Treat similar - the main principle of homeopathy. It is these medicines that have been helping people for many centuries to get rid of their troubles. Homeopathy is used at monthly, having pathological character, for example, for elimination of a painful syndrome or restoration of a menstrual cycle. Choose a remedy better with an experienced homeopathic doctor. When and how can a woman's body be helped with this kind of alternative medicine?
- 1 Causes pain
- 1.1 inflammatory processes in the pelvic area
- 1.2 Endometriosis
- 1.3 ovarian cysts
- 1.4 Adhesive process
- 1.5 pelvic neuritis
- 1.6 Anomalies of the genital organs, and especially their location
- 2 Ways to help the body for pain
- 3 Homeopathy and painful periods
- 4 Recovery tools for the cycle
Causes of pain
Pain during menstruation disturbs every fourth woman in the reproductive periodYes. It is often difficult to identify the cause of such conditions, since they can be of a functional nature.
For example, during periods in menses, an excessive amount of prostaglandins can be released. As a result, the uterus is excessively contracted, which leads to a pain syndrome.It should also be borne in mind that due to the peculiarities of the neuropsychological state of the nervous system, a woman's pain threshold may be lowered. Then even a slight discomfort is perceived as an "eerie state".In any case, the approach should be individual.
Inflammatory processes in the pelvic area
During menstruation, all infectious pathologies of the genital organs exacerbate, this is facilitated by a slight decrease in immunity these days. In the presence of an inflammatory process of a specific or other nature, its activation leads to pain syndrome. In this case, the effect of homeopathic medicines will be minimal. To exclude this particular factor, it is enough to pass the examination from a gynecologist and hand over swabs, PCR or ELISA.
This is one of the most common causes of pain, both during menstruation, in advanced cases, and on any other day of the cycle. The complexity of this disease is that there are no reliable non-invasive methods for its confirmation and detection. Optimal solution - laparoscopy, during which it is possible to detect foci and carry out their removal.
Ovarian cyst
Drawing and aching pain, more often on the right or left, are characteristic for ovarian cysts. And with a pronounced syndrome( acute attacks), you should immediately seek medical help, as there is a rupture and torsion of the legs of such formations. In this situation, you can cause monthly homeopathy and contribute to reducing or even disappearing cysts.
Adhesive process
After the surgical interventions, as well as as a result of the inflammatory process, spikes in different amounts can be formed in the small pelvis. Sometimes even after removal of appendicitis pain can be given to the area of the uterus and ovaries. The spikes do not hurt themselves, but they can stretch and deform the peritoneal sheets( they cover the internal organs and the walls of the abdomen), and it has a high sensitivity.
Pelvic neuritis
In spinal osteochondrosis, intervertebral nerves can be infringed. If this happens in the area of the sacrum and waist, the pain can be very similar to the pathology of the genitals.
Even with the usual gynecological examination, it is often possible to easily distinguish the manifestations of these ailments. In the case of pelvic neuritis, treatment should be performed with a neurologist or a chiropractor.
Anomalies in the development of the genital organs and the peculiarities of their location
Sometimes a woman does not even suspect about the developmental anomalies that she has. This can be the case in the case of an abnormal arrangement of the genital organs, as well as in the pathology of their structure( bicorn or uterine septum, sharp bending posteriorly or anteriorly, etc.).In this case, during the contraction of the uterus at monthly, also at sexual contacts, there can be discomfort and varying degrees of pain.
These are the main causes that cause discomfort in the lower abdomen during menstruation in women. The full list includes dozens of pathologies. To establish a true problem it is possible only full inspection at experts. Correctly selected homeopathy for painful periods and disorders of the cycle can help in most cases, the main thing is to believe in this treatment.
Look at the video about painful monthly
Ways to help the body with pain
In each specific case, there is the most effective treatment. The most commonly used methods and groups of drugs:
- You can try to apply heat to the area of the sacrum or the lower abdomen. Sometimes hot shower also helps, the jet is then preferably directed to the troubling area. But the fact is that intense heat can cause some increase in the amount of secretions, sometimes up to bleeding. Various patches give a similar effect for the anesthesia of menstruation, for example, Frauplast. Apply it to the area above the bosom or the sacrum. This thermal patch for 20 minutes heats up to 50 - 60 degrees. Rectal suppository with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. However, one should be warned that they can irritate the rectal mucosa, causing a loose stool. In the form of candles, you can use various drugs - indomethacin, ketoprofen( ketonal and others), diclofenac and the like. If one type of medicine has not helped, there is a chance that the pain will be removed by another.
