickened endometrium and edematous uterus falsely indicate pregnancy.
  • Insufficient specialist qualification and poor-quality equipment. Recently, both are found more often. Therefore, it should not be doubted whether it is possible to confuse the ovarian cyst with pregnancy.
  • One of the reasons for the appearance of the tumor is inflammation. It also causes an increase in BT.And if a woman watches her, she will find a sign, but will regard him incorrectly, having accepted a cyst for her dream come true soon to become a mother.

We recommend reading an article on the ovarian cyst. From it you will learn about the types of formations, features of cysts on the right and left ovaries, possible complications and consequences of damage to the neoplasm.

The growing number of gynecological obstructing pregnancies, their "rejuvenation", the forced postponement of maternity due to the need to make a career have become commonplace. And this leaves no doubt whether it is possible to confuse the cyst with the future replenishment in the family. Pathology is more common. But it also happens on the contrary: the "cyst" turns out to be a pregnancy. Therefore, it is important not to fall into despair, but more carefully and comprehensively surveyed.

  • Mar 13, 2018
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