- Painkillers, anti-inflammatory, spasmolytic tablets. Sometimes the pain removes and tsitramon or analgin, and in other cases only strong NSAIDs, for example, ketones and others. The effectiveness of drugs also depends on the method of their entry into the body: injection forms are more preferable for severe pain.
- You can also fight with such unpleasant conditions by taking contraceptives. They are especially good at endometriosis. The choice of the drug is for the doctor. More often preference is given to mini-pili with a histogenic component. They have a minimum of side effect and the most significant result.
Homeopathy and painful monthly
Homeopathic treatment involves the use of selected groups of substances. But today on sale there are ready preparations at those or other illnesses. So, when painful menstruation uses dysmenorm and mulemen. They include a large number of different drugs, they are used to treat many pathological gynecological conditions.
In the treatment of menstrual pain, the following medicines are used most often:
Medication | Recommendations |
Belladonna | Used for the following characteristic of pain: acute and sudden, more to the right, a feeling of pulsation in the pelvic region, a feeling of fullness and heaviness in the lower abdomen, as if the uterus "fall" under the action of this force. Allocations with this often with clots, bright color. Effective this homeopathy with copious monthly, accompanied by severe discomfort. |
Cactus grandiflora | It is used for severe attacks of pain. At the same time, there is a feeling that someone has pulled off a tight belt around the abdomen. Often a woman even screams for pain. Monthly with clots or small lumps. |
Hamomila( chamomile) | It is used when a woman observes that the pains are similar to the birth pains. Also, the discharge is abundant, dark. Often disturbed by a disorder of stool. |
TSimitsifuga | Saves, if the pain is localized more in the lower back, as during the labor in women. Also disturbing unpleasant sensations in the sacrum. Menstrual blood can be very thick. This homeopathy is effective in case of scanty menstruation, which have a duration of more than 7 days. |
Lacheuse( snake Bushmeister) | It is used when pains are characteristic more on the eve of menstruation, and during critical days they gradually pass. Herewith, her left-sided localization is noted. |
Magnesium hydrophosphate | It is used when there is pain in the first day of menstruation. Blood is secreted in a dark color, and in the stomach there is a sensation, like after a stroke. |
Chibibuha emetic | Helps when pain sensations do not have a clear localization and spread throughout the body. Often, while during an attack, a woman feels a urge to stool. Monthly are characterized by a special duration. |
Recovery tools for the cycle
In most cases, menstrual irregularity occurs with ovarian dysfunction. Homeopathy with a delay in menstruation can also be effective, but first you must exclude pregnancy. It should be taken into account that drugs should be taken regularly to restore normal menstrual function.
The most popular and effective are the following:
- Cyclodinone. The action of the drug is based on the regulation of the formation of prolactin. It plays an important role in establishing the balance of estrogens and gestagens.
- Menomnor and feminus are indicated for menstrual irregularities in women in the premenopausal period. The composition of the complexes is selected in such a way that the drugs laconically affect the work of the central nervous system in regulating the production of sex hormones, restoring their proper secretion.
- The dysmenorm contains bee products in its composition, so it should be used with caution by women with increased sensitivity to such components. The drug is shown for functional disorders of men with acyclic bleeding prevalence.
- Gromel contains about ten varieties of active homeopathic substances. Used for dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, various irregular spotting and bleeding. Regular reception of Gomel also helps to reduce the pain syndrome.
- The remedy is used to treat disorders in young women, as well as during menopause. He normalizes the work in the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal-ovary system. Also helps to reduce the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome. Remens normalizes the second phase of the cycle and has an antiandrogenic effect.
We recommend to read an article about the violation of the menstrual cycle. From it you will learn about the deviation from the norm, the causes of the cycle, possible diseases and treatment.
Homeopathic remedies, correctly selected and taken regularly, are largely able to normalize a woman's menstrual function. Ideally, if the appropriate medicines are selected by a homeopath physician after detailed inquiry and visual examination of the patient. But success in treatment is not always achieved in this way, especially in the presence of organic, rather than functional disorders. Homeopathy, which causes a monthly or pain-relieving syndrome, is much more effective in complex treatment.